How I Quit Vegetarianism and Became a Meat Eater

Categories: Being VegetarianFood

Once I was vegetarian and now I am meat eater. I was vegetarian since birth because my family has been vegetarian since generations due to religious restrictions.For me, however, this was no longer a religious case as once I had grown up. Until teenage neither had Iseen any case of slaughtering nor did I have any meat eater friend.I was an animal lover; I was bird lover. I used to love them equally as humans because I saw they could create voice like I could, only nature of voice was different; I saw they could eat like I could; I saw they could feel hurt and cry when Istoned at them.

However, entering into teenage, as I became mature, I encountered many incidents of animal slaughtering.My heart was screaming over and over because I was too sensitive, and seeing blood was more than enough to have goosebumps in entire body.

Seeing anyone killing animal or birds made me think that the world is cruel.Watching animal slaughtering or seeing my friends eating meat always teared my eyes.

Gravy of the meat curry was like blood to me and chicken in the plate was like flesh to me.

I would feel like I was to vomit whenever I would see anyone eating meat, even I would to cry for hours.

It felt so strange being single vegetarian in my gang of friends.

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My meat-eater friendsused to persuade me into eating meat, but my soul and heart had something to disagree with them.

Rather than refraining from meat eating just because of a religious restriction, I started searching for the reasons why people eat meat and why don’t I, if it is so tasty according to them, so the things were getting reasonable as I start questioning everything putting religion aside.

During research I came to know that animals and birds do not have equal senses as compared to humans but they dohave brain, heart, central nervous system and hormones to feel pain, sohurting any living was totally unjustifiable in my life.I came across hundreds of highly researched articles proving that eating animal is linked with so many diseases in long term, so keeping care for my health was another reason to avoid eating meat.

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I personally disliked eating meat, not because of religious constraints, but because satisfying my tasting buds did not trump over lives of animals and birds and I remained pure vegetarian by then.

Now I am meat eater. Tracing back to how I started, I have been eating meat since I have come here in IBA Karachi. Here I found majority falling in meat eating category.They cook meaty dishes at least 5 days a week in hostel mess, so what can I do other than trying to adjust into the environment. In early days I thought to be firm on my words, but daily debate with warden and cook created only hatred. I didn’t get vegetarian food on time, so I had to go for class with hungry stomach. Seeing me eating vegetarian food, everyone questioned shockingly.

“You don’t eat meat? You have never eaten meat in your entire life? What do you eat then?” my hostel mates questioned surprisingly. What could I answer them? I had no idea.I found myself in troubles. My body started losingstrength as time passed as I compromised on three times food. I had no option other than eating meat because whatever they cook, they mix fleshy and eggy ingredients into it.

“Just try for once, we are sure you will find it tasty” My friends came to convince me. Being left with no other option I was obliged to do so. Meat in the plate on the table made me cry. My nervous soul and shaking hands didn’t even allow me to touch the meat, but what could I do other than this. I started vomiting while making meat morsels for the first time. My first try took away the craving of food. I didn’t eat for days and vomiting became daily routine.

When I see myself as meat eater I don’t feel good and I don’t find meat as tasty as other people always do. I eat meat in compulsion. I don’t want to eat meat because I feel like I’m sinful in this business of food. When I question my inner self I find myself cruel.The cruelest person is the one who underestimates other living beings and considers himself the superior of all other creations of God. I find myself the man with low morals because I eat the living creatures I am evolved from.


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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How I Quit Vegetarianism and Became a Meat Eater essay
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