Information System With Services for Barangay Clearance

The Baranggay clearance and cedula are crucial files released by the federal government that are typically utilized for employment, organisation, or travel purposes. Both are primary forms of recognition. Information System has become the most frequently used source of details now a days. It is an excellent aid to developed and improved details through improvement of Barangay services. The proponent proposed an online Barangay details system that will assist the Barangay along with the employees and the people of the place.

The suggested system will reduced the hard and very long time procedure of releasing Barangay clearance and cedula. It will also help the hectic home who doesn't have sufficient time to check out Barangay hall by utilizing online consultation.


General Problem

How to design, establish and implement an Online Barangay Canlubang Details System with consultation for Barangay clearance and cedula services?

Particular Issues

  1. How to establish and integrate a system that will gather and save all the Barangay records that is required?
  2. How to create a system that will bring simple and easy in barangay officials in issuing barangay clearance and cedula?
  3. How to produce a site with consultation or scheduling for the citizens who doesn't have adequate time to visit Barangay Hall to process their clearance or cedulla?
  4. How to generate a system that will preserve and upgrade the records?


General Goal

The study aimed to establish an online information system with services for barangay clearance and cedula, It also includes the visit services for those residence who doesn't have sufficient time to go to the barangay hall for their applications.

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It created to establish the SDLC approach with PHP as scripting language and XAMMP as database platform.

Particular Goals

  1. To collect information and evaluate system requirements utilizing different fact-finding strategies which are interviews, document analyses and actual observation of the existing systems.
  2. To develop a system that will minimize consumption of time in processing and launching of Barangay Clearace and cedula.
  3. To develop and create the proposed system using PHP as a programming language with Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 as IDE and XAMMP as an open source database management system, with other software tools like Internet Explorer as web browser, Adobe Photoshop as image editing tool to enhance the proposed system
  4. To develop system that user friendly.


Paradigm of the Need to Develop the System

Currently, the residents go to the Barangay office to process their cedula and Barangay clearance. They are required to have their Cedula and Certificate of Residency (COR) before manually filling up a form given by the Barangay Secretary. It includes your personal information, and a 1x1 picture attached on it .After filling up, the applicant will submit it to the Barangay administration. If the applicant has no any bad record in the barangay then the administrator will approve their Barangay clearance. Lastly the applicant will pay P26.50 for cedula and only donation for Barangay clearance.

Once the system has been developed, the residents can go online for their reservation of time and date for cedula and Barangay clearance services, instead of doing the old walk-in system. They need first to register and then they are going to fill up the computerized form of Barangay clearance and cedula. If the residents have no any bad record in the Barangay he/she will be approved by the Barangay administrator through online. After having their appointment they will just go to the Barangay Hall on the specific date of their appointment to get their Barangay clearance and cedula. The payment process will be done in Barangay hall. All the important information of the applicants can be view in database.

Significance of the Study

The study is needed towards process improvement in the Barangay Hall. The Barangay Hall is one of the departments that support the needs of the residents in the barangay. The research in this area is also needed to solve some problems in releasing Barangay clearance and cedula.

In this study, the target beneficiaries were as follows:

  1. Barangay Officials. The proposed system will be beneficial to the barangay officials as it will help them to provide good services to the residents. It will also help them to lessen time consuming in releasing barangay clearance and cedula.
  2. Local Government – This study will contribute to the development for other barangay services which are more reliable and applicable in all barangay levels. In this study, they will be able to implement a system which is more appropriate for the needs of Barangay.
  3. Local Residents – They could easily inquire and get necessary information and documents they wanted at a time.
  4. Future Researcher - this study would serve as an additional piece to the library on research literature on public administrator and to the local government officials. Scope and Delimitations

This study is focused on five major areas namely:

  1. online information System;
  2. Online Services of the Barangay;
  3. online approval or disapproval for the application of Barangay Clearance and Cedula;
  4. Online Appointment; and
  5. Maintenance of the System.

The first area is the online information system of the Barangay Canlubang. It includes all the important information about Barangay Canlubang, barangay officials and their services. The second area is the Online Services of the Barangay hall in terms of releasing Barangay clearance and cedula .The third area is the online approval or disapproval for the application of Barangay clearance and cedulla.

Barangay officials can view if the applicant has any bad record or blater in the Barangay .They can approve or reject the application of Barangay clearance and cedula. The fourth are is Online Appointment for the residents who doesn’t have enough time to visit Barangay Hall for their clearance or cedulla. Finally, the fifth area is the maintenance of the system by the systems administrator. The system administrator is authorized to give access rights to different levels of users, manage maintenance of the system by adding, updating and deleting records. However, this is limited only to the Barangay development process on the Barangay Canlubang Calamba City. Since the study cover only the Barangay Canlubang. Payment is not included in our system.

Definition of Terms


Browser. is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web. Database. Is an application data that manages data and allows fast storage and that retrieval of data. Application. is a program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.

Macromedia Dream weaver 8. is a proprietary web development application originally created by Macromedia, and is now developed by Adobe Systems. Internet Explorer. is the most widely used World Wide Web browser. It is bundled with the Microsoft Windows operating system and can also be downloaded from Microsoft's Web site. System. Is a Collection of elements that work together to achieve a common goal. Photoshop. Image editing software and considered as one of the leaders in photo editing software. Flash. is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages.

Non Technical

Barangay Officials. is someone who holds an office in an organization, government and participates in the exercise of authority. Cedula. served as income tax and personal identification for the natives. Clearance. Activities required or undertaken to conserve as nearly, and as long, as possible the original condition of an asset or resource while compensating for normal wear and tear. Appointment. an arrangement for a meeting

Maintenance. Knowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning. Intuitive. Received, reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition; as, intuitive judgment or knowledge.


  • XAMPP. solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server,MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perlprogramming languages HTML.
  • Hyper Text Mark-up Language
  • RAD. Rapid Application Development
  • DBMS. Database Management Software
  • IDE. Integrated Development Environment
  • DBMS. Database Management System
  • COR. Certificate of Residency


The proponent has found existing software products which are related to her proposed system namely: DFA Passport Appointment System. DFA Passport Appointment System, is web-based system for your passport application, you can now enjoy the convenience of getting an appointed date, time, and option for passport delivery. Requesting for new passport or passport renewal is now made accessible, all you have to do is provide your personal info online and choose an available date and time convenient for you. Applying for a Philippine passport is now efficient and world class. Applicants may set a passport appointment by going online through its dedicated website by calling the DFA Appointment Hotline 737-1000. In summary, DFA Online Appointment System aims to bring the passport application for passport renewal and new passport processing service at par with world class consular services. The service also comes with an option for passport delivery.

  • Web-based interface with intuitive navigation.
  • Eliminate long line formed with the old walk-in system.
  • Convenience of getting an appointed date, time, and option for passport delivery.
  • Applying for passport is efficient.
Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Information System With Services for Barangay Clearance. (2017, Jan 09). Retrieved from

Information System With Services for Barangay Clearance essay
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