My Dream to Be an Engineer

Today’s world is dependent on engineering. Every aspect of life needs engineering and it is always evolving. Engineers are professional problem solvers, I’m hoping I can use my current knowledge and skills in physics and mathematics, two subjects which particularly interest me, to resolve and find solutions to everyday life. Shaping tomorrow’s world using logic and tangible elements to discover the world around us is what attracts me to studying engineering.

Outside my school hours and out of intellectual curiosity I completed / followed a Mooc course in ??, I thoroughly enjoyed the content and I also had the freedom to manage my time as I saw fit.

I enjoyed the use of mixed media, something rarely seen in school and which I am looking forward to using mixed means / supports for learning in my engineering degree. The forum and support network among those taking the course from all walks of life was as valuable as the course itself, sharing doubts, experiences, thoughts, knowledge and helping myself as well as others.

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Explain more… During my studies, I worked as part of a team research project on “deep brain stimulation”. We compared and contrasted the heavy and complicated traditional treatments used to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease with deep brain stimulation. Our own experiment was to test electric currents on the nerve of a frog’s leg. I learnt how to read reports, looking for key words and descriptive phrases the doctors had written / /in reports that might be useful for our study.

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We encountered time management problems and despite our determination, results weren’t successful. With the help of medical students and a laboratory technician, we finally concluded that all the conditions were not ideal for the experiment to succeed. Strangely, this failure and rising team spirit motivated us to continue deeper into our project and being intrigued, it prompted me to read on further into how different experiments on the same subjects were conducted. Interestingly, other researches as reported in the The Parkinson’s News today were able to activate different parts of the brain without affecting outlying areas by changing by narrowing or widening the electrodes thus altering the electrical frequency… personal criticism… Visiting an aeronautical factory alongside a ?? engineer, I witnessed Even though I have touched on various aspects of engineering, the best choice of engineering for me is not yet sealed in my mind.

I am looking forward discovering all aspects of engineering on an initially broad foundation year to give me the best chance to find where my interests and talents lay in this field. During my school years, I have been keen on understanding the world around me, how it is made up and how it works. I’m looking forward to studying at a top university to find both challenging and demanding academic experience as well as having rewarding outcomes, building projects from scratch to completion. With industry connections and having access to innovation based activities. The course timetable would also allow me to continue a large number of extra-curricular activities and simultaneously give me the opportunity to contribute greatly to college and university life.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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My Dream to Be an Engineer. (2024, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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