Unraveling Societal Contrasts: Gathering Blue

Categories: Gathering Blue

In Lois Lowry's novel "Gathering Blue," the portrayal of the village unveils a tapestry of differences, presenting a stark contrast to the utopian societies often familiar to readers. The exploration of cultural and educational disparities between the communities depicted in "Gathering Blue" and the readers' own experiences captivates attention. Lois Lowry masterfully redefines conventional ideas, rendering them irregular and unconventional.

Divergent Societal Elements: Government, Religion, and Gender Roles

The governance in the village stands out distinctly, reflecting an authoritarian and self-serving structure unlike the democratic systems prevalent in modern societies.

The Council of Edifice operates with a control-driven agenda, often manipulating and exploiting its populace for personal gain, as exemplified by their deceptive methods: "The guardians with their stern faces had no creative power. But they had strength and cunning, and they had found a way to steal and harness other people's powers for their own needs" (Lowry, 238).

Contrary to the conventional role of governments safeguarding the rights and interests of their citizens, this narrative paints a contrasting picture, showcasing a government more concerned with its own desires rather than the welfare of its people.

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In contrast to contemporary societies, where governments are expected to uphold individual liberties, the villagers in "Gathering Blue" grapple with a leadership that subdues their freedom and agency.

Religion, a fundamental aspect of societal structure, manifests uniquely within the confines of Fen and the Council of Edifice. Unlike the prevalent practice of organized religion in today's world, the inhabitants worship an enigmatic Object, an act more rooted in fear and control than spiritual reverence: "We worship the Object," indicating a worship devoid of spiritual depth, veering more towards an enforced ritual (Lowry, 198).

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This stark deviation from modern religious practices underscores the eerie control exerted by the Council of Edifice, challenging the expectations of conventional religious freedoms.

Furthermore, gender roles present a striking contrast to contemporary societal norms. Women face significant limitations in accessing education, as seen through Kira's longing to read: "But women were not allowed" (Lowry, 29). This exclusion from educational opportunities stands at odds with the prevailing trend in today's societies, where gender equality in education has made considerable strides. The stark separation of genders extends beyond education, infiltrating positions of authority, as evidenced by the absence of women in the Council. This segregation stands in stark contrast to present-day societies, where men and women participate in decision-making processes without gender-based restrictions.

Contrasting Dystopian Realities with Utopian Ideals

Edifice and Fen, the settings in "Gathering Blue," embody dystopian traits that sharply contrast with the idyllic features typically associated with utopian societies. The self-serving and manipulative nature of the government in Edifice deviates significantly from the expected norm of governments prioritizing the welfare of their citizens. Rather than functioning as custodians of societal well-being, the authorities in Edifice exhibit a penchant for manipulation and exploitation, reflecting a dystopian governance structure.

Religion, a unifying force in many societies, paradoxically instills fear and control in the residents of Fen and Edifice. Their worship, devoid of spiritual depth, symbolizes an enforced adherence to a symbol rather than a genuine connection with a higher power. This departure from the organic, spiritually nourishing aspects of religion aligns more with the characteristics of a dystopian society.

The blatant gender disparities prevalent in these villages serve as glaring reminders of the divergence from equitable societies. The gender-based segregation, manifesting in educational opportunities and governance, contradicts the principle of gender equality upheld in modern societies. The absence of female representation in positions of power starkly contrasts with the strides made towards gender inclusivity in contemporary times.


In conclusion, "Gathering Blue" serves as a thought-provoking narrative that intricately weaves together a portrayal of societies rife with disparities, diverging significantly from the readers' familiar utopian landscapes. Through the lens of governance, religion, and gender roles, Lois Lowry crafts a world that challenges conventional societal norms, presenting a dystopian reality that starkly contrasts with the idealized versions of society. The intricacies of these differences not only captivate the reader's imagination but also prompt reflection on the essence of societal structures and cultural variances.

Ultimately, "Gathering Blue" stands as a testament to the power of literature in stimulating discourse about societal constructs and the human condition, inviting readers to ponder the nuanced complexities of societal dynamics and the profound impact of cultural divergence.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Unraveling Societal Contrasts: Gathering Blue. (2022, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-comparison-between-the-reader-s-community-and-fen-and-the-council-of-edifice-in-lois-lowry-s-gathering-blue-essay

Unraveling Societal Contrasts: Gathering Blue essay
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