Introducing Vegetarian Food to Our Cafe

Categories: Vegetarianism

The first argument for: By a vegetarian student (male, young, full-time student, part-time worker, middle class). I have been a vegetarian since I was sixteen. I chose vegetarianism after being diagnosed with depression because I read that plant-based diets help regulate mood disorders. My mood has drastically improved since then. A lot of LB students suffer from some kind of depression or anxiety; if they ate a more plant-based diet regularly they could alleviate a lot of those symptoms. Transitioning to vegetarian or even vegan meals can be difficult with school taking up our time but if LBCC’s cafeteria offered a full menu of only vegetarian options for even just one day a week.

I’m not saying this action could cure every student’s depression but i’m hoping it would help my peers develop a healthier lifestyle.

First argument against: By another student (male, late 30s, disabled veteran, full-time student, unemployed, lower middle class). I believe students should have the freedom to diet.

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Many students, including myself, can’t leave campus between classes to get whatever we want to eat. If the school limits all meals served on campus to be veggie, you will be taking away our freedom to choose. As adults, we should be responsible for our own health and wellbeing. I am not paying full price for a vegetarian meal I don’t even want, and I am not going to skip a meal because it is missing a vital portion. I believe all humans are healthier as omnivores but if someone only wishes to eat plants that is their design, as it is mine to eat a pork chop with my salad.

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There should be more vegetarian options but don’t take away my right so you can eat the way you like.

Second Argument for: By an LBCC Staff member (60ish, female, mother, Master's degree graduate, upper-middle-class). I have seen how students treat their bodies. They aren’t eating enough vegetables and it’s going to cause health issues one day. If they can’t leave campus for lunch to find more nutritious foods then we should offer more vegetarian options on a daily basis and have at least one day a week where they have to choose a healthy option. Even with most of our students being adults I feel it is our duty to form healthy habits. Helping students experience more options with higher amounts of fruit and vegetables could change their lives for the better.

Second argument against: By a student's mother (late 40s, high school graduation, stay at home mom of 3, middle class). My first oldest graduated from Linn Benton 4 years ago and my second oldest is a current student; both are adults and can make their own decisions. Forcing my 19-year-old to only have one option for a whole day could stunt the maturity I helped build. By allowing students to not make their own decisions could give them the idea that some days they don't have to be responsible for themselves. Not all vegetarian options are healthy and not all nonvegetarian foods are unhealthy, but if my son chooses to eat like garbage then he will face those consequences. Let students make their own choices. Don’t force them to have vegetarian diets. Statues and monuments honoring Civil War historical figures from the Confederate States of America should be removed from public spaces.

I would first search up on why people would want these states removed from the public eye, and on why others would want to keep the statues up. People who want the statues down might be part of a family who was negatively affected by slavery. Others who hold this belief might or not have a family who fought for the confederacy or were slave owners but still find the monuments offensive to descendants of slaves. Those who wish to leave confederate statues untouched could possibly be descendants of the historical figure and are proud of their heritage. Others might not even have ancestors that fought for the confederacy but support the idea of pride in haragige. Both need me to keep an open mind, put aside my personal beliefs, and allow me to see both sides of the argument. An issue with the previous step is arguments on both sides are emotionally driven.

The next step is to ask questions like, “What is the historical, and societal significance of these statuses?” and “What harm does the public display of Confederate statues cause?”; using unbiased sources (no scores from writers who are descendants of slaves or confederate soldiers). To find the factual information I would have to find writings by experts in the field (historians, Sociologists, ect). Asking detailed questions on the issue eliminates more than just my bias. After reading the information I can now see the cause and effect of problems that could arise from keeping or demolishing the confederate statues. From there I can weigh what is the more beneficial or less damaging outcome. After removing my own and others' emotional thinking and only looking at the facts would I take my side based on logic.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Introducing Vegetarian Food to Our Cafe. (2021, Dec 23). Retrieved from

Introducing Vegetarian Food to Our Cafe essay
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