Data Gathering Procedure

After the validation of the instrument, the researchers secured a written permit to the administrators of Alicia National High School, Records from the registrar office and guidance office are useful enough for the needed data on the list of student who are dropouts, repeaters, balik-arals and students with failed grades. After given permission, the researchers explained the purpose of the study to the selected respondents and then they made sure each participant corresponds to their predefined criteria. The researchers collected the data by means of survey questionnaire that comprises their age, gender, and year level and student status.

The problems encountered by the respondents will be identified through the second part of the survey questionnaire that was given to them. After, the respondents have taken the tests; the papers were checked, tallied, interpreted and analyzed.

Research Design

In this study, the descriptive-survey method was employed to identify the role and significance of The Computerized Library System of City of Cauayan, District II, Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines.

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To define the descriptive type of research, Creswell (1994) stated that the descriptive method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition. The aim of descriptive research is to verify formulated hypotheses that refer to the present situation in order to elucidate it. The descriptive approach is quick and practical in terms of the financial aspect. Moreover, this method allows a flexible approach, thus, when important new issues and questions arise during the duration of the study, further investigation may be conducted. A survey is a structured way of learning about a larger group of people by obtaining information from a representative sample of that particular group of people.

Some of the advantages of a survey are that it describes the characteristics of a large population and there is no other method of observation, which can provide this general capability.

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It allows many questions to be asked about a given topic by giving considerable flexibility to the analysis. A survey is also a single most widely used research design in educational research; therefore, it was used in this educational research as well (Kavetuna, 2009). Purposive sampling method was done for the sample selection. A purposive sample refers to the selection of units based on personal judgment rather than randomization.

This judgmental sampling is in some way “representative” of the population of interest without sampling at random. Purposive sampling can be very useful for situations where it is needed to reach a targeted sample quickly and where sampling for proportionality is not the primary concern. In relation with the study, the researchers identified The Computerized Library System of City of Cauayan, District II, Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines. It seeks to provide information and examine the relationship among variables.

Theoretical Framework

According to Erik Erikson’s Psycho-Social Development of Personality, particularly the conflict stage of “industry versus inferiority,” that lasts from 6 to 11 years. In our culture, school life begins here. This stage is the beginning of life outside the family; a stage of systematic instruction, a movement from play to a sense of work. This stage describes that a child needs to do well and develop a sense of work completion and satisfaction in a job well done. Otherwise, the child develops a sense of inferiority and inequality. Another is the adolescence stage termed, “identity versus identity confusion” that occurs between 12 to 20 years, it emphasizes the difficult transition between childhood and adulthood that can be strongly affected by social limitations and possibilities. The adolescent is likely to suffer from confused roles. Doubts about one’s sexual attractiveness and sexual identity are common to this stage.

The inability to develop a sense of identification with an individual or cultural role model who gives direction to one’s life can lead to a period of floundering and insecurity. Another reaction is over identification with youth-culture heroes or clique leaders leading to a loss of identity. Because of these crucial stages where most high school students in the country are where at, many problems arises that can affect their functioning in their daily lives. An additional theory is from Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, which points out the basic human needs. He believed that exposure to environmental conditions that permit or prohibit gratification of the basic needs prompts movement up or down the hierarchy of needs. Maslow suggests that, without the fulfilment of these needs, an individual may feel discouraged, weak and inferior.

In line with this study, if a student feels discouraged and inferior, his motivation may be affected and thus, there will certainly have inhibitions especially with his performance in school. Moreover, Carl Rogers’ Self-theory that points out that the ultimate goal of each one is to be a fully functioning person. It is a process in which the individual constantly pursues his or her actualizing tendency, and at the same time behaves in a manner that is true to the self. Rogers also described the characteristics of a fully functioning person these are: openness to experiences, existential living, self-trust, sense of freedom and creativity. With these theories, the researchers will conduct a study on The Computerized Library System of City of Cauayan, District II, Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines as a basis for a proposed guidance intervention program.

Sampling and Data Collection in Research Paper

Sampling and data collection is made up of many things and is used in many things. The one main thing is research and in research it helps to obtain information about groups or individuals without being bias. Along with the research, making sure that it is valid and reliable is very important and knowing the ways that research can be done surveys via online or telephone.

The purpose of sampling is that if a researcher decides to research a group, a group can be very large that the information obtained may not be completely accurate. A researcher can get better information by breaking down the groups into smaller groups and researching them (Monette, 2011). An example of sampling in this case is the large group would be people with PTSD and it can be broken down smaller like researching veterans with PTSD. By breaking the group down for sampling, the data can be obtained more quickly and it is a feasible way of collection. There are types of sampling called probability and nonprobability.

Probability sampling is basically randomly picking information, whereas nonprobability sampling is not randomly selecting information. A type of probability sampling is simple random sampling is when the population that is being researched is treated equally as a whole. An example of this is researching a group of college students. A type of nonprobability is snowball sampling which is taking one case of study and that case leads into more cases of study (Monette, 2011). An example of snowball sampling is child abuse because that can lead to more cases not found. When it comes to bias the way to avoid it in research and sampling is to make sure that inclusion of all races, cultures, and sexes are provided when picking areas of sampling. On top of sampling there is data collection in research.

Data collection is also known as the scales of measurement in research. The scales of measurement are broken into different levels. The first level is nominal measure which is observations into different categories and an example of this is a favorite hockey player number 11. The second level is ordinal measures which is a category of relationships or ranks. An example of this is like the ranks of the armed forces where each branch has their own rankings. The next level is an interval measure represents numbers and units. An example of this is hockey scores or even the temperature because it can go below zero. The last level is a ratio measure which is the same as the interval measures but it does not go below zero. An example of this is measuring a piece of wood in inches (Monette, 2011).

In the levels of measurement there are types of validity which are construct, face, and criterion. Construct validity represents reality like role playing scenarios as training. Face validity is when something is being testing like children being tested on math and asking parents if the test if working is an example. Criterion validity is showing a relationship between a measurement device and standard like the risk of pedophilia there would be signs of child abuse. It is about the relationship between them (Monette, 2011).

There are types of reliability just like validity which are test-retest, multiple forms, and internal consistency approach. The test-retest is basically is when people take a test and decide to take a retake at a different time. It is the same people just at a different time. Multiple forms are when there are different sets of things like either question to a test or problems to solve. The last one is internal consistency approach which is taking a question and asking it to individuals and comparing it with another individuals answer (Monette, 2011). The reason why it is important to make sure that data collection is valid and reliable is so that there are no errors and that the information that is being collected is not falsely given out to individuals. Along with data collection surveys are used.

Data collection can be done by telephone surveys, online surveys, focus groups, and surveys via websites. The advantages are that the information that is being provided can help a company find its weaknesses and improve them/ The disadvantages are that no one knows who is actually doing the survey because they is not identification being done. The focus group is the one that can have identification but then not much feedback would be given because people not wanting to speak up.

Online surveys would be great because people use the internet a lot to search things. It is a way to get the word out there for surveys and surveys can be much quicker for people online instead of sitting on a phone. It also saves time and sometimes money because some surveys are done in the mail so online saves money.

Sampling and data collection cover lots of area in research with what sampling are and that data collection is the scales of measurement. In research there are different types of validity and reliability that is needed to make sure that the research is done properly and there is no errors when doing it. The last but not least is the different ways to do research like surveys via online and telephone.

Monette, D., Sullivan, T.J., & DeJong, C.R.(2011). Applied Social Research (8th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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