Machiavellian Leadership in 'Macbeth'

Categories: LoveScotland


Exploring the realm of leadership, Shakespeare's play "Macbeth" vividly illustrates the Machiavellian principle that ruling with terror and fear can be more effective than attempting to foster happiness and love among the subjects. Drawing insights from Machiavelli's political philosophy, this essay delves into Macbeth's character as a ruler in the play, highlighting how he employs fear to consolidate power, instills terror in his enemies, and ultimately secures his position as the King of Scotland.

Consolidating Power: Fleeing Heirs and Swift Authority

In the aftermath of Duncan's murder, Macbeth strategically exploits the fear factor to pave his way to the throne.

The quick departure of Duncan's heirs, Donalbain and Malcolm, underscores the effectiveness of Macbeth's terrifying rule. Donalbain's words, "Our tears are not yet brewed," exemplify the immediate need for self-preservation in the face of Macbeth's ruthless ascent (II.iii.12-15). By instigating fear, Macbeth ensures the swift departure of potential rivals, facilitating his uncontested rise to power. The departure of Duncan's heirs becomes a testament to the potency of fear in the political landscape.

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Macbeth's ability to attain authority rapidly is further manifested as he hosts a state banquet to celebrate his newfound kingship. Banquo's loyalty, tinged with an acknowledgment of Macbeth's indomitable authority, reflects the pervasive fear gripping the kingdom (III.i.12-14). Despite Banquo's suspicions, Macbeth orchestrates his murder, eliminating any threat to his reign. Macbeth's expedited acquisition and consolidation of power highlight the Machiavellian strategy of ruling through fear, a method that proves efficient and devoid of the complexities associated with earning love and affection.

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The nuanced exploration of Macbeth's interactions with Duncan's heirs reveals a calculated manipulation of fear to eliminate potential threats. The departure of Donalbain and Malcolm creates a power vacuum that Macbeth promptly fills, showcasing the ease with which fear can be wielded as a tool of authority. This Machiavellian approach transcends the complexities of morality and ethical considerations, enabling Macbeth to ascend to the throne without prolonged challenges.

Furthermore, Macbeth's state banquet serves as a symbolic display of his authority, where subjects, aware of the consequences of dissent, offer unwavering allegiance. Banquo's subtle pledge, "Let your Highness command upon me," reflects not only obedience but also an acknowledgment of the pervasive atmosphere of fear (III.i.12-14). Macbeth's calculated elimination of Banquo reinforces the principle that ruling through fear ensures the stability of power, unburdened by the uncertainties associated with earning genuine affection and loyalty.

Terrorizing Enemies and Sustaining Authority

Macbeth's ability to sustain his authority over time is intrinsically tied to his Machiavellian approach of terrorizing potential adversaries. His merciless actions, particularly against Macduff, exemplify the harsh justice meted out to those perceived as threats. Macbeth labels Macduff a traitor for fleeing to England, leading to the brutal murder of Lady Macduff and her son (IV.ii.3-5). The calculated violence inflicted upon Macduff's family serves as a chilling reminder of the consequences of disloyalty. Macbeth's ruling style remains rooted in fear, ensuring a continuous grip on power as Scottish citizens cower under the shadow of his tyranny.

Macduff's portrayal as a traitor and the subsequent brutal murder of his family underscore the unrelenting nature of Macbeth's leadership. The Machiavellian strategy of eliminating perceived threats without hesitation contributes to the atmosphere of terror that envelops Scotland. Macbeth's ability to leverage fear as a means of control extends beyond his initial ascent to power, providing a sustained foundation for his rule.

The enduring impact of Macbeth's terror-driven leadership is further emphasized by the escalating fear among Scottish citizens. The calculated elimination of potential adversaries, coupled with public displays of brutality, consolidates Macbeth's image as an unwavering and formidable ruler. The systematic use of fear as a tool for sustaining authority underscores the Machiavellian maxim that it is more expedient to be feared than loved.


Macbeth's trajectory as a Machiavellian leader in Shakespeare's play illustrates the pragmatic effectiveness of ruling with fear. His strategic instillation of terror, swift consolidation of power, and unrelenting actions against perceived threats showcase the Machiavellian principles in action. While Macbeth's reign may be treacherous, it underlines the stark reality that, as a leader, ruling with fear often proves more expedient than pursuing the challenging path of earning love and loyalty. The intricate dance between power and fear in "Macbeth" resonates with Machiavelli's enduring insights into the complexities of leadership.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Machiavellian Leadership in 'Macbeth' essay
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