Biblical Aspect of God

Bibliology, as most Christians know, is the study of the Bible, which is God’s word. The word “Bible” comes from the Greek word biblion, which means book. The original writings were prepared on papyrus, which was a plant that was cut into strips and dried. The word “Scriptures" comes from the Greek word graphe, which means writings. The idea of “Scripture” saying something is presented to us in the Bible, and is equivalent to God speaking.

The Bible was written over a one thousand and five hundred year period, written by more than forty authors, written on three continents (Asia, Africa, Europe), and written in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek).

The Bible is an inspired source of knowledge about God, Jesus Christ, salvation, and eternity. The Bible being inspired means that it was breathed or spoken by God, and written by other authors that God influenced. In the scripture Psalm 12:6 it states, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

As Christians we believe that everything that the Bible teaches is true and while we do not have the original manuscripts, we have multiple excellent copies dating back to within a century or so of the life of Christ.

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The Bible is free of error and flaw and contains no contradictions; it is perfect. Additionally, the Bible is the ultimate rule of faith and practice; traditional Christianity flows from acceptance of the Bible as the inspired word of God since all doctrine is based on the clear teaching of Scripture.

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As Christians, we follow and live by the Holy Bible.

We believe that only sixty-six books are canonical and those are the books that we read in the New Testament and the Old Testament. All of the scriptures found in the Bible had to go through something called a test of canonicity. There were six tests that were used to make sure that only the books put in the Bible were purely God breathed and had no fleshly qualities. The first test of canonicity was divine authorship. Is the book inspired? Did God give it through men, or did it come from men and their efforts alone? Next is the test of human authorship.

This does not mean, "Was it edited or written by a human. " Obviously some man was involved in its writing. But the kind of person who wrote it is the main issue in this test of canonicity. The third test relates to authenticity. Being authentic is basically asking is it true? When we talk about the canon of Scripture we talk about the standard of what is true in the Bible. Included in the need for truthfulness is the need for true historical accuracy. This relates to the historicity of the record. Is it a record of things that actually happened? The fourth test of canonicity is the test of genuineness.

Did it truly come from the author that claims to have written it? Are there logical reasons to doubt that the stated author truly wrote the book? If there were indeed these reasons, the divine authorship of the book would be in doubt. One book that created a problem for the early church was the book of Hebrews. The problem with this book was that it has no stated author. Ultimately, it was decided that even though there was no author, the material was necessary because certain Scripture would be incomplete without it. Therefore, it was included in the canon and is part of our Bible today.

The fifth test of canonicity relates to testimony. Testimony involves the witness of the Jewish and early Christian church, as well as the later Christian church. It was important for it to be included in the ancient versions of the Bible. Books that did not have universal authority of the early and later church were not considered biblical. The Apocrypha was one collection of books that did not have universal acceptance of the early church. The final test of canonicity was its ability to edify. The word “edify” means to bless or to build up. It is obvious that every part of the Bible is not equally edifying.

But if a writing had no value relating to edification, it was not considered a part of the Doctrine of Scripture. It just was not canonical. As it is clear to us as God worshiping believers that the Bible is unfathomably true and flawless, to those with their own belief system it may be hard to grasp. While many other religions claim to have their own bibles, which are mostly just altered version of the Christian Bible, we know that there is only one true Bible that is God breathed and correct. While many other religions claim that they believe in a form Jesus or a god, such as Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, etc. we know that the one and only true religion is Christianity. Why is it that what we believe is the only correct belief system? Well we know that from the above-mentioned tests of canonicity, but where exactly did all of God’s inspiration for scripture come from? There are a plethora of theories surrounding this question. Much scripture is inspired by nature and God’s part in communicating with man. God inspired the writers to write what he spoke to them and put in their life, He gave men concepts through inspiration and allowed them to write their own words.

It is hard to dispute the evidence that God is real and the Bible is true. As a wise man once told me, it takes more faith to not believe in God than it does to believe in Him. The Bible claims that it is the inspired Word of God and also demonstrates that it is the Word of God. Jesus says, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Mt. 5:17-18). This passage perceives that the entire Old Testament is foolproof.

Jesus also told the apostles, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth . . . ” (John 16:13), which indicates that the New Testament is the inspired Word of God. In addition, Paul says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2Tim 3:16). Furthermore, Peter says, “But know this first of all, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

Basically we have to choices in life, either to believe in God, or not believe in God. There are multiple theories and proven facts that circulate around the Bible and the information it contains. There is actually scientific evidence proving many of the statements made in the Bible. A few examples are: Quarantine for the Black Plague (Leviticus 13), The life of the flesh is in the blood; rejects blood-letting (Leviticus 17:11), The spherical earth later discovered by Ferdinand Magellan (Isaiah 40:22), Water Cycle (Isaiah 55:10-11; Job 36:27-28), and Underwater springs (Job 38:16).

Also, archaeology has provided great support for the history and people represented in the Bible. According to Nelson Glueck, an archaeologist who excavated over a thousand sites in the Middle East, “it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible. ” Not only is there scientific evidence, but there is also the fact that despite it’s various attempts at being destroyed, and it’s countless attacks that no other book as other suffered, the Bible has still survived over two-thousand years. This is a rarity in it’s own, as most books do not even stay popular for a quarter of a century, let alone twenty centuries. Not only is this book indestructible, but it is also proving itself time and time again as each of its prophecies come to pass. Overall, we know for a fact that the Bible is God’s word and God is the final authority. Therefore, we realize that if we live by the Bible and live for God, that ultimately we have a place in heaven. As Christians, that is our main goal and purpose in life is to live for God and forever worship and praise Him.

It is also our duty to spread His word to others and to bring as many people to Christ as possible. But what about those who are stuck in their own beliefs? What about the people who are so distracted by worldly things and other religious practices that they never accept Christ as their Lord and Savior or live to do anything for Him? Although there are other God’s mentioned throughout history and in the Bible, our God is the most powerful and the only one with the final authority. A very public display of God's power and involvement with his people is talked about in 1 Kings 18:16-46.

When the kings of neighboring nations came into contact with Israel or Judah's prophets, they were challenged to discover that God is the most powerful of all the other gods. This happened when Joseph and Pharaoh came into contact and when Daniel impacted the rules of the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar and Darius. Another famous public confrontation between the gods of the nations, the Baals, served by Jezebel and her prophets, and the God of Israel is very familiar. Elijah challenged the priests of Baal to a contest to see which god would answer with fire.

Overall, the Bible does not leave room for any other religion to be valid or true. Belief in God is considered foundational to faith and a faith-filled life is the only way that anyone can please God. The Bible clearly states that everyone will one day proclaim that Jesus is Lord. This will bring glory to God, the Father. This confession proves that there is, as God first proclaimed, no other god beside him. With all of this information that I have learned about God in school, church, and just life in general, I find it hard to imagine a life without God. My life before I got saved was dull, depressing, and purposeless.

I strongly believe that all of the hate and hurt and destruction in this world comes from people not knowing and accepting Jesus into their hearts. It is extremely hard to walk into a church filled with people singing and praising their Lord to not see that the love for Christ is a love that compares to nothing else in this world. If so many people can have such a strong love and devotion for this one thing, why are so many people against it? What are they afraid of? Nothing bad comes from loving and devoting your life to the Lord, you are guaranteed a lifetime of love on Earth and eternity in Heaven after our time here is done.

To me, turning your back to God is completely foolish and immature, and not to mention selfish. People that do not love God probably do not love anything in life, not even themselves. God can open things up to you and take you places in life you never could have imagined, and all you have to do is love Him as much as He loves you. It is probably one of the easiest and most enjoyable tasks you will ever have to do in life, because when you love God, pleasing him is a blessing, not a burden. Just as parents dedicate their lives to their children, every human being should dedicate their lives to the Lord.

Just as it says in the Bible, one day everyone will one day proclaim Jesus as their Lord. And I think we can get there sooner rather than later, as long as Christians we continue to act right and portray the Christian faith as it should be. We need to remember that Christianity is not so much a religion as a relationship with God. And just like a relationship with any human being, they take work. Relationships require mutual feelings and positive interaction and communication. Lucky for us, there are many ways to communicate with God and strengthen our relationship with Him everyday.

We will never run out of things to learn about God as He is more complex and deep than we can ever even fathom. I know that as long as I do the best I can to please God and ask Him to forgive me of my sins, I will always be His child and He will always love me. Knowing that and feeling His love on a daily basis is what helps me sleep at night and keeps me exuberant and excited about my life. Because of this one extraordinary book, and my one extraordinary God, I have now made it my goal to help spread the word and bring as many people to Him as possible.

The Bible and the writing it contains has helped me accomplish a complete turn-around in my life. I found my life verse and I knew it from the day I read it, Psalm 18:2 reads: “The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. ” I find comfort in my Bible and in my God and know that whenever I am in trouble or scared, I always have a safe set of arms to run to.

Updated: Dec 03, 2021
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