Delegation is the assignment of responsibility or authority to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of management leadership. However, the person who delegated the work remains accountable for the outcome of the delegated work. Delegation empowers a subordinate to make decisions, i.e. it is a shift of decision-making authority from one organizational level to a lower one. delegation is good and can save money and time, help in building skills, and motivate people.

Poor delegation, on the other hand, might cause frustration and confusion to all the involved parties. Some agents however do not favour a delegation and consider the power of making a decision rather burdensome.

Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of your job A manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him. In order to meet the targets, the manager should delegate authority managers could greatly reduce their stress by practicing a critical management skill – delegation.

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Delegation is one of the most important management skills. Good delegation saves the time, develops the subordinates, fosters a successor and motivates. Poor delegation will cause frustration, de-motivation and failures to achieve the task or purpose. Although it is easy to recognize the benefits that accrue from delegation, many managers still resist actually doing it The most important step for delegation is to recognize the common barriers to delegation. These barriers can come from supervisors (leaders), the team members, or the situation. 1. Barriers Related to Supervisor

The biggest barrier to effective delegation often comes from supervisors.

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They must overcome their anxieties about giving others responsibilities in order to gain the benefits of effective delegation. In general, 6 barriers are related with the

Barriers to delegation of authority from subordinate side would mean, the difficulties or problems faced by subordinate in accepting and using the authority delegated. These barriers include the following. Authority delegated in theory, but means of exercising the authority not made available. For example, a subordinate may be delegated the authority to buy computer required in his department, but the purchase department drags feet on actually buying the computer. The worst case of this type may happen when, for example, a project manager is given considerable authority for executing a project, but the project itself is not sanctioned. The subordinate may not have authority over some of the people who must contribute to implementation of decisions made. Required information for making decision may not be available. Many a times other supporting facilities like staff and office space may also be inadequate. The subordinate may be already overburdened with work.

When a subordinate id delegated authority which elevates his position above those equal or senior to him this may be resented by them. Subordinate may lack the skill and knowledge for effective decision making. Limits of authority delegated not defined clearly. Generally delegation of authority with supposedly no limits is not very effective. The subordinate has no motivation for accepting the additional responsibility that goes with the authority. Authority delegated without matching responsibilities. This can make delegation directionless for the subordinate.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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