Crime and Deviance: Conflict Theory and Structural Functionalism Perspectives


Deviance is defined as any deed that goes against the norms of a large group of people within a society (Ritzer & Murphy, 2019, pg. 144). Some deviant behaviors are punishable by the criminal justice system; this is a crime (Ritzer & Murphy, 2019, pg. 144). Crime and deviance are major social problems because sociological factors, such as race and social class, impact who commits a crime and what type of crime they commit. The members of a society have the ability to decide which actions are considered deviant or crimes.

Sociology attempts to provide a possible explanation for the causation of crime and deviance through the development of theoretical perspectives. Conflict theory and structural functionalism are two dominant theoretical perspectives that allow sociologists to analyze social issues at a macro level (OpenStax, 2019). Both theoretical perspectives offer sociological insight to how crime and deviance operate within a society.

Conflict Theory

Conflict theory interprets society as “a competition for limited resources” and focuses on how “inequalities contribute to social differences” (OpenStax, 2019).

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Conflict theory is closely associated with philosopher and sociologist, Karl Marx, who argued that different social classes must compete for their basic needs (OpenStax, 2019). Marx split the population into two distinct groups: the wealthy and the workers (OpenStax, 2019). Those who were labeled “wealthy” were generally able to obtain a lot of power and control production and business. Those who were labeled “workers” had to depend on the wealthy class in order to survive and meet their basic needs. Marx thought that the wealthy class was able to maintain their power by expressing it through government and law (OpenStax, 2019).

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While Marx’s interpretation of society did not explicitly discuss crime and deviance, it created a foundation for the idea that crime and deviance are caused by wealth and power.

Conflict theorists believe that crime and deviance is a “large social problem,” and that the existence of crime and deviance proves that there are social injustices that exist within society (Moore & Morris, 2011, pg. 288). Furthermore, members of a lower social class are more likely to perform deviant and criminal acts because they do not have the opportunity to be as successful in society as those of a higher social class (Ritzer & Murphy, 2019, pg. 149). For example, many lower class individuals are involved in the distribution of drugs because they are in desperate need of money. Since wealthy individuals have the power and resources, they are able to get away with a lot more than that of a member of the lower class. Members of the wealthy class easily commit financial crimes, also known as white-collar crimes. The wealthy are less likely to be punished in the criminal justice system for white-collar crimes, which proves that society is controlled by its affluent members (LumenLearning, n.d.). Also, those who live in poverty can not afford to pay for fines and a powerful attorney, while those who are wealthy can easily pay fines and hire a private attorney. Ultimately, conflict theorists want to emphasize the inequality between social classes can influence the punishment a person receives.

Structural Functionalism

Structural functionalism interprets society “as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individuals” (OpenStax, 2019). Structural functionalism was coined by Hebert Spencer, who made a connection between society and the human body (OpenStax, 2019). Just as organs keep the human body functioning, elements of a society work together to allow that society to function. Well known sociologist, Émile Durkhiem, added to Spencer’s theory by discussing how a society has many parts that allow it to continue to develop and survive (OpenStax, 2019). There are are various sociological factors that contribute to how a society functions, such as shared values and beliefs.

Structural functionalists believe that crime and deviance are necessary because they allow society to continue to function and help maintain a society’s values (Liska, 1987, pg. 77). Crime and deviance would not exist if they did not have a specific purpose, and norms and values that go against deviance would become weak (Ritzer & Murphy, 2019, pg. 148). For example, if murder did not exist, then the public would not develop the norm that murder is wrong. There are three subtheories within structural functionalism that discuss crime and deviance: strain theory, cultural deviance theory, and social disorganization theory. Strain theory discusses that the creation of socially accepted goals decides whether or not a person wants to commit a criminal or deviant act (OpenStax, 2019). This theory helps to explain how crime and deviance help create societal standards. The cultural deviance theory an individual is not responsible for deviant behavior, rather the community as a whole is responsible (“Cultural Deviance Theory: Definition & Examples,” 2017). This theory accounts for the socially accepted norm that the lower class is the most responsible for crime. Lastly, the social disorganization theory describes how crime is more likely to occur in areas that do not have a lot of unity and control (OpenStax, 2019). Structural functionalism uses these theories to further the concept that crime and deviance are caused by a society, but are necessary because they create norms and values.


Conflict theory and structural functionalism are theoretical perspectives at the macro level that offer an explanation for the purpose of crime and deviance within a society. Conflict theory views crime and deviance negatively and discusses how crime and deviance are caused by injustices, specifically in social class. Lower-class individuals are more likely to commit crimes because they do have the same opportunities as members of the wealthy. Wealthy individuals have the power and funds available to influence the criminal justice system. Unlike conflict theory, structural functionalism views crime and deviance in a positive manner. Crime and deviance are caused by society as a whole, and they are necessary because they create values and norms. Crime and deviance are functional for a society. It is important to understand the theoretical perspectives of crime and deviance because they allow people to understand society. The theoretical perspectives provide a lens by which to view crime and deviance.

Updated: Jan 24, 2024
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Crime and Deviance: Conflict Theory and Structural Functionalism Perspectives. (2024, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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