Exploring Internet Usage in University Libraries

Methodology I. Statement of the problem The Web has actually ended up being the most thoroughly used information source the empowers the typical individual to get in roaming with the current details. Today's users can no longer depend on conventional info sources to cope with the most recent developments in their particular fields.

The Internet has emerged as a powerful education tool with the increasing effect of details and interaction technologies on greater education, the ever-increasing number of individuals accessing Web paired with current surge of details resources on the Internet; may have considerable implications for teaching, learning and research study.

Educators and trainees are depending a growing number of on the Web for their various instructional purposes. Today study handle the Web in the library of Bhai Kahan Singh, Nabha library (Punjabi University Patiala) & & A.

C Joshi Library (Panjab University Chandigarh). It is entitled "Web and its function in Punjabi University Patiala and Panjab University Chandigarh Libraries: a comparative research study." II.

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Research study Methods After selection and statement of the problem significant task for the researcher is to choose about the technique, procedure and techniques to be utilized for collection, analysis and analysis of data. It is vital that appropriate method is adopted and proper strategies are used so as to attain the goals laid down for the examination present study embraced the study method.

Study suggests gathering of details relating to the current problem. III. Approach will be used in the research study Trainees, teachers, Research study scholar and library personnel in the Panjab University and in the Punjabi University represented the target population for this research study.

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The questionnaire method will be implemented to gather the information for the present research study and to select the sample population random tasting technique will be used.

The sample will be random in the sense that the sample for the present study consisted of as teachers, 25 students, 25 research scholars and 25 library staff selected randomly from Punjabi University and Panjab University, 25 teachers, 25 students, 25 research scholars and 25 library staff selected randomly from Punjabi University and Panjab University under study. Accordingly 15 questionnaires will be distributed among the students, teachers, research scholars and library staff of the Punjabi university and Punjab University. IV. Objective of the study.

The present study is an attempt to find out the pattern of using the Internet by the students and teachers of Panjab and Punjabi University. The study will be conducted with the following objectives: * To study the use of the Internet by the teachers, students and research scholars in Panjab and Punjabi university. * To study the various Internet sources and services used by the respondents on the Internet for various activities of teaching, learning and research. * To identify the different purposes for which teacher’s students and research scholars use the Internet.

* To examine the impact of Internet on the various activities like teaching, learning and research. * To find out the problems faced by the respondents while using the Internet. V. Scope of the study The scope of the present study is limited to two universities only. The study includes the use of Internet in Punjabi and Panjab university libraries. This study not only includes only one section of library, but it includes the use of Internet in all the sections of the library i. e. , reader’s services and house keeping services. VI.

Significance of the study The existence of Internet is a major factor that has changed the way information is produced, published, stored transmitted and used. The Internet is an enabling factor for libraries to establish networks and share their resources. The ever-increasing number of people accessing Internet coupled with recent explosion of information resources on the Internet may have considerable implications for teaching, learning and research. Teachers and students are depending more and more on the Internet for their various educational purposes.

The present survey is, therefore, an attempt to assess the effectiveness of Internet as an educational tool, and what role it actually plays in the educational system with special reference to the Punjabi University Patiala and Panjab University Chandigarh. VII. Hypothesis The following null Hypotheses will be framed. 1. The two libraries will be following almost same practices (procedures) which regard to the services yet there growth differ due to certain extraneous factors. 2. There will be a significant difference between the number of users of these two libraries.

3. Rich collection of library supported by adequate staff and liberal rules attract more users. 4. There will be no significant difference in the use of internet conditions of the staff in the two libraries. 5. The use of internet in terms of common parameters are not uniform in different types of university libraries. 6. The university library expenditure in relation to share of university expenditure does not satisfy minimum norms suggested by various committees and commissions. 7. Distribution of fund is not done on equity basis to university libraries. VIII.

Sources of Data collection Present study will be an effort to find use of Internet in Panjab University library and Punjabi University library. Universities chosen for selection of the subject will be comparable in terms of use of internet in Punjabi University library and Punjab University Library. This will be done in order to have a homogeneous sample with regard to parameters chosen for the study. IX. Data collection instrument Questionnaire method of research has been adopted in this survey. Keeping in view the objectives of the study, the investigator has used.

Primary data will be collected from various categories of staff members and users by informed semi-structured interviews. Various visits to the different sections of the two libraries will be made so as to collect sufficient data through personal observations official documents. Files and statistics records will be scanned to know the number of books issued daily, total number of registered members total number of books purchased, library budget and other related information. X. Components Questionnaire counted 15 questions. According to their content, 15 questions can be divided into various types: personal information, satisfactions etc.

XI. Scoring Questionnaire will be administered to the 50 student, 50 teachers, 50 research scholars, 50 library staff of Punjabi University library and Panjab University library. After the initial approval of the university librarian had been obtained survey will be distributed personally to all the professional staff members by the investigator and completed questionnaires will be collected. Afterwards a sincere effort will be made to secure the cooperation of the subjects and to establish a report with the subjects in order to elicit reliable information from them.

The subjects will be apprised of the purpose of the investigation as being scientific and academic. They will be told in person that questionnaires will be anonymous and contained a reassurance that no attempt to identify respondents would be made and that they will be free not to answer a question if did not want to data processing will be done through computer. The entries will be coded by university and by designation. XII. Statistical methods Will be used for analysis in order to arrive at objective findings and dependable conclusions the score measures will be subjected to the following statistical treatment.

Raw data will be processed to obtain frequency distributions of all variables included in the study. For further processing of the information contained in frequency distribution to a single number per frequency distribution, percentage etc used. XIII. Interpretation and presentation of Data Simple statistical methods like average, % etc ever will be used to interpret the data. Data will be presented in the form of tables, graphs, charts, pie charts, column charts, 100% column charts etc.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Exploring Internet Usage in University Libraries. (2016, Oct 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/punjabi-language-essay

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