Biodiversity: An Overview

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear companions. A very good morning to all of you. Today I stand before you to speak on an important topic- Biodiversity. Biodiversity can be defined as the presence of different species of plants and animals on the Earth. You must be thinking why it is important? Let me share with you the reason. It plays a major role in maintaining the balance of the earth.

We live in cities and for many of us, wildlife is something we watch on television.

It's importance is unknown to us. We are unaware of the reality that the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat, all ultimately rely on biodiversity. Some of the obvious examples are of plants and bees. Without plants, there would be no oxygen, and without bees to pollinate there would be no fruits or nuts.

Despite being so important for our survival, we are destroying our biodiversity. As our population is rising, we are clearing lands to create houses and industries.

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Another major factor which is destroying our biodiversity are poaching and unsustainable hunting. The only answer to all these problems is giving nature the space and protection it needs. Wildlife reserves are one of the solutions to these problems. In my opinion, half of the land surface should be set aside for nature.

We all can make a difference when it comes to protecting our biodiversity. We should use the sustainable products that are made without affecting the environment.

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We should avoid using products like leather, timber, etc that affect biodiversity badly. In the end, I would like to say that we should take all the essential steps in order to make our environment better. Thank you for your time and patience.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Biodiversity: An Overview. (2020, May 25). Retrieved from

Biodiversity: An Overview essay
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