Effects of Papain in Tenderizing the Meat

Categories: Muscle


Muscles have to endure a lot of mechanical stress; they are made of strong fibers that make them hard to cut, and tough connective tissue holds them together. Individual muscle cells contain microscopic fibrils that give them their structural integrity and allow them to contract. The fibrils have a complex internal structure bound together by long protein chains. The connective tissue that holds the muscle together is also mostly protein. Papain cuts the protein chains in the fibrils and also in the connective tissue, disrupting the structural integrity of the muscle fiber, and tenderizing the meat.

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A. Background of the study

We selected this research project because we want to compare the effects of using papaya’s papain and the commercial meat tenderizers that can be bought in many supermarkets. Some people also tried this research project, like Gian Paul Giron, a student in a university in Manila. It spurred me to work on this problem because other researchers did not accomplish in making the papain meat tenderizer available in markets and can be bought in a lower price than the commercial ones.

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The results of this study can make a contribution to attain a better quality life, because if this will be successful, consumers can now buy a meat tenderizer that is chemical-free. It means that the papaya that we will be using will not use any commercial fertilizers.

B. Statement of the Problem and Objectives

We have two general objectives in this study. First, to make our product available in markets for home use and secondly, to know the other effects of papain in tenderizing the meat. We also have two scientific objectives in this study. First, to prove that papain can be used as substitute for meat tenderizer and secondly, to prove that using the papain of a papaya fruit is safe and not dangerous to use

C. Significance of the Project

Philippines is a country wherein many papayas are grown. Why not use these papayas to make a product that can be exported to other countries, this can help our country’s economy, because we should export more products that to import from other countries. It can help me also as a individual if our country’s economy will rise higher, the prices in the market will also lower done.

D. Delimitation/ Limitations of the Project/ Study

We have limitations in techniques that we will be using, because there are many ways to make this product easier to make. We also have limitations on tools that we will be using; we don’t have a juice extractor, to extract the juice of the papaya faster. We also have limitations in in knowledge in making this investigatory project, since this is our first time to make a meat tenderizer.

E. Review of Related Literature

Primary sources:

* Miller. Proteolytic enzymes in inflammation: rationale for use. Post grad Med.1956 Jan; 19(1):16-22 * Fisher JD, Weeks RL, Curry WM, Hrinda ME, Rosen LL. Effects of an oralenzyme preparation, Chymoral, upon serum proteins associated with injury(acute phase reactants) in man. J Med. 1974; 5(5):258-73 Secondary sources:

* Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book, 12th Edition; Better Homes andGardens Books; 2004. * Lie KK, Larsen RD, Posch JL. Therapeutic value of oral proteolytic enzymesfollowing hand surgery. Arch Surg. 1969 Jan; 98(1):103-4 Tertiary sources:

* Giron, Gian Paul. De La Salle University.Region3.dost.gov.ph * Lie KK, Larsen RD, Posch JL. Therapeutic value of oral proteolytic enzymesfollowing hand surgery. Arch Surg. 1969 Jan; 98(1):103-4
* Johnson. Ann – “What is substitute of meat tenderizer” MATERIALS AND METHODS

A. Materials and Equipment


* Unripe papayas
* Meat
* Commercial meat tenderizer


* Blender
* Microwave
* Knife
* Bowl
* Plates

B. Treatment or General Procedure

1. First, you will cut the papaya into small pieces.

2. Then, using a blender put amount of cut papaya fruits and make it to very small pieces.

3. Extract the papaya manually.
4. Compare the results.


After ten minutes of soaking the meat, we observed that the meat in papaya extract is more tenderized than the commercial meat tenderizer. Therefore, this proves that papaya extract can be used as substitute for meat tenderizer.


In the study, when you put too much papaya extract in the meat, the meat would be bitter because of too much extract, like wise in the meat tenderizer. Make sure also that the meat that you will tenderize will not exceed ten minutes, because tendency, it will have different result.


When we add more papaya extract in meat, the meat gets bitter and cannot be eaten because of the taste and smell that it has. Like wise also with using commercial meat tenderizer, if you put too much, the meat can’t be eaten. When you add also water while extracting the papaya, the meat will not be tenderized than it should be, because if you put water, the papain in the extract will not give a result that would satisfy us or others.


* The use of other additives and seasonings for the improvement of the taste of meat is recommended. * To save time and energy, using mechanical method(juicer) in obtaining the extract is recommended.



* Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book, 12th Edition; Better Homes andGardens Books; 2004. * JOURNALS
* Miller. Proteolytic enzymes in inflammation: rationale for use. Post grad Med.1956 Jan; 19(1):16-22 * Fisher JD, Weeks RL, Curry WM, Hrinda ME, Rosen LL. Effects of an oralenzyme preparation, Chymoral, upon serum proteins associated with injury(acute phase reactants) in man. J Med. 1974; 5(5):258-73. * Duskova M, Wald M. orally administered proteases in aesthetic surgery.Aesthetic Plat Surg. 1999 Jan-Feb; 23(1):41-4. * Hoemecke R, Doenicke A. Perioperative enzyme therapy. A significant supplement to postoperative pain therapy, Anaesthesist. 1993 Dec; 42(12):856-61. * Lie KK, Larsen RD, Posch JL. Therapeutic value of oral proteolytic enzymesfollowing hand surgery. Arch Surg. 1969 Jan; 98(1):103-4. * Use of Meat Tenderizing Enzymes in Marinadeshttp://www.preparedfoods.comTenderizing Beef, Fact Sheet from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association *

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Effects of Papain in Tenderizing the Meat. (2017, Jun 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/effects-of-papain-in-tenderizing-the-meat-essay

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