Behaviour Management in the Classroom

Knowing how to anticipate and manage problems will ensure that students spend maximum time on task, and those students who are eager to learn are not disadvantaged by a few. I have found there are many different causes of disruptive and inappropriate behavior. These can include factors in and out of a teacher’s control. Factors outside the control of the teacher may include a student’s emotional and psychological factors. A student may have significant distressing issues in their home life such as bereavement or family breakdown for example.

Students may also have had negative past experiences at a previous establishment or in the education system in general.

Some students may behave inappropriately through boredom or finishing work to quickly, while others misbehave in an attempt to mask undiagnosed learning differences. Conversely, I have experienced students being disruptive in class due to having a special educational need, students with undedicated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for example. ‘Some teachers think a well-planned, interesting lesson will by itself prevent disruption.

Or that if the teacher is entirely benign and respectful of students, conflict will simply melt away.

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This isn’t the case. ’ (Petty, 2006, pg3) The teacher themselves can sometimes be a cause of negative behaviour. Some students may act up through boredom as a result of a teacher being unprepared, demotivated or simply not giving enough consideration to lesson design. Bad classroom management can also be a factor, for example, allowing students to play with mobile phones or simply poor seating arrangements, which allow disruptive students to sit together.

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Review organisational policies relevant to managing behaviour in the learning environment identifying any areas for improvement | Every teaching establishment will have a number of different organizational policies relating to managing behaviour. Appendix A lists the specific policies I have to adhere to in my organisation. The policies are very diverse ranging from a staff code of conduct with pupils, to policies relating to effective teaching and learning.

The specialist nature of my establishment means there are many policies linked to the welfare and safeguarding of students, including a number of anti-bullying policies (including anti-cyber bullying) to procedures relating to pastoral care. In my opinion, the behavior management policy in my establishment could be improved. There is no consistent approach to managing behavior throughout the organization. It is left to individual teaching staff to use their discretion as to what constitutes disruptive behavior and how to deal with it accordingly.

Although the senior managers are usually supportive of teaching staff, It would be beneficial to staff and students for there to be a set procedure we could all follow. |Review ways of encouraging behaviours that contribute to an effective learning environment | |Use strategies for encouraging behaviours that contribute to an effective learning environment | ‘…classrooms become much more orderly when rules are stated, or better still negotiated, discussed and fully justified. It seems the little lighters need persuading of the obvious! ’ (Petty, 2006, pg3) There are many strategies to help a teacher limit disruptive behavior during lessons. I find an effective tool for managing behaviour is to set firm ground rules at the beginning of the course. These include clear boundaries, and expectations. If this can be done in consultation with the students it can be extremely effective, as it gives them the responsibility of managing each other’s behavior. It is useful to note however, that set sanctions must also be clearly defined and followed as a consequence for breaking the rules for this technique to be effective.

The use of reward is a good method of encouraging positive behavior, the use of praise, certificates and house points for example. ‘What we can’t do however is ignore disruptive behaviour. If we do, it won’t go away! ’ (LSDA, 2007, pg8) It is important for a teacher to challenge disruptive behaviour immediately and consistently. I feel by trying to make lessons enjoyable and providing work that helps students to achieve minimizes disruptive behaviour. The use of good communication by the teacher can also be a useful tool.

This includes the use of the voice, phrasing, eye contact and body language. For example, using an assertive tone when making a request or physically positioning yourself near disruptive students. ‘You should be alert, businesslike, firm and unapologetic. But you must avoid showing anger or frustration even when you feel it. ’ (Petty, 2006, pg19) I feel getting to know students individually and knowing what their interests and expectations are helps. I find by creating a working relationship where students feel valued and respected is key to minimizing inappropriate behavior.

In my opinion, the greater amount of respect the pupil has for you, the less likely they will misbehave. I agree with Petty (2006) when he states: ‘prevention the best strategy’ It is also important should a student misbehave that it is dealt with swiftly with the teachers focus being placed on the student’s behaviour, rather than the individual themselves. |Review ways of managing behaviours that disrupt an effective learning environment | No matter how hard you work at perfecting your behaviour management techniques, you will encounter ‘the really challenging-class’ at some point in your career’ (TES,2010) If a situation arises where an individual’s behavior is persistently disruptive, further action may be required to ensure the other students maintain an effective learning environment. The use of graduated sanctions in schools and colleges is a widely recognised, and is a commonly used method of controlling individuals that have not responded to other behavior management strategies.

Having the support of heads of departments and senior management teams is crucial for this method to work effectively. I have, on occasion had to follow behaviour management procedures at my organisation that use graduated sanctions. For example, referring disruptive individuals to my head of department. If that student then continues to affect the learning of others they get referred to a member of the senior management team (SMT). The last stage being the Head Master, who has the power to take more serious action if required, such as temporary and permanent exclusions. Summarise own strengths and development needs in relation to managing behaviours that disrupt the learning environment | In general, I feel that managing my student’s behavior is one of my strengths. It is something I have learned, and improved upon through the years in my current teaching position. I have learnt different strategies for minimizing disruptive behaviour through observing other staff in my department, and openly discussing individual cases with other teaching staff.

With regards to my personal development, I would like to attend some training to help me manage students with disruptive behavioural disorders, specifically, Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Although I currently teach two individuals diagnosed with this disorder, they can be extremely disruptive in a group environment, and I believe attending training specifically related to managing this type of psychiatric disorder would be extremely beneficial for the future. References Cope, R. G. (2006). How to plan for behaviour development and classroom management : maximising student engagement: Pearson Education.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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