Company's concern

The overall study also brought out other important factors like drivers of engagement periodically occupy the top spot in the employees' mind at one or the other time of their career, like young employees getting motivated to be engaged due to the challenging environment or career opportunities, while the middle-aged employees gathering their motivation from reward and recognition. However, the point where all the 12 studies above equally agree, is that the employees, irrespective of their age and career standing, rates the direct relationship with the manager as the strongest driver of engagement.

This clearly shows that how important the issue of leadership is to create and maintain an engaged workplace environment.

According the report, employee engagement is a very big deal. There is clear and mounting evidence that high levels of employee engagement keenly correlates to individual, group and corporate performance in areas such as retention, turnover, productivity, customer service and loyalty.

The essence of another research report too echoes this, as it states that the employers should provide the right resources at the macro level and after that they have to build a "thriving personal connection" with them through their managers (Employee Engagement, 2008).

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The studies also hint at the difficulty to accomplish such a state of affairs. A recent Gallup study on employee engagement observed that 54 percent of the US employees are not engaged and 17 percent of them are disengaged (Esty and Gerwirtz, 2008)!

No wonder then, why the business world is bent on creating an engaging environment. While it is understood that each company is unique and thus no single model of ideal engaging environment can serve all, yet the researchers have generalized the prime movers in the process of creating such an environment to create customizable models, such as the one presented by the researchers like Esty and Gerwirtz, 2008):

Employee Engagement Model (Esty and Gerwirtz, 2008): According to them this kind of model lays out the roadmap to increase employee engagement, where they stress on the fact that best way to raise the level of employee engagement is to focus on creating a culture of engagement, and accordingly they define culture as the practices, shared mindset and ethos of an organization.

The findings of another research show that organizations need to prevent, and minimize the impact of bad experiences of the employees, besides convincing them about company's concern for effectively meeting their developmental needs (Robinson et al.

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, 2004). In the end it too states that the line managers clearly have a very important role in fostering employees’ sense of involvement and value – which again speaks of the critical importance of leader-member communication (Robinson et al. , 2004).

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Company's concern. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

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