The Importance of Respect in the United States Army


Being a soldier in the United States Army requires a steadfast commitment to a set of core values that serve as the foundation of the military's ethical framework. These seven Army values are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Each of these values plays a unique role, but they all complement and reinforce one another, forming an integral part of the Army's identity. Among these values, respect stands out as the linchpin that upholds the integrity of the entire system.

In this essay, we will explore the significance of respect as an essential Army core value, its pervasive presence in our daily lives, its role in professional and personal growth, and its connection to leadership and honor.

The Ubiquity of Respect

Respect is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, often operating subtly in the background. Whether we are driving, grocery shopping, or engaging in a phone conversation, respect influences our interactions and decisions. Without respect, the other six Army Core Values lose their meaning and significance.

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Respect is omnipresent and vital for accomplishing even the most mundane tasks, making it an indispensable element of a fulfilling life.

Respect extends to various aspects of our lives, including our educational endeavors, social interactions, and family relationships. When we attend school, we witness respect in the teacher-student dynamic, fostering a conducive learning environment. Similarly, when we visit a restaurant, respect guides the interactions between customers and staff, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. Even at family reunions, respect underpins the harmony among relatives, although its subtle presence often goes unnoticed.

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The reciprocity of respect is evident; when we treat others respectfully, they are more likely to reciprocate. Thus, respect plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives and influencing how we are treated by others.

The Value of Self-Respect

Respect is not limited to how we treat others but also extends to how we regard ourselves. Self-respect is a crucial aspect of an individual's character and well-being. Without self-respect, one's ability to respect others diminishes. It arises from a sense of self-worth and rational self-assessment. A person with high self-respect is more likely to act confidently and assertively, while a lack of self-respect can lead to timidity.

It is important to distinguish between self-respect and ego. Ego involves the forceful imposition of one's thoughts or judgments on others, often at the expense of their respect and dignity. In contrast, self-respect is a recognition of one's intrinsic worth and does not infringe upon the respect due to others. It is a quality that enables an individual to protect and preserve their own dignity while respecting the dignity of others.

Natural Basis of Respect

Respect can be described as a behavioral response that arises from an individual's judgment of another person's behavior and qualities. It is an expression of acceptance and appreciation for certain traits demonstrated by an individual. People naturally form judgments and assessments of others based on their behavior, and respect is a natural consequence of these assessments.

While individual standards for respect may vary, some common qualities and traits tend to garner respect in society. High moral values, compassion, solidarity, and a genuine concern for others are universally recognized as admirable qualities. In addition to these moral attributes, general behavior, reactions, responses, and personal growth also contribute to the perception of respectworthiness. In essence, respect is an organic response to the qualities and behaviors that an individual exhibits.

Earning Respect

Respect is not something that can be demanded; it must be earned. This is a principle deeply ingrained in both personal and professional life. From childhood, individuals are taught to respect their parents, elders, teachers, and society's values. However, the practical application of these teachings often reveals a disparity between theory and practice. Respect cannot be imposed through suppression or the flaunting of power; it must be voluntarily bestowed by others.

One's ability to earn respect hinges on their integrity, rational behavior, and moral character. Loyalty, another Army core value, plays a crucial role in this process. Loyalty encompasses a commitment to sacrificing one's own interests, even one's life, for the benefit of others, whether it be family, community, or country. A loyal person possesses a strong moral character, an honest outlook, and disciplined manners. Such qualities are essential for earning respect, as respect is intricately connected to self-respect and moral judgment.

The Significance of Honor

Honor, like respect, is not freely given but must be earned through extraordinary acts and unwavering moral values. It is a mark of distinction and recognition that transcends ordinary duties and obligations. True honor is bestowed upon those who demonstrate a deep respect for others and uphold a strong moral code. It is intertwined with respect in such a way that without respect for others and a solid moral foundation, honor remains elusive.

In summary, the seven Army Core Values—Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage—are interconnected, with respect serving as the linchpin that holds them all together. Without respect, the United States Army, as well as society as a whole, would descend into chaos. The maxim "Treat others how you want to be treated" resonates strongly in this context, highlighting the profound impact of respect on both individual lives and collective institutions. Loyalty, honor, and discipline are closely linked to respect, as they all contribute to the cohesive and ethical functioning of the military and society at large.

The Role of Respect in Leadership

Leadership in the Army and in society at large is intricately connected to respect. Respect is not a commodity that can be demanded; it must be earned through exemplary conduct and genuine concern for the welfare of others. Effective leaders understand the importance of respect and its role in building and maintaining morale.

Respect cannot be imposed upon others; it must be willingly given. Army leaders recognize the individual worth of every member by treating them with dignity and respect. This approach not only fosters a positive working environment but also inspires loyalty and commitment among the ranks. It is through their actions and behavior that leaders earn the respect of their subordinates, ultimately becoming role models for the entire organization.

Leaders who exhibit high moral values, compassion, and a sense of duty gain the respect of their followers. They lead by example, demonstrating the values they expect from their subordinates. In doing so, they inspire others to uphold these values, fostering a culture of respect within the organization. Thus, respect is an essential element of effective leadership and is closely intertwined with the other Army Core Values.

The Fragility of Respect

Respect is a delicate and precious asset that can be easily lost. It takes time and effort to earn respect, but it can be eroded in an instant by a single word, decision, or action.

Therefore, maintaining respect is an ongoing commitment that requires vigilance and self-awareness. Individuals who disregard the principles of respect risk damaging their reputation and relationships.

Respect is not a static state but a dynamic one that evolves over time based on an individual's actions and behavior. It is essential to consistently exhibit respect towards others and adhere to ethical principles to preserve this valuable asset. In doing so, one can build and strengthen their reputation as a respectful and honorable individual.

The United States Army and Respect

In the context of the United States Army, respect holds a paramount position among the Army Core Values. Without respect, the cohesion and effectiveness of the military would be severely compromised. The Army Core Values serve as a moral compass for soldiers, guiding them in their actions and decisions.

Loyalty to one's comrades and the mission, as well as a sense of duty to uphold the principles of honor and integrity, are all underpinned by respect. Soldiers must respect their fellow soldiers, superiors, and subordinates to maintain the unity and discipline necessary for military operations. Disregarding respect within the military could result in chaos, insubordination, and the breakdown of the chain of command.

Moreover, respect for the values and principles of the United States, including democracy, freedom, and human rights, is a fundamental aspect of a soldier's duty. It is through respect for these ideals that soldiers protect and defend their nation's interests and uphold its honor on the battlefield.


In conclusion, respect is an indispensable element of both the United States Army's ethical framework and our everyday lives. It is a value that permeates all aspects of society, influencing our interactions with others, our self-perception, and our leadership qualities. Respect is not merely a passive sentiment; it is a dynamic force that shapes our relationships, actions, and character.

Whether in the military or civilian life, respect is a cornerstone of successful leadership. Effective leaders understand the importance of earning respect through their actions and ethical conduct. They recognize that respect cannot be imposed but must be voluntarily given by others who admire their values and principles.

Respect is a fragile asset, easily lost through thoughtless actions or words. Therefore, it is incumbent upon individuals to maintain their respect by consistently adhering to moral and ethical standards. In the United States Army, respect is the linchpin that upholds the Army Core Values and ensures the cohesion and effectiveness of the military.

As we navigate our daily lives, let us be mindful of the profound impact of respect on our interactions, relationships, and personal growth. It is a value that transcends cultural boundaries and enriches our lives by fostering harmony, dignity, and understanding among individuals and communities.

In essence, respect is not only a fundamental Army Core Value; it is a timeless and universal principle that shapes the character of individuals and the destiny of nations.

Updated: Nov 07, 2023
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The Importance of Respect in the United States Army. (2016, Apr 23). Retrieved from

The Importance of Respect in the United States Army essay
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