In this paper I will reflect on the concept of selfcare personal

In this paper I will reflect on the concept of self-care, personal resilience not only through the lenses of the theory but most importantly looking at its significance on professional experience and likelihood of burnout during my psychology in practice encounter. As argued by Cheetham and Chivers (1998) reflective practitioner is a competent practitioner who is able to marry effectively the reflective practitioner approach with competence-based. Due to the nature of the inquiry in this reflective triangulated paper I will utilise some elements of an introspective methods design and introduced by Gibbs (1988) as not all of them are relevant and in line with Bettney (2017) reflective approach during clinical training.

Foundation of this reflective and critical experience was derived from evidence based practice (EBP) which become a spirit of the times in many professions including social work, nursing, psychology and medicine (Roberts, Blossom, Evans, Amaro & Kanine, 2017).

I will review the theoretical as well as an evidence based literature in collaboration with my personal encounter of those three phenomena's within my professional experience in acute hospital working as adult general nurse.

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I will embrace 'theory-practice' approach as during the reflective inquiry I was making connection between the theory and life experience and mastering reflective practitioner approach (Tonna, Bjerkholt & Holland, 2017).

Working as a nurse for fifteen years in different clinical settings made me aware that nursing profession faces multiple challenges. One of them is global shortage of nurses followed by ageing population on local and global level (World Health Organisation, 2018). In the view of those events building personal resilience skills was suggested to be as one of the most effective way to retain nurses in the health profession (Ang et al., 2018).

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Emerging evidence suggest that healthcare especially in United Kingdom is heavily shaped by expectations from society demanding high?quality care with fewer resources (Frampton, Guastello & Lepore, 2013).

Burnout among front line services including nurses is a complex problem, negatively affecting both caregivers and healthcare organizations. As argued by Steffanina (2014) one of the ways to significantly improve the situation is by implementation of the knowledge that is filtrated from multiple sources. The wealth of information will act in dichotomous way; to improve the therapeutic alliance and act as a catalyst developing successful working relationship and as prevention from the burn out. On the other hand, endorsement of character strengths may be a bridge between satisfaction from work and strategically implemented intervention effectively targeting work related burnout (Steffanina, 2014).

Embedding psychological thinking into everyday practice.


In this essay I investigated the concept of resilience not only from the standpoint of novelty and notoriously difficult to pin down not only in measurement (Vanhove, Herian, Perez, Harms & Lester, 2016) but in definition (Harm & Wood, 2016). It is important to look at it as a complex phenomenon derived from multileveled interaction among cultural, genetic, demographic, social, developmental variables (Southwick & Charney, 2012). For the purpose of this inquiry I did argue that most importantly from nursing point of view resilience it is a learnable and adaptable skill allowing people to bounce back when they face adversity, conflict, failure and take responsibility for their own action (Imani, Kermanshahi, Vanaki amd Kazemnejad Lili, 2018). American Psychological Association (2014) defined resilience as adapting process when facing stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy. This particular assignment prompted me to challenge my bias and my current knowledge about the 'buzz word' in relation to healthcare setting as resilience could be used successfully as a predictor of mental health (Narender & Joshi, 2016).

When conducting research in field of resilience I needed to realise that the research in this sphere is generous and diverse; for example, neuropsychology provided striking evidence for the neuroanatomical inheritance, people with more superior resilience skill have larger lateral prefrontal cortex (Shaw, 2016). From socio-educational stand point Joslyn (2015) reported that foundation of resilience is set up in childhood by focusing on positive and cognitively developed skills allowing navigating effectively through life challenges and described as key factor for successful transition in life. This way of exploring of resilience goes in line with early resilience?based approach suggested by Ang, Uthaman, Ayre, Lim and Lopez (2019) and suggesting to look at the resilience as the buffer and protective factor when facing workforce stress and improvement of job satisfaction not only for nurses.

I was positively encouraged by the generosity of current up to date research providing evidence that resilience helps nurses effectively to reduce the effects of stress and burnout. I struggled to see embedded psychological positive and constructive thinking into everyday practice which was one of my major concerns in terms of bridging the gap between theory and practice. It was suggested that it is one of the most effective way to build resilient traits among health care professionals is by providing support and encouragement with courses or training allowing the skills to be build and most importantly stop people from leaving the care industry (Yu, Raphael, Mackay, Smith & King, 2019). In different research resilience was considered responsible for

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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In this paper I will reflect on the concept of selfcare personal essay
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