Family Medicine Is the Right Fit for Me

Categories: Medicine

When I was five years old, I met my very first person with a stethoscope; my family medicine physician. She used her instruments, examined my throat, and explained the diagnosis to my mother, all with a soothing voice and a smile. And while the stickers and lollipop I received at the end was certainly the main reason I loved that visit, I remember wondering how she knew everything about my flu and understood it seamlessly. Soon after she prescribed me medication, I felt as good as new.

She had a power, an inexplicable healing power, that made me feel better.

Her calm disposition also made me comfortable and less anxious. I was just a kindergartener, but by that time, I knew my future in family medicine was cemented. In medical school, I immersed myself in my Family Medicine rotation, absorbing as much knowledge as I could. Whereas other specialties were limited by organ system, age, and gender, Family Medicine was all-inclusive and welcoming to everyone.

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I enjoyed seeing newborns and the elderly, and with every patient I examined, it only reinforced the idea that Family Medicine was right for me. I loved the idea of merging a wide expanse of knowledge and the adaptability of this work. There isn’t an urgency to get things done, but the steadiness is rewarding in its own right. I learned something beyond the tangible curriculum of a medical school: how family medicine provided comprehensive healthcare to everyone, and the transformative nature not only to an individual, but to a whole community.

I felt instinctively ready to do this.

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Learning about diagnoses and treatment is what got me into Family Medicine, but it was the physician-patient bonds that made me stay. Empathy has always been the cornerstone of my character, and never was it needed more than here. In my FM externship, I envied my physician treating generations of one family, having the daughter, mother, and granddaughter come in at the same time. It was the flow, the circle of life that was so inspiring to me. I remember the diabetic woman hugging me for helping adjust her insulin dose, to the mother smiling, relieved that her newborn was healthy. It gave me a fulfilling sense of accomplishment and motivated me to be the best doctor possible. Behind each conversation was a person with their own unique story, perspective, and experiences.

Simply put, I want to spend my life helping patients care for their own health. Being around my patients made me realize how strongly Family Medicine matched my personality. My love for community participation did not stop there. I experimented with different sports and discovered a passion for basketball, playing as often as I can. In middle school, I followed my creative side and decided to try out for the school band. Soon, playing the clarinet became my forte. I helped organize the Breast Cancer Symposium for Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, an institution providing free oncology treatment to the deserving. Being a part of spreading cancer awareness, I realized how important it is to give back to the community. I sought out volunteer physician work in my area and found the Al Aqsa Clinic.

Every weekend, I spent hours of my free time there seeing patients and further developing my physical examination skills. At my hands-on observerships, each doctor had their own unique set of attributes which I was more than happy to learn and absorb. I am a driven, friendly and knowledgeable woman, and I’m committed to becoming a skillful and accomplished physician. Medicine is a calling, a “mission statement”, if you will. I am here to serve people and to take care of them. Whether it is to physically ease their pain, or provide an attentive ear to someone speak about their problem, I am a step closer to my mission in life. There are many commendable fields in medicine, but I truly feel like Family Medicine is the right fit for me. I look forward to a career where I can work as an efficient team with my co-residents, give back to the community, and create strong lasting relationships with my patients. I know that with dedication, hard work, and the right program, I can achieve these goals. One day, I hope to inspire another young kindergartener who remembers their first doctor's visit.

Updated: Aug 09, 2021
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Family Medicine Is the Right Fit for Me essay
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