Effective Organizational Structure in Healthcare

Organizational structure is the establishment of authority and the arrangement of the work group. Classical theorists developed the concept of departmentalization as a means to maintain command, reinforce authority, and provide a formal system for communication (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). The design of an organizational structure can be vertical or horizontal, where work is divided and perhaps subdivided further. Tasks are specified and assigned to workers who fit into a plan.

At Carey Surgical Associates, the medical director, who is also the only practitioner, holds final authority.

Managers are assigned to oversee clerical, administrative, and clinical duties within their respective departments.

Organizational structure

Having an effective organizational structure that aligns with the goals, size, technology, and environment of the organization is crucial. A mismatch can lead to poor performance including low staff morale, decision delays, overlooked problems, and conflicts. Leadership is vital in ensuring adherence to the standards outlined in the mission statement.

At Carey Surgical Associates, the standards, visions, and values consist of providing patients with top-quality cosmetic and reconstructive surgical care, upholding the highest level of medical proficiency, offering courteous and helpful patient care, ensuring a safe clinical environment, and delivering a valuable healthcare system to the community.

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Executives, medical professionals, managers, and office staff are tasked with fostering a culture that aims to enhance quality of life within the practice and community through compassionate, high-quality healthcare grounded in our stated values and emphasis on clinical excellence.

Environment of Support

Every member of the management staff plays a crucial role in fostering a supportive environment for patient-centered care within the practice.

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By promoting open communication, delegation becomes more streamlined. The practice operates on a team-based approach to ensure optimal care for the patients, from clinical staff to receptionists. Each role within the practice is essential and carries its own weight. This approach emphasizes strong leadership, collaboration, shared objectives, and effective communication. It encompasses a structured system of tasks, workflows, reporting lines, and communication channels that connect all practice members. Ultimately, every individual within the practice has a direct impact on patient outcomes.

Information Systems

Communication is a vital component of the practice organizational structure, which is enhanced through the use of information systems. Although paper charting remains the preferred method within the practice, electronic recording is utilized for pathology and laboratory results, as well as hospital records. All workers who interact with patients are required to document on the chart, enabling easy access to patient information. The practice has designated administrative staff to handle all practice information, from creation to destruction, in accordance with defined roles and responsibilities that establish a hierarchy for compliance with policy and proper procedures.

Communication Methods

Various communication methods are utilized within the practice. All verbal communication is supplemented with an e-mail to reinforce the discussion in order to prevent any misunderstandings. Limiting the forms of communication has significantly decreased errors and the resulting blame game. Communication can be either vertical or horizontal. While vertical communication typically adheres to a chain of command, at Carey Surgical Associates, a smaller organization, direct communication between clerical staff and the CEO is possible for day-to-day operations. However, for matters concerning safety, effectiveness, patient care, or personnel issues, a more formal vertical communication process is followed from staff member, to manager, to CEO.

Organizational Chart

The organization has both formal and informal lines of communication. A traditional organization chart is used to show the hierarchy, with upper management, middle management, and front line employees depicted. Formal reporting lines follow a chain of command protocol for situations needing management or CEO guidance. The escalation process should be followed by employees to properly address issues requiring assistance from upper management. Informal reporting lines are typically used between staff and middle management for communication about patient care, billing issues, or basic patient-practice matters.

The CEO always holds the role of power and control in the organization. The front-line staff understands that the office manager and nurse coordinator oversee their respective areas under the CEO's direction. In smaller practices like this one, power struggles are less common compared to larger organizations with multiple departments. In larger settings, departments often operate independently, but in this small practice with fewer than fifteen employees, cooperation is necessary and power struggles are rare.

Communication Integrated Care

The delivery of care is heavily impacted by the community it serves, particularly in a practice that caters to a diverse population with a focus on breast cancer survivors undergoing breast reconstruction. To better assist these patients, the practice maintains close relationships with local cancer survivor support groups. Additionally, patients are provided with education on non-surgical prosthetic devices like undergarments with silicone bra inserts. Each patient is informed of all available options, both surgical and non-surgical, and the practice regularly speaks at breast cancer support groups to discuss these options further.

Generational variances

Generational and cultural differences can affect how an organization is structured. By acknowledging and respecting the unique differences between groups, conflict can be reduced and satisfaction increased for both managers and staff. While there isn't a significant generation gap among employees, there is a noticeable difference between staff and patients. This generation gap has motivated staff to develop more patience and respect for elderly and patients with multiple diagnoses, leading to increased patience among staff members.


Regardless of size, effective communication is crucial for success in any health care setting. Carey Surgical Associates, a small practice, understands the importance of establishing communication processes and organizational structure across all disciplines. In smaller organizations, clear communication can often be overlooked, resulting in misunderstandings or oversights. The implementation of email confirmations for phone conversations and meetings has been shown to be an effective method in preventing confusion and creating a record for future reference.


Sullivan and Decker (2009) discuss effective leadership and management in nursing in their 7th edition book published by Pearson Education in Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Organizational Chart

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Effective Organizational Structure in Healthcare. (2016, Apr 05). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/organizational-structure-and-culture-essay

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