Evolution of Policing in the United States


Policing in the United States has undergone significant transformations over the past five decades. While various policing styles and models have emerged, two main approaches, namely traditional policing and community-oriented policing, have remained integral to the law enforcement landscape. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the history, development, and effectiveness of these two policing paradigms. Additionally, we will examine their impact on community relations, the influence of political factors, and the evolving role of law enforcement in contemporary society.

The Origins of Policing

The concept of organized policing finds its roots not in the United States but in London, England.

Sir Robert Peel, known affectionately as "orange peel," is credited with establishing the first organized police force in 1829 during his tenure as Home Secretary of England. Peel's vision laid the foundation for modern policing, encapsulated in his famous principle: "the police are the people, and the people are the police." Peel's nine principles of policing continue to serve as guiding principles for law enforcement agencies in America.

The first of Peel's principles emphasizes the fundamental mission of the police: to prevent crime and maintain order.

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This principle remains a cornerstone of modern policing, highlighting the proactive role law enforcement should play in society. Peel introduced officers known as "Bobbies" or "Peelers" who patrolled designated beats, fostering close interactions with shop owners and citizens. This visible presence of law enforcement instilled both authority and a sense of security within the community.

The attire of these early officers, characterized by dark, professional uniforms, contributed significantly to their authoritative image.

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Uniforms not only served to identify officers but also reinforced their role as individuals vested with state-sanctioned powers. Richard R. Johnson, a researcher on the significance of uniforms, suggests that uniforms create stereotypes associated with an individual's status, authority, attitudes, and motivations. The police uniform, therefore, plays a crucial role in establishing order, conformity, and authority within the ranks of law enforcement officers.

It is this professional, paramilitary style of dress that continues to symbolize the image of traditional law enforcement officers today, conveying attributes of power, professionalism, and trust.

The Traditional Style of Policing

The traditional style of policing, when executed effectively, proves to be a highly efficient and professional mode of law enforcement. Officers in this paradigm adhere to a strict code of fraternal brotherhood and sisterhood, fostering deep bonds of loyalty and trust. The sense of camaraderie within traditional law enforcement departments is comparable to the cohesion found in the armed services, often leading military veterans to transition into law enforcement careers.

The traditional policing concept relies heavily on an organizational structure in which police administration, often referred to as "brass," makes administrative decisions for all officers within the department or unit. Loyalty, duty, and adherence to an unwritten honor code are pivotal in ensuring compliance with departmental protocols and guidelines. The paramilitary uniform worn by officers reinforces the sense of professionalism, discipline, and responsibility they carry both on and off duty.

Community-Oriented Policing

Community-oriented policing represents a departure from the traditional model, placing greater administrative and social responsibilities on street-level law enforcement officers. The roots of community-oriented policing in the United States can be traced back to 1962 when the San Francisco Police Department established a specialized unit based on the idea that police could reduce crime by addressing the social issues faced by minority groups. This unit aimed to alleviate despair and build trust within the community.

Officers in community-oriented policing units engaged closely with the community, often working to resolve issues beyond traditional law enforcement duties. While this approach fostered positive relationships with residents, it also led to tension and distrust between community-based officers and regular patrol officers. The program's discontinuation highlighted the complexities of implementing community-oriented policing within existing law enforcement structures.

In the 1980s and 1990s, community-oriented policing experienced a resurgence, but recent developments suggest a renewed emphasis on the traditional policing model. Departments recognize that both paradigms have unique strengths, and a balanced approach is essential. The choice between community-oriented and traditional policing often hinges on the specific needs and dynamics of the communities served by each department.

The Role of Policing in Contemporary Society

The effectiveness of policing models is influenced by various factors, including political administrations, community sentiments, and public perceptions. Law enforcement agencies must consider the needs and preferences of their communities when shaping their approaches. In today's multifaceted society, diverse community action groups, government watchdog organizations, youth programs, mentorship initiatives, and collaborations between law enforcement and communities are crucial.

Moreover, the political climate and policies of the government in power significantly impact the funding, staffing, and management of law enforcement precincts. To build trust between law enforcement and citizens, departments must engage in comprehensive research on their communities' unique needs and sentiments. Only by doing so can cities across America achieve and maintain peaceful coexistence.


The evolution of policing in the United States has seen the emergence of various models and paradigms, with traditional policing and community-oriented policing standing as prominent examples. The historical influence of Sir Robert Peel's principles continues to resonate in modern law enforcement practices. Uniforms, symbolic of authority and professionalism, remain integral to law enforcement's image.

The traditional policing model emphasizes discipline, loyalty, and a paramilitary structure, fostering strong bonds among officers. In contrast, community-oriented policing entrusts officers with greater administrative and social responsibilities, focusing on community engagement. Recent developments suggest a blended approach that leverages the strengths of both paradigms.

In a diverse and evolving society, the role of policing is subject to political influences, community sentiments, and public perceptions. Departments must adapt to meet the unique needs of their communities and engage in collaborative efforts with citizens. By building trust and addressing community-specific concerns, law enforcement agencies can contribute to peaceful and harmonious coexistence in cities across America.

Updated: Jan 17, 2024
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Evolution of Policing in the United States. (2016, Jul 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/community-policing-vs-traditional-policing-essay

Evolution of Policing in the United States essay
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