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General Principles.
This Child Care Center will be responsible to people, planet and profits (Hubbard Foods Ltd.). Its basic duty is to consider: a) lawful compliance; b) sound management of safety (Institute for Business & Home Safety 4-64); c) the protection, care and nurture of its integrity; and d) the provision of ample value added to the community (Johnson and Abramov 6; U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). People will cover: a) its clients or customers including their families; b) its employees and agents; c) its owners, shareholders, investors, creditors and/or grant sponsors; d) its suppliers and/or contractors; e) the community where the center operates; f) its competitors; g) media and advocacy groups; h) society; and i) the local, state and national governments (Johnson and Abramov 5).
Planet will basically cover the center’s immediate surroundings and the activities that it conducts and/or will conduct that may indirectly or directly affect the air, water and land. Profits will essentially cover: a) sound business practices for maximum profit; b) responsive and efficient use of business resources amid constant change; and c) due diligence and care in running the affairs and welfare of the Center.
This Center will be justified by these general principles precisely because its operations will be an interaction of people in our very own hospitable place in the planet.
Of course, this is while earning a profit on such toils and labors. The Center will help parents raise kids who will be responsible adults through good examples by the standards set in this manual.
More importantly, this Center will have a profound influence on kids since it will be in very a strategic position to mold young minds. In effect, this will be the Center’s greatest contribution to mankind for a better world to live in. This Center is not just making a buck. It will build lives, hopefully good ones, by the principles it will follow.
Principles of Responsibility.
This Center will comply with all laws and regulations affecting it or applicable to it. It will be a fair and honest member of society. It will become an active citizen of the United States by following the democratic principles on which this country is based on and by performing the duties associated with such principles.
This Center will likewise execute prudent actions that will comply with: a) the established norms of child care center safety; b) basic precautions against infectious diseases (American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association and National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care 9), and accidents and disasters, both natural and man-made; and c) essential security measures in personnel recruitment and crime prevention or mitigation. It will provide a safe, learning environment for its child clients and fairly acceptable facilities and equipment for its adult customers. The Center shall check, prepare, structure, maintain, modify and/or remove any/all facilities, equipment, immovable things and the people inside its premises to minimize or preempt any foreseeable danger against any child within the Center.
This Center will also preserve and enhance its integrity with the people it does business with. It will be concerned with the safety of child customers first and the provision of a quality learning environment second. It will be fair. It will have no religious bias or racial discrimination. It will respect gender equality and Americans with disabilities (U.S. Department of Justice), and provide equal opportunities to minorities. It will likewise take responsibility for and take prompt action to correct its mistakes, misconducts and/or misunderstandings (Johnson and Abramov 38).
This Center will likewise provide sufficient value added to its community, its stakeholders, grant sponsors and local government. It will meet the child care needs of the community and comply with local government laws, ordinances and regulations (US Department of Health & Human Services). It will establish connections and pursue good relationships with community organizations, grant sponsors, and the local and state governments. It will likewise promptly pay its fair share of taxes to enable local and state governments provide the necessary public infrastructure and services within the community. It will also provide fair and fruitful employment to professionals and qualified personnel within the community.
This Center will be justified by these principles of responsibility because government can make or break the business. Moreover, its main clients are the children that parents entrust with the Center. Hence, this Center acts as a second parent to its child customers as if these kids are our own. It is important that the Center builds a good name and reputation to keep its customers with us and encourage others to do the same. More importantly, the Center should value its community since this is the place where its pool of customers comes from.
People Principles.
This Center will be justified by its people principles because parent clients and child customers are the lifeblood of its business. It takes a long term view on profitability by its focus on keeping its adult clients happy for the simple reason that any additional child in a family is a captive customer. The Center also values its employees and agents for these are its greatest assets more than its facilities and equipment. Also, high employee turnover and poor professional quality are likely to negatively affect the business-side of the equation. Moreover, the Center takes a sensible predisposition for its stakeholders since keeping and maintaining quality has its costs and should therefore generate appropriate returns. With adequate returns, this ensures that the Center can continue to provide quality child care center services that will benefit its community as well as its employees. Meanwhile, suppliers and contractors can either compromise or enhance this quality. Hence, this ethics manual also considers their importance.
Finally, this Center will also be justified by its people principles by taking into account its community, competitors, the media & advocacy groups, and the government. These sectors play an important role in the Center’s operations. Good collaboration and cooperation ensure the survival of the Center, increase its capacity to flourish and guarantee its ultimate success.
Planet Principles.
This Center will realistically contribute to the welfare of the planet by concentrating on the Center’s immediate surroundings and by engaging in the activities within its control. It will engage in internal actions that will improve the environment, slow down its deterioration, or prevent its destruction. For the same purpose, it will seek active participation with the community to encourage a sincere concern for the planet. It shall likewise encourage contributions to or participate in worthwhile causes that will help preserve or improve the environment and its flora and fauna in land, water and air. Through these, the Center will help raise kids that are responsible adults not only to themselves, or their families, or their communities, or even their society, or their country, but also, to the whole world as well.
This Center will be justified by its planet principles because it has a moral duty to share its blessings with the world and help preserve the planet for future generations to come.
Profit Principles.
This Center will pursue its profit objectives efficiently and effectively. It shall give the greatest priority to long term profits and sustainability rather than to short term ventures or measures. However, the Center shall keep its cash flow and cash burn rates within reasonable levels to ensure its continued operations and survival. The Center has a duty to make its profits fairly and lawfully. It will likewise manage and use its resources prudently and maximize the returns on its investments.
These profit principles will essentially guide the Center:
This Center will be justified by its profit principles because it has a duty and obligation to its stakeholders as well as its parent clients and child customers. The minimum requirements for successful business operations are survival and constant improvement of the quality of services that are provider.
Standards of Conduct and Performance.
Guidelines for the Creation of Documents Requiring Accountability
These guidelines will cover: policies, contracts, memorandums, detailed work instructions, job descriptions, employees’ duties and responsibilities, press releases, public reports and other related documents. The appropriate personnel tasked to create, evaluate and/or approve the above cited documents shall follow these enumerated steps sequentially.
Works Cited
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association and National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care. Caring for Our Children. National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for Out-of-Home Child Care. 2nd ed. USA: American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association and National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care. 2002.
Hubbard Foods Ltd. “CEO’s Statement.” Triple Bottom Line Report. 9 July 2003. <http://www.hubbards.co.nz/triple_bottom_line/ triple_financial.html>. Johnson and Abramov 6.
Institute for Business & Home Safety. Non-Structural Mitigation for Child Care Centers. Tampa FL: Institute for Business & Home Safety. 1999.
Johnson, Kenneth W. and Abramov, Igor Y. Business Ethics: A Manual for Managing a Responsible Business Enterprise in Emerging Market Economies. Washington DC: Good Governance Program, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. 2004.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. “Starting a Child Care Center.” National Child Care Information Center. Administration for Children & Families. 26 March 2007. 21 June 2007. <http://www.nccic.org/poptopics/starting.html>.
U.S. Department of Justice. Child Care Centers and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Disabilities Section. Civil Rights Division. Nov. 1997.
Child Care Center Business Ethics Manual. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/child-care-center-business-ethics-manual-new-essay
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