Prefect or Young Student Leader Letter

Categories: Leadership

Dear sir / madam ,
I am writing this letter as I am keen to become a first ambassador and I wish to help the school as a community and support the school in becoming a better place for all of us.

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I believe that becoming a young student leader will help me give back something to the school after what the school and its staff has done for me over the past 1 years. I believe that I have the qualities required to be a young student leader because I take things seriously and I am responsible and sensible when it comes to dealing with problems.

I have had experience talking to people as I have worked with children in the past in my Primary School and have had experience talking to adults in a mature way . I am a reliable student and try to act as a good role model to the younger years by being well behaved and learning to the best of my ability.

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I interact with lots of people in different years each day, so I feel that if I became a first ambassador I would look approachable to pupils from younger years, and I always try to have a friendly smile on my face. Alongside being a young student leader comes great responsibility which I am fully prepared to take on if you give me the chance. I care about this school and the people in it and I wish to support it by making it beneficial and influential for all of us. As a young student leader I would like to help pupils feel safe in school and to enjoy their time without any worries so that they can focus on the more important things such as learning to help secure their future. I would like them to feel as if Kingsford is a friendly place with lots of opportunities and this will help me be a part of the prefect team in year 11. I feel that I have experienced many things at Kingsford so I will be good at giving advice to younger students.

Thank you


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Prefect or Young Student Leader Letter. (2016, Apr 05). Retrieved from

Prefect or Young Student Leader Letter essay
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