The Major Factors Determining the Utilization of the Library



This chapter contains the background information on the major factors determining the utilization of the college library in Outspan Medical College, Nyeri County, and statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, study justification and scope of the study.

Background information

Utilization of library and data resources and offerings has been a problem from the time libraries changed from being cultural monuments to know-how acquisition and information communication centers. Given these developments, librarians conceived the thinking of educating the library person in discovering and locating records they want on their day-to-day activities.

The earliest evidence of library user education was once suggested at the Harvard College in the 1820s (Tiefel, 1995). These early librarians have been professors with part-time library appointments who taught students the use of libraries for academic purposes. The practice gained acceptance and in the late 1800s separate publications had been said at the college Michigan, Azarian Root at Oberlin College and others. In America, Lubans (1974) documented several cases where different methods have been employed to educate library users.

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Library instruction in academic libraries is one of the techniques used to promote data literacy. Graham (2009) adopted the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) definition of data literacy since it provides general hints for library guidelines for a variety of situations. ACRL defines information literacy as a set of skills required with the aid of persons to allow them to understand when facts are needed and can locate, evaluate, and use successfully the wanted information. Information literacy is empowerment that develops university students to be self-directed, life-long learners.

Integration of statistics conversation applied sciences (ICT) in library offerings in the 1970s, initially viewed as a solution to utilization issues created by records explosion, the rapid democratization of schooling and elevated complexity of libraries, made information-seeking more tough for college students in tutorial libraries (Tiefel, 1995; Xu, 2010; Kadiri and Adetoro, 2012; Quinn, 2007).).

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The inattention of the problem, individual institutions in groups have been exploring viable solutions. For instance, in the United States of America Commission of Higher Education shaped a committee acknowledged as Committee on Utilisation of College Teaching Resources, (White, 1962).This committee published several reviews emphasizing the education of college college students to be unbiased learners.

In Greece a find out about on users' behavior patterns in tutorial libraries' OPACs located that users do not rent all of the system's achievable when looking for statistics (Malliari and KyriakiManessi, 2007), thereby ending up with lots less than what the machine can offer. Studies accomplished in the U.K show that the majority of university students have insufficient records skills (Loftin, Long and Ronge, 1983, p. 207; Goggin, 1974; Beardsley, 1974; Morgan, 1974).By the implication, college students are deemed to complete their publications barring interacting with adequate records resources, making their credentials to be suspect.

In Africa, all 54 nations and territories have access to digital records resources, especially in their capital cities (Agaba, 2007). According to Agaba, Makerere was once the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to obtain electronic facts resources. In a find out about he conducted at Makerere University on workforce utilization of the assets showed that the entire academic staff is aware of the availability of the sources and some of them often use them.

Problem statement

Outspan Medical College is one of the most promising and fastest-growing and best private colleges in Kenya with a population of over 1000 students started in 2008. With many short courses, certificates, and diplomas being on offer, utilization of library services at the college library remains at low levels with the library only being crowded when examinations are around the corner, true to the statements of many prominent African scholars that there seems to be a poor reading culture in many African countries. The students' course of study, course duration and curriculum requirements may all be factors determining the utilization of the college library. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to find out the major factors determining the utilization of the college library in Outspan Medical College.


Broad Objective

To find out the major factors determining the utilization of the college library in Outspan Medical College, Nyeri.

Specific objectives

  • To establish whether the students' course of study contributes to the utilization of the college library
  • To find out whether the students' course duration contributes to the utilization of the college library
  • To find out whether the students' curriculum requirements contribute to the utilization of the college library
  • To find out whether rules on borrowing library books affects utilization of the college library

Research questions

  • Does the students' course of study contribute to the utilization of the college library?
  • Does the students' course duration contribute to the utilization of the college library?
  • Do the students' curriculum requirements contribute to the utilization of the college library?
  • Do rules on borrowing library books affect utilization of the college library?

Justification of the study

The reason for the find out about is to discover the principal factors identifying the utilization of the university library in Outspan Medical College positioned in Nyeri County. This study will enable the College administration to devise ways in which to enhance everyday library attendance numbers. The understanding from the learn about could empower the county branch of education to build more libraries around the county and come up with methods in which young, middle-aged and elderly humans can take up reading greater significantly each professionally and as a hobby. The findings of this learn about will supply the county department of education, library departments in faculties and universities with information that should decorate their function as custodians of expertise statistics and technology. Students of all stages of finding out about are also expected to acquire from this learn about as they will achieve an understanding of the predominant determinants of utilization of libraries and searching for to exchange the approaches in which they look for information. The learned about findings are predicted to provide up to date literature to academia who may also wish to lift out a comparable or associated study. The study findings are hoped to stimulate similarly lookup in important elements deciding utilization of libraries both within Kenya and the East African Community in general.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study is Outspan Medical College. It is a private college with a population of over 1000 students. The study focuses on the major factors determining the utilization of the college library in Outspan Medical College located in Nyeri County

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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The Major Factors Determining the Utilization of the Library. (2019, Nov 28). Retrieved from

The Major Factors Determining the Utilization of the Library essay
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