Selection of Standardized Test for Children and Adolescents who have Autism


Applied Behavior Analysis is an intervention that assists children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. My career goal is to become a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. The following tests are what I will review will be under the category of Behavior. There are several testing methods that are applied for children and adolescents who have Autism. They are the following: Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS), Gilliam Autism Rating Scale -Third Edition (GARS-3) and Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder). I will now research and review these three types of testing methods that are applied.

Element 1

“Define the purpose for testing, the content and skills to be tested, and the intended test takers” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #1).

The Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS) according to is Goldstein & Naglieri (2010) is designed for the children and the adolescents who range between the age of 2 through 18. This measures the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder and the Asperger’s development that exists in children today.

This test is conceded of various diagnostic scales which are the self-regulation, total score, unusual behaviors and the social/communication skills that an individual may lack.

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These scales are then incorporated and tested in the DSM-IV-TR scale and the other eight treatment subscales (Goldstein and Naglieri 2010).

The second type of test is the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This test method was created so that it could screen children who are diagnosed with Autism at a very early age. According to (Mayes, 2012) these testing methods screens the children from the age of 1 to 16 years of age.

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The Checklist for ASD incorporates the 30 items, that are based on the symptoms of the behavioral checklist. According to (Mayes, 2012). It replicates the six diagnostic clinical categories that are designed to be performed by a guardian that has observed the child throughout their life. This event helps explain the individual’s life to the clinician and see and discrepancies that the researcher may not note in the testing.

Lastly, the third test is the Gilliam Autism rating Scale-Third Edition. This testing method in a screening tool in which is normed and assists in the types of diagnosis. This type of testing helps the children who are within the ages of 3 to the ages of 22. The testing method has six component subscales that are in the DSM domain. The main two that are in the domain are focused on the social communication and social interaction. According to (Gillman, 2014) the other four of the DSM domain are focused on the repetitive behavior.

Element 2

Describe “the appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content coverage for the intended purpose of testing: (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #2).

According to Kluck (n.d.) the ASRS is a quick and easy way to administer testing for individuals who may be diagnosed with Autism. It is of great use for the general population and the norming sample is the strength of this testing method. The limitations that this testing method has is that it relies on a single detail. This then limits the assurance of the item scores. The extreme scores of the ASRS are reliable if they are under the norm-referenced measure Shaw (n.d.). Which could potentially lead to some regression of the mean. Shaw also suggests that the norm-referenced measures over time tend to be very insensitive. Both Kluck and Shaw agree that the ASRS could be used as a supplemental method of testing in order to evaluate an individual who could possibly be on the verge of having Autism.

Overall, the Checklist that is for the Autism Spectrum Disorder is extremely positive. The CASD is a psychometrically sophisticated Atlas (n.d.). He labels this to be very positive towards the diagnosis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder. As for Powell (n.d.) states that this testing method measure is very effective and can help extend the evaluation for the future of the ASD diagnosis. The children who had Asperger’s were no longer a part of the development Powell (n.d.). This is a problem due to the DSM-5 category that incorporates the Asperger’s of Autism. Powell (n.d.) notes that this type of testing method includes the reference of mental retardation which is not okay in the field of psychology. By now you would think that we would be pat this term, but it is still very present and very used that many do not see the damage behind it. The term “mental retardation” should be changed as it is very hurtful and damages the dignity towards the individuals who are categorized as such.

The GARS-3 includes the descriptors, inclusiveness of the indices as well as the confidence of intervals. The GARS-3 is a good for the assessment and intervention of Autism Atlas (n.d.). According to Hutchins (n.d.), he states that the idea the use of the jargon (sensory aspects, ritualistic behaviors and stereotyped behaviors). Hutchins sees that these behaviors should be avoided in all of the adaptations in order to increase the transparency for those who are not any sort of professionals.

Element 3

“Materials provided by test developers and select tests for which clear, accurate and complete information is provided” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #3).

The ASD scale is filled of many components. For example, it includes the huge population and the length of time is about 5 minutes. The test concludes of 70 factors that target the population of 2 to 5 years of age. According to Shawn (n.d.) between the ages of 6 to 18 this testing method covers 71 items of the testing that only lasts about 15 minutes.

Element 4

“Select tests through a process that includes persons with appropriate knowledge, skills and training” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #4).'

The time requirement that this testing method has is of a month. It also includes having knowledge of a small child. The testing manual suggests that the individual who is administering the test must be in the B-level according to (Kluck, n.d.).

The second type of test that exists is the Checklist is for the Autism spectrum. The results will identify the result of a diagnosis of Autism. Mayes suggests that the screening is for the parent of guardian of the individual who potentially be diagnosed with CASD.

Finally, the last test is the GARS which can then rate the care professional of the child who is diagnosed with ASD. This testing method suggests that the individual can be a qualified psychologist, speech-language therapist, professional, and or a school psychologist. (Hutchins, n.d.).

Compare and Contrast

According to the element one the “purpose of testing, the content and skills to be tested, and the intended test takers” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #1). The CASD, ASRS and the GARS-3 complete the satisfaction of the code that provides the purpose to fulfill the completion of the test that are designed to help ASD. The element 2 “the appropriateness of test content, skills tested and content coverage for the intended purpose of testing” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #2). This gives the CASD a positive completion of the testing. This testing utilizes the use of the symptoms that make an individual autistic. Which then leads to a proper diagnosis of this neurological disorder. The element 3 “materials provided by the test developers and a correct diagnosis” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #3). The CASD provides the testing for the individual. This testing method is backed up with the support of the parent or guardian who has been involved in the individual’s life for a significant amount of time. The element 4 “Selects test through a process that includes persons with appropriate knowledge, skills and training” (Code, 2004, p. 5 See #4). The CASD test is the best test to provide the result of the ASD diagnosis.

Based on the research that has been collected I have decided to go with the Checklist for the Autism Spectrum Disorder. This is because it provides the feedback from the guardian of the individual as well as the evaluation that is suggested for the individual. Based on the research the best for is the Checklist ASD because it suggests the testing with the best validity and the positive diagnosis of Autism.


  1. BACB (2019). Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Retrieved from
  2. Gilliam, J.E. (2014). Gillam Autism Rating Scale—Third Edition. Retrieved from
  3. Hutchins, T.L. (n.d.) Review of the Giliam Autism Rating Scale-Third Edition [review of test Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Third-Edition]. Retrieved from
  4. Joint committee on testing practices. (2004). Code of fair testing practices in education [PDF]. Retrieved from: http:///
  5. Kluck, A.S. (n.d.). Review of the Autism Spectrum Rating Scales [Review of test Autism Spectrum Rating Scales]. Retrieved from
  6. Mayes, S.d., Calhoun, S. L. Murray, M. J. Morrow, J. D., Yurich, K. K., L. Peterson, C. (2009). Comparison of scores on the checklist for autism spectrum disorder, childhood autism rating scale, and Gilliam asperger’s disorder scale for children with low functioning autism, high functioning autism, Asperger’s disorder, ADHD, and typical development. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39 (12), 1682-93.
  7. Mayes, S.D. (2012). Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from
  8. Multi-health Systems Inc. (n.d.) urism Spectrum Rating Scales. Retireved from
  9. Powell, S. (n.d.). Review of the Checklist for Autism Spectrum disorder. [Review of the Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder] Retrieved from
  10. Shaw, S. R. (n.d.). Review of the Autism Spectrum Rating Scales [Review of the Autism Spectrum Rating Scales]. Retrieved from
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Selection of Standardized Test for Children and Adolescents who have Autism. (2021, Feb 08). Retrieved from

Selection of Standardized Test for Children and Adolescents who have Autism essay
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