I would like to become a prefect as I see this is a great opportunity to contribute back to the school. I believe I have the qualities required for a prefect as I am responsible, reliable and prepared to carry out various duties to the best of my ability. In addition, I am confident that I could set a good example for other pupils around school. I have previously helped out on parents' evenings gaining more confidence talking about and sharing knowledge and experiences to parents and carers.

Moreover, I regularly attend extra-curriculum activities such as hockey, English and business studies. This shows I am committed to my learning and that I wouldn’t mind staying longer than expected to make sure I have produced to the best of my ability.

My attitude and punctuality is always to the highest standards. Outside of school, I am also committed to advancing my extra-curricular skills even further. I have been swimming since the age of three and I am now currently working towards my silver medallion for the Royal Life Saving Society.

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All of the above activities have allowed me to gain experience in interacting with a wide variation of people, working as a team and develop a sense of responsibility and commitment. I believe I am prepared to take on the extra responsibility of being a prefect. I take great pride in my appearance, I would say my uniform is always to the correct standards and I always have the equipment required for the day.

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I think being a prefect would help improve my skills and qualities as well as others’. Thank you for spending the time to read my application.

Updated: Feb 14, 2023
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Prefect Application. (2016, Mar 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/prefect-application-essay

Prefect Application essay
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