Analyzing Product Red: Strengthening Ethical Consumerism Strategies

Throughout the years, organisations have actually evolved to include customer views in their practices. As an outcome, consumer power has actually ended up being an influential force that directs organizational techniques towards ethical practices. Based upon the formerly mentioned view, an assessment of Item red's strategy offers insight on its strengths, weaknesses, and enhancements. Item Red

Harvard Company School (2009) argues that various obstacles deal with different nations. As a result, company should use models that contribute to jobs that decrease the scourge.

Illustratively, the product red technique influenced enterprise get involved in the production and marketing of RED products with a goal of raising funds for HELP in Africa. This ingenious method of engaging public and personal entities in raising funds has enabled the international fund to battle diseases in Africa. Some of the diseases that the worldwide fund targets consist of AIDs, tuberculosis, and malaria. According to Harvard Business School (2009 ), RED partners have actually managed to attract higher revenues because customers associate the brands with ethical practices.

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Method Analysis

Product red business has made significant gains in inspiring companies to produce products whose incomes can be added to ethical activities. As an outcome, an evaluation of the model's strengths and weak points exposes some improvements that should be made to improve the model's performance. Strengths of the RED Method

Harrison (2005) argues that Item RED method increases the awareness of customers and investors on the application of ethical practices in their organizations. As a result, customers and investors use their impacts to require for social, political, and environmental obligation.

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Offered the inadequacies in government policy and obstacles in the allocation of funds, international companies might place their focus on capitalistic objectives thus introducing negative aspects to society. Illustratively, the Red strategy has the strength of motivating partner organizations to safeguard and facilitate consumer rights. The above-mentioned strength has advanced the course of ethical consumerism hence enhancing social obligation among entities.

In contrast to the traditional charity model, the RED strategy portrays the company as an equal partner with its associates. The above-mentioned strength is confirmed by the increase in profit in organizations that have participated in RED’s activities (In Healey,2013).The innovative approach has encouraged partner organizations to devote their resources in the development of RED’s products, promote the concept of ethical practice in business and generating additional benefits that simultaneously benefit the needy in society. Additionally, the RED strategy enables organizations to produce ethical products at prices that match their non-ethical equivalents. The RED strategy has facilitated the production of cheap products thus reducing economic pressures on consumers. According to Harrison (2005), high prices associated with ethical commodities have been a hindrance to the adoption of ethical goods. Subsequently, the introduction of ethical commodities with prices equivalent to that of non-ethical goods has enabled the RED strategy to attract the drifter and conventional groups of consumers In Healey (2013) contends that effective public relations are crucial in the adoption of ethical consumerism within a society. Subsequently, the RED strategy employs concepts of the public relations excellence-theory to develop a suitable communication loop between organizations and consumers. As a result, RED strategy develops a strength that is associated with enhanced co-orientation of messages between environmental, consumer and organizational systems. The above-mentioned strength enhances availability of information among consumers thus promoting ethical consumerism. Weaknesses of the RED Strategy

The RED strategy has several strengths that have enhanced it adoption in several organizations. However, the strategy has weaknesses that limit its effectiveness hence an evaluation of each weak spot facilitates the development of suitable recommendations. Foremost, the RED strategy has the weakness of not regulating organizations based on a set of sustainability standards and social wellness. As a result, RED company certifies organizations that participate in un-ethical practices. For instance, Red’s partner Foxconn received certification despite violating labor standards in its companies. These weaknesses have enabled unethical organizations to paint images of socially responsible entities thus covering their misdeeds.

According to In Healey (2013), inadequate certification processes have led to “red washing” of entities. Secondly, lack of transparency in RED’s activities is a weakness that attracts numerous criticisms to the model. The aforementioned view is supported by market research findings that revealed mismatches between advertising investments and amounts raised for charity activities. Illustratively, market research reveals that RED company invested one hundred dollars in marketing and advertisement but generated eighteen million dollars for charity(In Healey, 2013).The lack of transparency attracts criticism on RED’s efficiency and credibility. This weakness may reduce RED’s influence in the long-run since its opponents hold the view that donating directly to the needy is more effective. Thirdly, the RED strategy has a sustainability related weakness due to the randomness and one-time purchase of RED products. Subsequently, the market based approach is affected by lack of loyalty among consumers hence its ability to cater for ARV needs in Africa may be jeopardized. Improvements on the RED Strategy

Several improvements can be made on product RED’s strategy to enhance its effectiveness. In the first case, Product Red should enhance its screening capabilities to ensure that its partners with organizations with good corporate-social responsibility histories. The aforementioned improvement will enable Product RED to enhance consumer trust thus enhancing sustainability it the company’s activities (Harvard Business School, 2009). In the second case, Product RED should enhance its access to financial reports from partner companies. Improved access to financial data will enhance transparency in associate companies since the right percentage is remitted to the global fund. In addition, Product RED should introduce channels that allow direct donations from individuals to affected individuals in Africa. This will increase revenues raised and reduce overhead costs associated with the transfer of funds (Harrison, 2005). In the third instance, Product RED should collaborate companies that offer exceptional services on a daily basis. This will enable the entity to enhance consumer loyalty thus improving the sustainability RED projects. Additionally, Product RED should certify competitive and innovative partners to attract and retain consumers. This will promote sustainability the generation of funds. Conclusion

Ethical consumerism has led to the introduction of innovative concepts in business organizations. One of the innovative models that was introduced by Product Red with an aim of supplementing government activities in the fight against AIDS is the MBS. The market-based system portrays strengths and weaknesses that determine the adoption of the model among business entities. Some of the weaknesses and strengths include reduction of the prices of ethical goods, increased corporate responsibility among entities, lack of transparency and inadequate screening of partner organizations. Conclusively, an evaluation of Product red’s strategy provides insight on its strengths, weaknesses, and improvements.

Harrison, R. (2005). The ethical consumer. London [u.a.: Sage. Harvard Business School. 2009. Product (Red) (A). HBS Case No. 9-509-013. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing In Healey, J. (2013). Ethical consumerism.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Analyzing Product Red: Strengthening Ethical Consumerism Strategies essay
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