Gareth Stokes's work Robots vs Humans?

AI and the Future of the Workplace talks about the possibilities of replacing human workers with robots in the near future. Robotisation has the capability to affect employment, reallocate human workers and change business operations as it will play an increasing role in the workplace, making unemployment a big concern in the industry.

Businesses need to introduce smaller AI components on their system to be able to get used to the technology and be able to adapt to newer AIs easily.

Stokes said that AI is an opportunity to explore new things and it should not be feared. He also said that it will generate more opportunities for employment as workers are needed to coach, assist and enhance the thriving AI and machine learning industries.

On the other hand, businesses may experience cultural change after the implantation of robots in the workplace and it requires strong leadership to make AI an opportunity and not a threat. Reskilling of employees is also needed for businesses to be able to keep up with technology's demands and focus their employees on skills that cannot be done by computers.

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AI's effect and role on the business industry depends on how people perceive, welcome and approach its idea.

Based on what I've read I was thinking that AI is not designed with the idea of replacing human workers. Stokes said that robotisation will play a major role in the workplace and we all know that the workplace is composed of human workers. If robotisation is to be embedded in the industry, there is a high possibility of rise in unemployment.

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Having robots in the system is an edge for businesses since AI has these capabilities that are beyond the human capacity.

With the existence of robots, human workers will be of little to no use for businesses and it can result to unemployment. Stokes also said that AI is not something to automatically fear and I am quite disturbed with this remark because it has this tone of finality and I believe that you cannot simply say that AI should not be feared. AI may be an opportunity for businesses to thrive but for employees, AI means being replaced by technology and eventually, unemployment.

Updated: Aug 11, 2021
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Gareth Stokes's work Robots vs Humans? essay
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