Great Experience as an Intern

Categories: Cleaning My Room

The main Objective of preparing this report is to obtain depth knowledge and information about the hotel industry through various research and experience where the student has been currently commencing their Industry placement. It is a short illustration of experience acquired by students of 1st Year and is based on the entire internship period. Furthermore, it provides an overview and reflection on both student’s personal placement Journey along with their integration within Majestic Old Lion Apartment of Majestic Hotel. The industry Placement was carried out within the organization in July 2018. this report is based on placement commenced under the housekeeping department as a Room Attendant which requires analysis, research, and study of overall departments of the hotel industry.

All the information written in this report has been collected through hotel websites, Training Manuals and writers own experience at the organization. Overview of Property Majestic Hotel which is located in heart of South Australia is Family Operated Hotel Group owned by Mr.

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John Culshaw in 1986. It has the total of five properties located in heart of North Adelaide and Port Augusta.

Majestic hotels are one of the award-winning hotels of South Australia. it incorporates Five different accommodation to meet the needs of the various class of guests. All five Properties provides Custom Made King size beds, Secure Parking Space and Free Unlimited Wi-Fi and many more. Majestic Roof Garden is the 4.5-star hotel and Majestic Old Lion Apartment, Tynte Apartment, Majestic Oasis Apartment whereas Majestic Minima Hotel is also a 4-star hotel but it is also Known as First self-check in the hotel which now has been transformed into stylish Art hotel.

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It has employed staffs from various nations and regions which have helped to create Culturally Diverse Staff (Majestic Hotel, 2018). Role Within the Placement Organizational Team Throughout my entire Placement, I worked in the Housekeeping department at Majestic Old Lion Apartment, our Team member consists of Executive Housekeeper Mrs. Ann Smart, Deputy Supervisor Mrs. Deb whyman and two-floor Supervisor Cecelian Metz and Kelly Ingrames. we have approximately 20 Room Attendant, 1 houseman, 3 maintenance staff and our team also have some casual staff hired during busy days. among which there are total 10 Full-time permanent staff and reset of them are Part-time permanent including me. there is a total of 66 Studio 1,2 &3 bedrooms with self-contained, serviced apartments and it our department's duties and responsibility to keep the Guest rooms and surrounding areas clean and appealing at all time (Smart. A, 2018). Having a smooth running establishment and an effective and efficient team is key to the success of any hotel business. However, sometimes various professional issues might arouse that challenge the ideas of the team. During my Placement, I was assigned to clean an arrival room, while cleaning the room I found out that the shower head was leaking.

At this situation, I just had 2 hours left for guest to check in and there was nothing I could do to stop water leakage so I quickly informed my Executive Housekeeper and she instantly called maintenance staff and asked them to fix the problem. It was all because of proper coordination and teamwork between departments that we were able to solve the problem in a short period of time. Smart. A (2018) says that the daily duty of the department starts with assigning the task into the worksheets for each employees that are routine cleaning and everyday maintenance such as dusting and vacuuming, polishing furniture, collecting and sending dirty linen for cleaning to laundry and filling up the linen bays with the linens, emptying trash cans, take out garbage and replenish guest amenities, handing over guest lost items to the lost and found department. my daily. My key roles each morning was to clean the guest rooms and replace any used toiletries, vacuum and mop floors to ensure guest enters a clean room. As soon as the rooms have been cleaned or freshen it is my duty to record the room status and time taken to clean on the assigned time sheet. It is very important that each staff follow the Standard operating procedures and Work Health Safety at all times (Deborah, 2018). Having a good relationship with fellow coworkers is very important for the smooth and effective operation of the hotel industry as it helps to increase productivity, improve teamwork and employee retention rates (Mcfarlin, 2018). During my Placement period, I have made lots of friends from different countries and departments they were very kind and helpful to me. During my first weeks, they helped me a lot with providing me tips and tricks for cleaning room, making the bed, cots etc. Whether it is a busy day or not our department staffs coordinate and helps each other with the task.

The Application of Prior Knowledge and Theory with Regards to Placement Before commencing my Placement, I wasn’t confident enough to work as a Room Attendant as I only had experience of working in a kitchen Department and few ICHM Practical Session of Housekeeping. Though I don’t have any experience working as a room attendant I do know that it’s a physically challenging job similarly to the Kitchen where we have to stand long hours, bend and carry linens. Before starting my placement, I have mixed feeling about the workplace; I was worried how I would fit into the workplace? I thought I would be asked to make bed straight away with a short training but when I started my first day it was totally different from what I expected. I was given a warm welcome with a box of chocolates and was given weeks of training until I was confident enough to work by myself. Furthermore, I was personally trained by Executive Housekeeper for a week and then followed by two supervisors rest of weeks. Working with the supervisors was very helpful as I got an opportunity to learn each of their styles and make my own style of performing the task. Moreover, each employee at the workplace was very kind and helpful who always taught me new tricks and tips on cleaning rooms more effectively and efficiently. It has just been 4 months however, I am confident and capable enough to perform duties and task at the same level as other full-time staffs. Coming to New work skills that I have learned during placement I can say almost all of the skills that I learned as a Housekeeping Room Attendant were new. However, some of the major skills that I learned for the first time were making Bunk Beds, Sofa Beds, baby Cots and Guest Rooms and Furniture Setup. Making these kinds of beds looks simple and easy but it requires lots of skills, tricks, and experience to get it done as staff may hurt their back if proper techniques and procedures aren’t used. Basically, one person can make the bunk bed but for the health and safety reason staff are recommended to work in a pair while making the bunk bed.

I didn’t have any prior experience working in Housekeeping department and skills that I acquired at ICHM weren’t helpful when it came to obtaining work skills, however, theoretical knowledge was very helpful to learn work skills. We had theoretical knowledge of performing the task but practical sessions weren’t enough as we directly went to the Pullman hotel and started cleaning the rooms. It would have been more helpful if one of the staff has shown us standard procedures of cleaning the room instead of us directly cleaning rooms in a pair. However, theoretical knowledge and basic practical knowledge learned at ICHM and the communication skills and time management skills that I learned while working at a Kitchen Department came in handy. Good Communication skills and Time Management Skills helped me fit in the workplace very quickly as these are the most important qualities that every employee must obtain. My Personal Development Within the Workplace Evaluating the performance and providing ongoing training to the staffs are the essential part of hotel operation as it helps employees to improve their efficiency, skills and be up to date with new chemicals and equipment’s. During my placement, my performance was evaluated by supervisors and I was given multiple ongoing training to improve my efficiency and cleaning standards. furthermore, training was given regarding work health safety policies, room setup standards and chemicals use. Each training provided step by step was really helpful and easy to understand. ongoing training helps to reduce the stress of knowing everything at the same time and it enables one to work more confidently and effectively. One of an example of ongoing training I received was Guest room furniture setup and room decors setups.

During this training Phase, I was practically taken into each room and shown how furniture’s and decors are placed as each room were different. Recognition for any Significant achievement in any workplace help employees feels that they are valued by the property. These achievements can be verbal praise, a certificate or a gifts hamper for performing well at the workplace. During my placement period, I have been verbally praised multiple time for my hard work and speed. Every staff in the department recognize me as the fastest worker among all as I always get my task done quickly and as per the hotel's standards and I help other staff getting their task done. Apart from verbal praise, I have not been recognized for any significant achievements but some of the staffs at my department have been recognized for excellent guest service, successful employment of 3 years in the workplace where the employee receives a thank you letter and a majestic Recognition Badge. High-quality placement helps students to bring a wide range of positive impacts on their academic performance and Employability skills. It provides students with the opportunity to gain skills specific to the industry of their choice as well as the skills required for real-life work. in addition, it also enables students to increase their knowledge of the industry, allowing them to make a smart decision for their future career choices (Ncub,2018). Some of the graduate Qualities that were impacted during my placement are as follows. Strong Communication Skills: within my entire placement period my communication skills have remarkably changed. after finishing every task every staff must communicate about the room status to the floor supervisor. during this 4 month, I have made lots of international friends and interaction with them which have impacted positively and greatly with my communication skills.

Now I feel more confident to speak out be it sharing personal opinions or work-related information. In addition, I have also learned how to effectively manage time and get things done efficiently. furthermore, while working in a team during busy days to complete the task assigned quickly my ability to coordinating and working in a team to get a task done have improved. if one has these Graduate skills that are essential to real life work it unlocks lots of career opportunities to the individuals.

With respect to those qualities that I have gained through my placement the area of opportunity that I can visualize are:

  1. Possible work opportunities within the same hotel industry post placement.
  2. Chances of getting employment at the bigger hotel industry or getting offers from the reputed hotel industry.
  3. The possibility of getting Promotion in near Future if continued working at property for a longer time.

It is very important for students to maintain and keep improving their graduate qualities as these attributes are important for each student to be able to gain and maintain the employment post placement. there is a various way to develop these qualities one can develop by being on a campus whereas others can choose to keep working to continue developing those graduate qualities. when it comes to me I believe working during free times to make sure that the skills I have learned are continuously developing which will help me improve my time management qualities as you are learning to manage time between your study and work to maintain balance. when it comes to teamwork and communication skills college would be the best place to continue developing because at college students can interact with lecturers and friends about various topics or experience that you had during your placement. Conclusion To conclude I can say that this industry placement journey has been very informative and rewarding experience gained through practical work. Through this placement, I have been able to practically apply all the theoretical knowledge that I acquired at ICHM during 1st year. With this placement, ICHM has provided the student with the opportunity to learn about the hotel operation in real life. Moreover, it has been an opportunity to develop one's graduate qualities that are essential for each student to be able to get employment in the future. Through this internship, I was able to effectively manage time and communicate with everyone within the organization. Furthermore, I have also learned the importance of each department for the successful operation of the business.

Before I used to think sales and marketing team are key to the success of hotel industry but through this placement, I have clearly understood that each department has the key role that they play in order for hotel operation to be successful. I will continue working with majestic hotel post placement, however, I am still keeping my options open for new opportunities. I hope to continue learning new skills and about the industry and meet new people. This was a wonderful experience and I hope that other interns also had a wonderful experience with their choice of department and property.

Updated: Apr 19, 2022
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Great Experience as an Intern. (2022, Apr 19). Retrieved from

Great Experience as an Intern essay
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