Unjust Wars: Mexican War, and Spanish-American War


The Mexican War and the Spanish-American War, two pivotal events in American history, were both products of unjust treatment inflicted upon weaker nations. These conflicts unfolded against the backdrop of expansionist policies and ethnocentric ideals, shedding light on the darker aspects of dominant powers, particularly the United States.

Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War

The roots of the Mexican War can be traced to the United States' expansionistic policies, fueled by the notion of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny, a prevailing ideology among Americans, propagated the belief in a divine right to spread their culture, viewing themselves as inherently superior.

This mindset, prevalent during President Polk's administration, laid the groundwork for an aggressive expansion policy that exhibited little regard for the sovereignty of other nations, notably Mexico.

Manifest Destiny gained significant momentum during Polk's presidency, driven by his fervent support for bringing Oregon and Texas into the Union. President Polk, embodying the role of an antagonist, sent troops under General Zachary Taylor into land that Mexico considered its own, sparking a war.

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Polk skillfully drafted a message to Congress, claiming that Mexico had violated the boundary of the United States and shed American blood on American soil. Regardless of the circumstances, whether the Mexicans or Americans fired the first shot, Polk achieved his goal of initiating a war. The Mexican government, plagued by political instability and economic challenges, found itself incapable of negotiating with a foreign power that held a superior stance.

The conflict escalated, showcasing the United States' disregard for diplomatic solutions.

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The aggressive stance taken by the U.S. left no room for negotiation, with the outcome predetermined by a superior power insisting on its demands through force. Mexico, lacking a strong centralized government and facing internal turmoil, became a victim of the United States' expansionist agenda.

The Spanish-American War: Imperial Ambitions

The Spanish-American War, a later chapter in American history, echoed the imperialistic ambitions that had fueled the Mexican War. General Valeriano Weyler's implementation of Reconcentration in Cuba, a policy relocating the population under martial law, became a flashpoint. The American government, once again seeking to exploit its defenseless neighbors, set its sights on gaining more influence in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.

The Philippines, like Cuba, found Spanish rule increasingly intolerable. Following the declaration of war against Spain in 1898, the United States added the Teller Amendment, asserting that it would not attempt to exercise hegemony over Cuba. The conflict reached a turning point at the Battle of Manila Bay, where Commodore George Dewey's forces destroyed the Spanish fleet. Post-war, the signing of the Treaty of Paris inflicted further injustices on Spain, stripping the country of its overseas possessions. The imperialistic goals pursued by the United States during the Spanish-American War mirrored the unjust treatment witnessed in the Mexican War. The dominant power, motivated by a desire for control and influence, paid little heed to the autonomy and dignity of the nations it sought to exploit.

Dominance and Unjust Treatment

Common to both wars was the recurring theme of dominance and ethnocentric ideals that the United States held. Disputes and conflicts arose from an entrenched belief in cultural superiority, leading to actions that disregarded the principles of fair negotiation and respect for the autonomy of other nations. In the Mexican War, President Polk's aggressive stance exemplified a willingness to resort to force, demonstrating a lack of consideration for Mexico's dignity and sovereignty.

Similarly, the Spanish-American War showcased a pattern of exploitation and interference in the affairs of weaker nations, driven by imperialistic goals. The actions taken by the United States were rooted in a superiority complex that perpetuated a cycle of dominance, leaving the affected nations to bear the brunt of unfair treaties and territorial losses.

These wars, while differing in their historical contexts, stand as stark examples of the unjust and unethical treatment that weaker nations experienced under the guise of U.S. foreign policy. The superiority complex held by the United States, rooted in Manifest Destiny and imperialistic ambitions, fueled a disregard for diplomatic negotiations and a tendency to insist on its demands through force.


In conclusion, both the Mexican War and the Spanish-American War were marked by unjust treatment, driven by the superiority and expansionist ideals of the United States. Manifest Destiny and imperial ambitions played pivotal roles, fostering an environment where weaker nations faced exploitation and aggression. These historical events serve as cautionary tales, urging nations to approach foreign policy with respect, diplomacy, and a commitment to fair negotiations, rather than perpetuating a cycle of dominance and disregard for the autonomy of others.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Unjust Wars: Mexican War, and Spanish-American War. (2016, Jun 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/mexican-war-and-the-spanish-american-war-essay

Unjust Wars: Mexican War, and Spanish-American War essay
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