Euthanasia: Death with Dignity, A Right to Die

One of the scariest obstacles in life is suffering from pain in the form of diseases such as cancer, lupus, or AIDS. With time, the pain can become so unbearable to the extent that an individual loses faith and chooses to plan their death, by requesting euthanasia. Euthanasia is also called physician assisted suicide, in which a specialist administers a fatal dosage of a particular medicine to an individual who wishes to be relieved of incurable diseases or intolerable agony. Oregon was the first state in the U.S.

to legalize euthanasia in 1997, in which they passed as the Death with Dignity Law. For one to receive euthanasia under the Death with Dignity Law, one must be eighteen or over, in critical condition with a life expectancy of less than six months, and make two verbal and one written request. The request must be confirmed by a second specialist and both doctors must confirm that the individual doesn't have medical conditions that hinders their judgment.

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Due to the fact that other states believe that euthanasia is immoral, it is limited as to where it can be practiced. Euthanasia is only legal in nine states in the U.S., Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Montana, Vermont, and California. Although opponents argue that euthanasia is amoral and devalues human life, euthanasia empowers individuals who are terminally ill to have the freedom to decide how they want to end their suffering. Euthanasia also allows individuals to end their intolerable suffering with ease, which is why it should be legalized in all fifty states.

Opponents argue that when doctors and nurses permit euthanasia, it devalues the lives of the patients, and diminishes their commitment of saving lives.

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Opponents further argue that doctors who authorize euthanasia are amoral because they exclude the consideration of palliative care and rob the patients of other alternatives for money.

Although palliative care provides individuals with moral support and care, it does not end chronic suffering. A case study showed that 53% of cancer patients who took palliative care still had persistent pain. Specialists only approve euthanasia when all other alternatives are no longer available. Before a specialist can administer euthanasia one must inform the patient regarding other options for end of life care. Patients must have a psychological evaluation before they proceed. If a patient feels as if they would like to change their minds, they are free to do so at any time. The patient must be in a type of pain that cannot be relieved, followed by a serious chronic disease. The second specialist must be able to evaluate whether the request of the patient is deliberate and voluntary. Patients must have sufficient knowledge of palliative care and must be completely informed by the specialist about all aspects of their health situation, regarding the existing possibilities of other alternatives. Each patient is informed as to whom they can go to with inquires, the type of care the patient will receive, and what occurs if the patient is no longer able to make their own decisions. A research study showed that 70. 9% of individuals who requested euthanasia were more likely to have received palliative care. 59.8% of palliative care professionals were involved in the decision making process and performance of euthanasia deaths. Euthanasia patients are offered moral palliative care. The objective of euthanasia is to help end the constant suffering of a prolonged death with ease, particularly if there is constant and serious agony included in the process. Doctors aim to help their patients to the best of their ability.

The powerful benefits of euthanasia are, helping one gain control, gives individuals their power back, and allows one to choose how to end their excruciating pain. To force one to suffer through unbearable pain is inhumane and immoral. Euthanasia is seen as murder in other states. The idea of ending ones pain is a murderous tragedy according to opponents. Over 130 Americans suffer from incurable chronic diseases. Seven out of ten deaths are due to chronic diseases in the U.S., which kills about 1.7million Americans a year. Approximately one third of the population suffers with multiple chronic diseases. Some incurable chronic diseases can lead to limitations on one's life and lead to excruciating pain that can't be alleviated. How one chooses to leave this world is no one's decision but theirs. Let them be relieve from their pain.

In conclusion, all fifty states should support the legalization of euthanasia. Who is anyone to tell other individuals how to end their suffering? Is forcing individuals to stay alive through excruciating pain that can't be alleviated, considered moral? When one is going through their last stages of suffering, should it really be considered a crime to acknowledge their last request and end their pain? When dogs are put down to end their suffering it is seen as putting them out of their misery, but when humans do the same actions it is perceived as murder. How is it any different? Individuals should have the right, the freedom, and the choice of how they choose to end their suffering.

Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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Euthanasia: Death with Dignity, A Right to Die. (2019, Nov 25). Retrieved from

Euthanasia: Death with Dignity, A Right to Die essay
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