Experiences of UC SHS Students towards Living Independently


In order to achieve goals and desires, one has to attain education in life. As stated in Article XIV, Section 1 of the 1987 Philippines Constitution, "the State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all (Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, 2019)". Hence, most of the Filipino youth are able to study, especially the ones who have the capacity of sustaining studies in their preferred prestigious schools.

Filipino children receive an abundance of love and affection from all members of the extended family, and because of this, they may not learn to do things on their own and remain like this their whole life (Hays, 2013).

The close family relationship culture that Filipinos have is the reason why most of them don't leave home until married. However, due to the implementation of K-12 which added two years of Senior High School, and also for college, some Filipino teenagers already choose to study in different places without their parents guidance.

Based on observation there are a lot of students who came from provinces, studying in the University of Cebu, Private Campus.

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This can be observed not only in the noticeable language barrier experienced in communication but also with the students in the bus terminals or ports lining up every weekend or holiday seasons to go home, to their provinces. Some of them are strangers in Cebu and have to stay in apartments, dorms, or boarding houses.


The researcher's purpose of choosing this topic is to be able to let people understand the situation of these students who chose to study in Cebu without their parents or guardians.

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Furthermore, it will help the upcoming Grade 11 Senior High School students who are also planning to pursue their studies in a school far away from their town.

  • General Problem: This study will explore the experiences of University of Cebu Private Campus students who are living independently.
  • Specific Problem
    • To know how living independently affects their daily school lives;
    • What is/are the common problem/s that they are going through; and
    • How they cope up with this/these

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on Detachment Theory of Parenting Adolescence by Pickhardt, (2013), which stated that at adolescence the parents foster the young person's basic trust and reliance to be able to count upon one's self. Parents allow the young with more freedom of decision making and worldly experience but still remain connected through constant caring and communication. Supporting this theory is another one called Experiential Learning by Kolb (2014), stating that people learn best by experience. Thus, when adolescents are sent far from their caregivers, they tend to experience more of their freedom and therefore, learn more from it.

Literature and Study Review

Around the age of 8 or 9, parents handle their children developing attachment. Here, the goal is for them to bond with their child so that a basic trust in dependence on them is established. Starting out in life, the girl or boy needs to be able to confidently rely on these primary adult, to be able to count on them. To establish this reliance, parents create attachment by holding on with unwavering caring, caretaking, and commitment to create this sense of security (Pickhardt, 2015). After this said age, parents, in the teenage stages of their children, move to detachment parenting giving the chance to be free and make decisions for them. A common way of doing is this is sending them to different places to study and explore more.

As stated in an essay entitled "What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Away From Home to Freshmen Students" published by studymoose.com, the major, and also a very common, problem that students have to face is that once we start a regular life away from home, we always get homesick. Missing our family and the attention they paid to us is a very usual thing to do. We can even miss little moments that we share with our family. As a result, we start to realize how valuable our family are, and appreciate everything we had back where we used to belong.

In addition to that, the essay also said that once we live far away from home, we have to learn how to do things by ourselves. Say goodbye to the carefree life, and step into a life full of duties. Now we have to worry about every aspects of our life , from bigger ones such us balancing our budgets, making ends meet, to smaller tasks.

When you live independently during your studies, you'll have your monthly budget, no matter where it comes. You will be the one who in-charge to pay bills every month, who has to buy food, clothes, books and everything else you need. As time passes, even small decisions will become your priority. You will learn the true value of money and the advantages or disadvantages of your decision making (HeySuccess, 2017).

In Eastern Visayas, a lot of young adolescents undergo leaving their parental home. Affecting their home-leaving are significant factors like age, sex, education, residence, and work. Adolescence are more likely to leave their parental homes as they continue growing. Women leave their homes more probably than men. The odds of leaving homes are higher when adolescents reached college level, live in rural areas, and have work experience. These results suggest that lack of job opportunities in rural areas pushes young people to move to other areas especially in urban centers where there is an increasing demand for work (Raquel, 2016).

The government must ensure that young people in Eastern Visayas have access to education and job opportunities. The creation of jobs in the local market would deter the so-called "brain drain". To better capture the dynamics of home leaving behavior among adolescents, a gender differential analysis may be conducted in the future. Likewise, determining the pathways or destinations of home leaving is recommended (Raquel, 2016).

Being at home means you can spend more time on other stuff like studying and going out rather than having to worry about food shopping and cooking. On the other side, living away from home means you get to decide to eat what you want when you want. You can also improve your cooking skills and have a lot of fun discovering new favorite recipes (Feng, 2017)

Although living away from ones family is difficult, especially in a time of crucial transition such as college life, it may also bring positive effects. Though participants are aware that living away from the family makes them more independent, they are not aware that this may also affect their academic performance in a positive light (Glory et al., 2014).

According to Glory et. al., (2014) despite of the difficulties encountered when living independently it can still give positive effects in the academic performance of the students. They stated that even if students don't really like living alone and/or disagree to the notion that living alone improves the academic standing, students still get high grades though. Furthermore, the researchers also viewed that even if living without parents/guardians make students independent it does not necessarily mean that their studies are being affected.

Being away from home, living and studying alone are indeed a big step forward for both young people and their parents. It is also natural for young adults to want to overcome the changes and demands of having a new independent life after a long time of being in the comforts of home. Organizing the food and money, health and budgeting matters are also a huge challenge for the parents and students. Students being young adults are encourage to motivate themselves so that little by little they could step-up and easily adjust with the culture of living independently. (Naden, 2016)

As Artess, McCulloch, and Mok (2014) emphasized, students who lived away from home most probably have parents who are professional and/or in a managerial position. Also these students could be somehow studying in a high paying educational institution since they are the ones who could easily afford it. Moreover, the students who live independently while studying are most likely could achieve more, be successful, enter a high paying job that perfectly fit to their skills.

There is always a balance between everything. Living independently while studying is not really easy and it could bring a positive and negative effect in a student's behavior. The negative effect is the possibility that while adapting to the changes in environment, students more often men could be expose to addictions, in general, become lazy, careless in studying, and more wasted times. While the positive effect is that they could learn the values of being realistic, independent, punctual, compromising, disciplined, and well-organized. (Iftikhar & Ajmal, 2015)

Firmin, Johnson, and Basham (2009) discussed that the familial connection of students studying away from home are generally strengthened. Students also get to create new social networks that are outside of the norms they have been in for a long time. They also experience psychological dilemmas with adapting to the new environment they are in. Even though it is emotionally hard for these individuals to adjust with the distance from home, they still acknowledge the necessity of this and the benefits and/or advantages they could get from the new experiences ahead of them.


Research Design

The researchers are conducting a Phenomenological Study which is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the community of a lived experience within a particular group. Its fundamental goal is to arrive at a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon (Chambers, 2013).

Research Locale

This study will be situated within the University of Cebu Private Campus (UC Pri), located at J. Alcantara St., Cebu City.


An exemplary Basic Education Department developing life-long learners and stewards of God's creation who are committed citizens of the nation and of the world.


To offer quality Pre-school, Grade School, Junior High School and Senior High School Education services in an enabling and supportive learning environment.


  1. To offer programs that are relevant, holistic and compliant with institutional, regulatory, industry and accreditation standards that will develop life-long learners.
  2. To develop among stakeholders social awareness, responsibility and accountability anchored on instruction, research and production.
  3. To complement the academic programs with holistic and integrated student personnel services.
  4. To develop a pool of qualified, professional and motivated faculty in the areas of instruction, research and community extension.
  5. To ensure effective administration and supervision of instructional and learning resources in support of the academic programs.
  6. To provide an environment that is safe, functional and conducive to teaching, learning and working.
  7. To ensure operations which are collaborative, sustainable, efficient and effective in meeting the needs of the institution and its stakeholders.

Research Informance

A purposive sampling, selecting non-probability samples based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study (Crossman, 2018), will be done in picking 15 students, in the 11th and 12th grade, who came from provinces, and now, are currently living independently. They will be asked to be personally interviewed.

Research Instruments

In conducting the interview with the informants, a Semi-structured Questionnaire will be used. It is an open set of questions allowing new ideas to be brought up during the interview as a result of what the interviewee says (Wikipedia, 2018).

Data Gathering Procedure

  • a. A transmittal letter will be sent to the principal of UC Pri, Mr. Abelardo Tejo, to ask for permission to conduct the study inside the campus,
  • b. The questionnaire will be prepared and will contain the following:
    • 1. How long have you been living independently and where is your home town?
    • 2. How did your first days of living alone, here in Cebu, go?
    • 3. How did this affect your academic performance and social interaction in school?
    • 4. What are the common problem/s that you have encountered and/or are currently experiencing which is/are caused by living independently?
Updated: May 19, 2021
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Experiences of UC SHS Students towards Living Independently. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/experiences-of-uc-shs-students-towards-living-independently-example-essay

Experiences of UC SHS Students towards Living Independently essay
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