Pros and Cons of Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diet plans are based upon cereals, whole grains, pulses, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians do not consume any meat, poultry or fish however include eggs and dairy products in their diet plans. Vegans do not take in any food obtained from animals. Other vegetarian diets consist of fruitarians and macrobiotic diet plans that are more limited. Recommendation to vegetarian diets normally suggests lacto-ovo-vegetarians. A variety of factors can be attributed to preference for a vegetarian diet plan such as faith, economic status, individual health issues, ecological and ecological issues.

Vegetarian diet plans are usually higher in fiber, vitamin C and folate while lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. As can be anticipated a variety of health benefits are credited to vegetarian diet plan. Population studies have shown an inverted relation in between vegetarian diet plan practices and incidence of cancer, heart disease and total mortality1. A number of epidemiological research studies have shown the low occurrence of obesity, hypertension (hypertension) cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer etc in vegetarians as compared to meat eaters.

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Individuals who take in fish and other sea food also demonstrate some advantages of vegetarian diets. 2A 24% decline in incidence of Ischemic heart illness (IHD) was discovered amongst vegetarians as compared to non- vegetarians. Plant foods, which are a good source of fiber, lower cholesterol levels, both low density lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol levels. Lower rates of colon, prostate cancer and breast cancer are also observed in vegetarians. Phytochemicals are exceptional anti-oxidants which act by metabolizing carcinogens in the body and lowering the incidence of cancer Some other phytochemicals such as lignin and phytoestrogens in soy lower the incidence of hormone dependant cancers, such as prostate and breast cancer.

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This can describe the lower occurrence of breast cancer in Asian women who consume soy abundant food. Phytochemicals can also block the initial damage to DNA which is connected with various chronic diseases consisting of cancer.. No differences in mortality from cancers can be attributed to vegetarian diets, though the mortality rate in people (specially <55 years) due to heart diseases was significantly lower in vegetarians3. If a vegetarian does not include vegetable proteins (soy, tofu, etc.) and does not carefully plan meals to ensure consumption of all essential nutrients, serious deficiencies may occur. Vegetarians (vegans) have difficulty consuming enough of the following nutrients Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron and Zinc. Deficiency of Vitamin D, which is essential for absorption of Calcium, can cause osteoporosis. Another issue associated with a vegetarian diet is necessity of greater amount of food consumption that can provide similar amount of protein.

The amount of protein present in a 3oz. portion of beef ranges from 18-26 gm, a similar portion of soy products can only provide somewhere from 8-16 gm of protein. Vegetarianism is usually not recommended for young children because it is extremely difficult for them to consume the nutrients they need in adequate amounts for optimal growth without consuming any animal products. Some concerns have been raised about the nutrient status of vegetarian athletes, but several studies proved that there was neither a beneficial nor a detrimental effect of vegetarian diet on physical performance capacity4. Vegetarian athletes demonstrated a low cholesterol levels as compared to meat eaters. The requirement for a well planned diet with emphasis on adequate amount of nutrients and minerals such as iron; zinc etc for vegetarian athletes has been underscored. One report of the Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition recommends development of a new food pyramid for vegetarians as opposed to modifying the USDA’s food guide pyramid. According to the recommendation5 the major 5 plant based groups (whole grains, nuts, legumes, vegetables and fruits) form the trapezoid-shaped lower portion of pyramid. Optional food groups, which are avoided by some vegetarians (dairy, eggs, sweets, vegetable oils etc) forms the smaller, separate triangle-shaped portion of the pyramid.

1. Health benefits of a vegetarian diet; Rajaram S., Sabate J. Nutrition, Volume 16, Number 7, July 2000, pp. 531-533(3) 2. Health benefits of a vegetarian diet; Key, T.J.; Davey, G.K.; Appleby. P.N. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Volume, 58, 1999, pp. 271-5 3. Associations between diet and cancer, IHD and all-cause mortality, Fraser GE, Am. J. Cl. Nutrition; 1999, (suppl) 523S. 4. Physical fitness and a vegetarian diet: is there a relation, Nieman DC; Am. J. Cl. Nutrition; 1999, (suppl) 570S. 5. Vegetarian food pyramid: a conceptual framework, Haddad EH, Sabate J, Whitten CG; Am. J. Cl. Nutrition; 1999, (suppl) 615S.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Pros and Cons of Vegetarian Diet. (2016, Mar 30). Retrieved from

Pros and Cons of Vegetarian Diet essay
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