Milk and Taste Appearance Impact

The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who contributed and had been a part of this investigatory project. To their research adviser, Mrs. Liza O. Juanich, that brought them the inspiration to work harder and for always guiding them everytime they perform experiments. To their beloved parents, Mr. Rodolfo H. Sayang Sr. and Mrs. Thelma H. Sayang, Mr. Joven Ciriaco V. Baluyut and Mrs. Ellen Joy G. Baluyut, Mr. Samuel Celerino B. Favila and Mrs.

Melanie A. Favila, who had been a big part of this project, who showed their affections as they did their investigatory project.

For their unconditional love, guidance and support especially on financial needs. To all II- Sampaguita students, for their assistance and encouragement. Above all, to the Almighty God, for His countless blessings, giving them strengths and wisdom for without Him nothing would come to reality. R. H. S. J. C. J. G. B. P. M. A. A. F. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The study was done on Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera).

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In the Philippines, Filipinos usually do not forget to bring “pasalubong” commonly polvoron to their family and friends and making polvoron is a small business now.

Polvoron is a sweet and easily eaten food that most children likely to eat. To make the polvoron more nutritious and delicious, the researchers thought to add malunggay as one of the main ingredient of polvoron: Sweetened Polborunggay. Malunggay is known for being a “Miracle Tree” because it can heal, uses for making foods and also for beauty.

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Malunggay leaves has a soothe effect on blood pressure and control of glucose. It can also used for threatening anxiety, diarrhea and inflammation of the colon, skin infections, scurvy, intestinal parasites, and many other conditions.

Many medicines now are made from malunggay but the researchers’ purpose now is to make food with malunggay without tasting its bitterness. The food will not have any internal risk because the ingredients used are all natural. Statement of the Problem 1. ) What are the processes and procedures in making Polborunggay? 2. ) What are the general comments and reactions of the persons eating the product? CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Malunggay According to www. malunggay. com, Malunggay in English name is Moringa. It is called Malunggay in Philippines in South East Asia and in Sajina in Indian Subcontinent.

It grows very wildly in hot tropical climate. It is a wonderful herb known all over the world but only recently in the United States of America. It may provide the boost in energy, nutrition and health you’ve been seeking. Its nutritional content, medicinal properties, where to get it, are the best results. It is a remarkable discovery, which can make a tremendous difference in your health and quality of life. Mounting scientific evidence shows what has been known for thousands of years by people in the tropical parts of the world.

Moringa is nature’s medicine cabinet. Loaded with nutrients, vitamins and amino acids, it replenishes your body and provides what you need to get through a hectic weekday or active weekend. Yet this is not a sugar-based energy. It is not something, which makes you hyper for some period of intense activity then leaves you drained. In fact, Moringa is also relaxing. It helps to reduce blood pressure and assure a good night’s sleep. It produces long-lasting energy without hyperactivity, a nerve system at rest, a blood system not under pressure, a gland and hormone system in balance.

A body that’s not fighting damaging internal elements is better able to use the nutrients, which come into it to build healthy skin, bone and muscles, as well as the all-important hormones. Each ounce of Moringa contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much as calcium, four times as milk and three times the potassium of bananas. [pic] [pic] Polvoron Polvoron is a powdered milk candy; made up of flour, sugar butter and powdered milk. The flour is toasted; all the ingredients are mixed and shaped into round or oval-shaped molds.

It is believe that making polvoron started during the American occupation to use up the huge amount of powdered milk brought in by the Americans. Polvoron over the years has become one of the most loved sweet Filipino delicacies. Today, in the Philippines, there are many home based small business that are making polvoron and selling then in the market, you will even find it in the supermarket shelves and the traditional version have come a long way, now you will find polvoron and choco flavor, polvoron and pinipig, polvoron and nuts and the latest one is white and dark chocolate covered polvoron.

They dipped the polvoron in chocolate. Polvoron is now becoming a favorite "pasalubong" gift to overseas friends and family. It is easy to make, even the kids could help. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY Instruments Used The researchers gathered fresh malunggay leaves, ? kg flour, ? kg skim milk, ? kg margarine, ? kg white sugar and Japanese paper wrapper. The researchers used kitchen utensils such as frying pan, spoon, plate, and molder. And also, charcoal and stove was used as medium for cooking. Procedure Trial 1 The researchers prepared the ingredients and kitchen utensils to be used.

In a frying pan over the low-heated burning charcoal, the researchers fried the malunggay leaves until its color turned into brownish. Then, these leaves were taken off the pan and put into the plate. Consequently, they pulverized the malunggay leaves. At the same time, they fried the flour into the pan until its color turned into light brown. Then, by using a spoon, they poured and mixed the skimmed milk, white sugar, and margarine with the brownish flour. Then, they mixed the powdered malunggay leaves in the pan.

Then, the pan was taken off the charcoal stove. And for the finishing product, they molded the polvoron by the use of a molder and wrapped them with the Japanese paper. Trial 2 The same procedure as in Trial 1, except that before malunggay leaves were to be mixed with the flour, milk, sugar, and margarine in a pan, the leaves were dried under the heat of the sun for one day. Then it will be pulverized, and mixed with the other ingredients. CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA The researchers had conducted two sets of trial.

Trial 1 involved malunggay leaves which was fried in a pan, then pulverized before it was mixed with the other ingredients to come up with the finished product, polvoron. On the other hand, Trial 2 involved malunggay leaves that was dried under the heat of the sun, and then pulverized before it was mixed with the other ingredients to come up with the finished product, polvoron. Table 4. 1 A Comparison Between Trials 1 & 2 In Terms of Color and Texture of Polborunggay |TRIAL |COLOR |TEXTURE | |1 |Brownish green |Rough | |2 |Brownish green |Rough | Table 4.

1 showed that Trial 1 and Trial 2 have the same output characteristics in terms of color and texture. The color of Polborunggay on both trials is brownish green, and the texture is rough. Table 4. 2 A Comparison Between Trials 1 & 2 In Terms of Taste, Appearance and Impact of Polborunggay |TRIAL |TASTE |APPEARANCE |IMPACT | |1 |5 |4. 4 |4. 8 | |2 |4. 8 |4. 4 |4. 4 | Table 4. 2 showed that the taste of Trial 1 is more favorable to respondents than Trial 2, with a mean (average) of 5. In terms of appearance, both Trial 1 and Trial 2 got the same mean (average) of 4.

4. And lastly, in terms of impact, Trial 1 has more approving impact to respondents than Trial 2, with a mean (average) of 4. 8. As a whole, Trial 1 is more favorable to the respondents than Trial 2. SUB-SCHEDULE: Table 4. 2. A A Comparative Data Rated by the Respondents on the Taste, Appearance, and Impact of Polborunggay in Trial 1 |RESPONDENT |TASTE |APPEARANCE |IMPACT | |1 |5 |5 |5 | |2 |5 |4 |5 | |3 |5 |4 |5 | |4 |5 |5 |4 | |5 |5 |4 |5 | |TOTAL |25 |22 |24 | |MEAN (average) |5 |4. 4 |4. 8 | LEGEND: 5- Excellent; 4- Very Good; 3- Good Table 4. 2.

A showed that the respondents favored most on the taste of Polborunggay than in its appearance and impact. Table 4. 2. B A Comparative Data Rated by the Respondents on the Taste, Appearance, and Impact of Polborunggay in Trial 2 |RESPONDENT |TASTE |APPEARANCE |IMPACT | |1 |5 |4 |5 | |2 |5 |4 |5 | |3 |5 |5 |4 | |4 |4 |5 |5 | |5 |5 |4 |3 | |TOTAL |24 |22 |22 | |MEAN (average) |4. 8 |4. 4 |4. 4 | LEGEND: 5- Excellent; 4- Very Good; 3- Good Table 4. 2. B showed that the respondents favored most on the taste of Polborunggay than in its appearance and impact. CHAPTER 5.

RESULTS AND COST ANALYSIS The person who will eat the polvoron that the researchers had made, will nourish more nutrition than the ordinary polvoron that has no malunggay content. Anyone will certainly benefit to the product considering its nutrients value and its affordable price, as well. It is easy to prepare the materials and the ingredients needed and are all readily available at the market. |INGREDIENTS |COST (P) | | ? kg of flour |17. 00 | | ? kg of skimmed milk |18. 00 | | ? kg of margarine |10. 00 | | ? kg of white sugar |16. 00 | | Japanese wrapper |2.

00 | | Charcoal fuel |5. 00 | | TOTAL |68. 00 | Out of these ingredients, the researchers can make 90 pieces of polvoron. The total cost to make these polvoron with malunggay ingredient is P 68. 00. The selling price per piece is P2. 00. The total sale is P90. 00. Therefore, the researchers can generate a net income of P22. 00.

CHAPTER 6 RECOMMENDATION After the experiment had been conducted, the researchers had found out that Polvoron with Malunggay leaves ingredient is delicious and more attractive to buy and eat because of its appearance, taste, and nutritious impact to people.

Thus, this will be a good alternative for commercially processed polvoron since it is more beneficial to the human body. The researchers therefore recommend that a study be made by using malunggay leaves as ingredient to fruit jellies such as guava jelly con moringa.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Books, Journals and Pamphlets Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia and the New Book of Knowledge Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge Online Resources www. google. com www. yahoo. com www. malunggay. com www. wikianswers. com.

Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2009 APPENDICES 1. In a frying pan over the low-heated burning charcoal, the researchers fried the flour until its color turned into brownish. [pic] [pic] 2. The researchers poured and mixed the skimmed milk, white sugar, and margarine with the brownish flour. [pic] [pic] 3. The researchers mixed the powdered malunggay leaves with the other ingredients in the pan. [pic] [pic] 6. And for the finishing product, the researchers molded the polvoron by the use of a molder and wrapped them with the Japanese paper. [pic] [pic].

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Milk and Taste Appearance Impact. (2017, Mar 14). Retrieved from

Milk and Taste Appearance Impact essay
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