Personal statement on family medicine

Maturing in a household of physicians has actually tremendously emerged my desire of taking medicine. During those years of costs moments with my moms and dads in their medical activities, my choice of pursuing medicine was firmly formed. For all those times, I realized that being a doctor is not simply the delight of being called a medical professional. Neither does ends the profession of healing the ill and saving patients on the verge of death. Being a medical professional uses more benefits that are intangible and worth more than gold and silver.

By helping someone revert back to his regular life is relieving the problem of a group of individuals.

In putting a smile to a tormented person comes up with semblance of hope. Furthermore, the occupation gives a chance of entering into one's life throughout his stage of recovery and survival. In addition, it supplies a chance for doctors to broaden their knowledge by every case they deal with in everyday of their lives.

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Most notably, being a medical professional provides sense of worth of being a human and belonging to the society. Additionally, I consider the practice of medicine as the most independent and zealous way of managing service to the masses. These were more than remarkable factors that drove me to spend my life in practicing medicine.

In fulfilment of my desire to practice medicine, I bravely braced the barriers of my overwhelming dream. After graduating from medical school, I took every possibility to applying my made knowledge in actual life.

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I first applied my understanding in my home town, especially in Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical Facility. Therein, I invested a period of one year offering help and taking the chance to learn from all departments of the healthcare facility. Another year was well spent as intern in the Institute on Mental Health in Hyderabad. Due to my goal to additional broaden my knowledge and pursue Family Medication, I moved to United States and took my Masters in Clinical Nutrition.

In US, I grabbed every chance to explore more the real world of medicine. I finished externship in several hospitals in Kentucky which includes University of Louisville School of Medicine, Norton Hospital, Western Maryland Health Systems, and even in Christos St. John Hospital in Texas. My duties then include participating in case discussion, formulating diagnosis, taking history, and general physical examination, among others. During my externship, I had also been into clinical research. Within those periods, I came to understand really the life of a physician. From there I further conclude that time of a physician is owned by the call of duty.

For a moment of exposure, my determination was put to test. Working in a fast phasing and demanding environment was time consuming and exhausting. There are also cases when personal life cannot be inserted in the daily schedule. In addition, some patients tend to sip all the strength of physician because of their inquisitiveness, naughtiness, or crankiness. However, through patience, perseverance, good time management, and teamwork, the loads in a physician’s life would be eased. Despite of those hardships, I successfully finished my externship and from there, I earned more courage to face the barriers on my path to practice Family Medicine.

After my studies, I intend to spend my medical life in Family Medicine. I choose Family Medicine because it encompasses the total health care of an individual and of the whole family. It is a specialty that is not limited to only one aspect but rather involves behavioural, biological, and clinical science. Significantly, it specializes in preventing the spread of disease instead of curing it. As a medical student, I believe that it is more rewarding to prevent the occurrence of disease rather than exerting efforts to heal the disease. Moreover, I want to pursue residency in Family Medicine because I want to dedicate my time attending to the needs of patients, especially during time of emergency. Likewise, I want to utilize my life understanding and alleviating the suffering of my fellowmen.

From the very starting point of my journey to medical profession, I never came to a point of regretting or backing out. Instead, my eagerness and my desire to finish my studies and get my license grew even more. From those struggles I successfully won, I have built a strong backbone that I shall use in the future. But then, those efforts would not be of sense unless I would finish Family Medicine Residency program.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Personal statement on family medicine. (2016, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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