Macbeth: Appearance vs Reality as an Deception

Categories: William Shakespeare

One's perception of others plays a role in how they see reality. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, various characters interact with others. The perception those characters have is mistaken for reality. Firstly, both Macbeth and Banquo are mistaking the witch’s appearance into what they think reality is going to look like while feeling impatient. Secondly, Macbeth thinks Lady Macbeth is encouraging him instead of realizing his manhood is being questioned when he is confused. Lastly, Duncan is feeling emotional towards Macbeth's services and thinks he should pay.

Hence, appearance is mistaken for reality, when the characters are in their most vulnerable state.

First and foremost, Macbeth is vulnerable to the apparition. When Macbeth is impatient, he visits the witches again. An apparition show’s up and says “Be bloody, bold and resolute! Laugh to scorn the power of man for none of women born shall harm Macbeth” (Shakespeare 4.1.86-88). Macbeth is told this after he tries to seek help to understand the prophecies.

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This quote illustrates what Macbeth should do when he is confused. He needs to be bloody and bold to become courageous. This prophecy is misinterpreted for what he wants to hear, thus he feels satisfied that he will not be defeated by anyone “born to a woman”. However, this prophecy is misinterpreted since Macduff (who is born due to a cesarean section) defeats Macbeth. In the end, Macbeth understands the child is powerful and bold and not the death of humanity and innocence. In addition to Banquo, he misunderstands the witches prophecies.

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Macbeth is presented with three titles the thane of glamis, the thane of Cawdor and the title of king. Macbeth is told the title last because he has to achieve it, since he has achieved the first two titles by his services. Banquo then says “My noble partner, you greet with present grace and prediction” (Shakespeare 1.3.56-57), which means Macbeth will be greeted with greatness. This is misinterpreted by Banquo, he believes becoming a king will only bring greatness and he also misinterprets how Macbeth has to become king no matter what, as he does mention this prediction will bring “greatness” The presence of getting to be above all else, is confused with its truth. Perhaps, these prophecies are a reflection of their greed “To me you speak not” (Shakespeare 1.3.59) , since only Macbeth and his close friend Banquo heard the prophecies.

Secondly, Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth when he was confused. Macbeth genuinely likes the respect he is receiving from Duncan, after he served Duncan and fought in the battle. Macbeth is conflicted between the respect he received and the crown he wants. As he is talking to her about his feelings, Lady Macbeth replies “Wouldn't thou have that which thou esteem’st the ornament of life and live a coward in thine self-esteem” (Shakespeare 1.7.44-46). Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth a coward, this proves that Lady Macbeth has taken this situation as an advantage to manipulate Macbeth to kill Duncan, so she calls him a coward. After this is said, Macbeth automatically thinks he has two options he could be happy/satisfied in killing Duncan after seizing the crown or live as a coward for not killing Duncan. He finds these two options, as the only choices he has since Lady Macbeth told him, a person he dearly trusts. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth is questioning Macbeth’s manhood. In Shakespeare’s time, A man symbolizes bravery, strength and courage. When Macbeth communicates his feelings to Lady Macbeth, she says “When you durst do it, then you are a man and to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man” (1.7.54-56). Macbeth automatically thinks these words are a form of encouragement, but in reality Lady Macbeth insulted him., he became more composed. The stereotypes of men are shown through Lady Macbeth’s opinion and how Macbeth reacts to Lady Macbeth’s opinion. Macbeth has just expressed his feelings, showing sensitivity and sensibility through his words. But Lady Macbeth, is mistaking this as a form of weakness from Macbeth.

Lastly, Duncan has mistaken the appearance of how things looked in the moment for how it was going to look . When Duncan went to the castle, he talks about the atmosphere “This castle hath a pleasant seat the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses” (Shakespeare 1.6.1-3). Duncan is talking about how the castle is located in a good area, and how the air is soothing. Duncan mistaken the appearance of the castle for the reality of it. Since he has a sweet, calm personality. He sees everything around him with positivity. Having this personality, he trust's people way to easily and thinks everyone is just like him. This is ironic because Macbeth and Lady Macbeth planned the castle to be horrifying for Duncan. Duncan is vulnerable and believes the environment Macbeth lives in will be comforting, just like Macbeth appears to be when he was serving Duncan. He has not detected any danger when he was feeling thankful towards Macbeth. Duncan is manipulated by Lady Macbeth’s femininity when he was feeling thankful, Lady Macbeth approaches him, he says “See, see our honored hostess! The love that follows us sometime is our trouble, which still we thank as love” (Shakespeare 1.6.12-14). Upon seeing lady Macbeth's appearance, he automatically thinks she is an honored hostess and welcomes them with love. This connects to the roles of women back in Shakespeare's time, A women would always be proven innocent in a case where it needs to be decided if a man or women are guilty, they are known to be gentle and sweet and thus the femininity of a woman is mistaken for an evil mind when Duncan was feeling thankful.

While various characters felt so many emotions, they mistaken their reality for what they thought appeared to them was true. Firstly, Macbeth and Banquo have mistaken the witches words, and the apparition for what they thought was true when they were impatient and greedy. Secondly, Lady Macbeth used manhood as an advantage to manipulate Macbeth when he is confused and lastly, Duncan felt thankful towards Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Ones actions could play a role in how they view reality, especially when they feel ambitious. Sometimes, we see a reflection of those actions we take and do not notice, just like those various characters did.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Macbeth: Appearance vs Reality as an Deception essay
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