Compare and Contrast about the Village Life and City Life

Sometimes, I think about where my own future house should be; in a city or in a village. I like to live in the two areas because they have many different interesting aspects. Therefore, I can’t make up my mind. After I compare the air, the technology and the schools of the two areas, I finally make a decision to live in a city.

The first thing I considered was the air. Both people from rural villages and city dwellers breathe the same air.

But that is where the similarities end. The air in the village is purer and more serene then the air in the city because the village has a lot of plants and a few vehicles. Although the city which has a lot of business centers or factories would help to improve the standard of living, it also causes air pollution. Other reasons which cause air pollution are that the city usually has a lot of vehicles and people in the city cut a lot of plants to make way for commercial, industrial and residential buildings.

see more:living in the countryside

Then, I pay a lot of attention to the technology.

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The technology of the village is similar to the technology of the city. People who live in the two areas might have and use many different kinds of technology such as smart phones, Iphones, computers, laptops, etc. However, people who live in the city can have more opportunities to access to new technologies than people who live in the village.

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For instance, the new products are often sold in large stores of the city first so people in the city may have and use the new products earlier than people in the village.

The schools in the two areas have the most influence on my decision. Both the schools in the city and the schools in the village have similar standards of education and have many good teachers. However, the city has many schools which have excellent academic reputation, but it is less common in the village. In addition, the schools in the city have big libraries and a lot of pieces of equipment such as many computers, projectors, chemical laboratory equipment, etc. In contrast, the schools in the village usually have small libraries and might not have enough equipment.

In a nutshell, after taking everything into consideration, I think I made the right decision. My decision is that my future house will be in a city because I need to have a good and convenient location for my studies; in addition, I like to see or buy new products of technology as soon as they are released. Therefore, I believe that I will probably be happier if I live in a city.

City Life and Rural Life

Population and the economy growth lead to an increase in demand of land. Now, most of the countryside is constructing high buildings and large mansions; thus, more countryside has been developed into urban city, and it may disappear in the future. Is countryside becoming less important to us? No, there are three reasons can explain it, and they are relationship, health and happiness.

People in the city usually do not have good relationship between each other. They are very busy at any time, even they are eating or sleeping. It is because they can still keep working while having lunch or dinner, and they may also dream about their job too. As a result, there is no longer any working hours because it is restless, and they have to work in order to survive in city life. Their works seem to be unlimited and need to spend their entire lives to do the works. For the urban dwellers, every minute could be an opportunity, thus; they have to seize the chance, so people do not have time to contact with their friends and family due to their hectic schedules that are filled with school or job. And people become alienated from each other even from their family because they only know how to communicate with the computers.

All in all, their relationship becomes unhealthy. On the other hand, in the rural area, people's relationship is much better than in the city. People who live in rural area are hard working too, but they have a steady timetable. They are more relaxed because the economic in rural area is based on agriculture rural. It takes time for crop to grow, so their life is not too busy. Usually they start working at sunrise, and they relax after sunset. Every day is regular, for they would not work indefatigably day and night. Although most of them do not have high education level, they know how to care about others by spending time with their friends and family. Instead of facing to the machine, they have direct contact with each others, so their relationships are better.

In the urban city, most of the people are not healthy because they have already spent all of their time in the job, so they don't have time to do exercise. In addition, they want to have more time to work, so they always choose eating fast food instead of having a comfortable meal. And the fast food are very healthy which contain a lot calories which causes obesity. Moreover, they have to seize all the chances, so they become very tense at anytime; therefore, they are so stressful. Many people who live in the city have insomnia.

Furthermore, cities have a lot of cars and prosperous firms which cause air pollution which would affect people's health. As a result, people live in city are more unhealthy. In the rural area, people are healthier because they lives are leisurely and carefree, there is not too much to worry about. They eat healthy because most of the food is planted by them which is pure and organic. They lives with fresh air; consequently, they are healthier.

People in the city are unhappy and nervous because they always have to update themselves to keep them on the top in some remote corners of the world. They may against for missing the parties, and movies in the city, so they could never feel perfectly satisfied. In the rural area, people are easy to be satisfied because they don't have such worries. They plant seeds in the earth and watch them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food. They enjoy the pleasure of work. Their lives are simple.

In conclusion, rural life is better than city life. Although we can't earn so much money as urban city, we could have a healthier life, happiness and better relationship with our friends and family.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Compare and Contrast about the Village Life and City Life essay
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