How does Baz Luhrmann use the language?

Categories: Language

How does Baz Luhrmann use the language of film to create the imagery and themes of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' in a convincing modern setting?

The director Baz Luhrmann uses a blend of influential music and adept editing, to create an explosive modern version of Shakespeare's classic play. Baz Luhrmann wanted to keep the traditional language but also give the film a more contemporary feeling. The scene I am going to concentrate on is the Capulet Ball, Act 1 Scene 5.

To show the sheer size of the of the Capulet mansion, the director uses a wide angle shot on the mansion as the guests start to arrive.

The decorations are well over the top with use of balloons and glitter. This emphasizes the Capulets wealth and their desires to self indulge. Loud dance music is played to put across the party atmosphere to the audience.

The costume of the characters plays a key part in this scene and it adds to the overall visual appearance.

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The costumes have been carefully selected to show the characters personas and traits. Juliet is dressed as an angel to show her innocence and purity. Her costume simply reflects her simple character at the start of this scene. Lord and Lady Capulet are both dressed as powerful leaders, Caesar and Cleopatra. This reflects their power and wealth. Paris is dressed as an astronaut. This over the top costume shows his desire to impress. Romeo is dressed in shining armour. This reflects his romantic character. Mercutio is wearing a mini skirt and bra which reflects the fake love aspect of the party.

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While Mercutio is dancing 'Young hearts, run free' is played. This is ironic as Romeo and Juliet run away later on in the film. Tybalt and his cronies are dressed as ghosts and ghouls who show the audience their evil traits. All the costumes were designed by Prada and Dolce & Gabbana to give a more modern feeling. Read about az Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet film techniques

The self indulgence of the Capulets is showed at the beginning of the party. Smart editing shows drunks, dancers, singers and loud people. It's a fusion of colour and sound which gives the impression of the drug which Romeo has taken. Both Lord and Lady Capulet can be seen kissing other people. This shows the audience the fake love aspect of the party. This is used to contrast deliberately with the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet.

After indulging in the party activities Romeo goes to clear his head. A shot through water shows Romeo immersing his head in water to cool off. He takes off his mask and the camera lingers on it to reinforce the casting off of a false image. This is symbolic as we are about to see Romeos true self.

His attention is drawn to the aquarium. This adds to the calm, tranquil feeling of this scene. The director also uses soft music in the background to reinforce the scene. The audience anticipate the meeting.

When they meet, words are not needed. The director adds depth to the scene by using simple visual effects. The director uses the camera as both Romeos and Juliet's eyes. The actors show attraction and curiosity by using their faces. Even though the glass acts as a physical barrier, smart camera angles use reflections to show Romeo and Juliet next to each other. The calm mood is destroyed by the noisy arrival of Juliet's nurse.

As Juliet returns to the party and dances with Paris the camera is used again as a point of contact between her and Romeo. Whatever Juliet can see of Romeo so can the audience. There are some parts where Romeos face is cut off as that is all Juliet can see of him. Other party goers are blurred out as the camera concentrates on Romeo and Juliet.

At this point Paris is dancing with Juliet to slow music which represents Romeos feelings. Paris is made to look stupid as he cannot find the rhythm for the music. This adds humour to the scene. After Juliet and Paris stop dancing, the camera follows Romeo movements and gives the impression of a third person.

The Capulets lift is used as the backdrop for Romeo and Juliet to be together and shut off from the world. When they kiss and embrace in the lift they ascend which reflects their feelings at that moment. The director uses the Pantrack technique to involve the audience in the lover's passion. The nurse again separates them and the staircase is used to reflect their feelings. While Juliet ascends the staircase the camera slowly pans away from Romeo's face which shows despair. The staircase reflects the gulf between them.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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How does Baz Luhrmann use the language? essay
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