Due to unprecedented advancements in science and technology, there is a drastic change in every field. Mobile phones, which have superior computing abilities, become part of our life. There is no doubt that smartphones have radically changed the way of communication. Apple and Samsung are the largest manufactures of smartphones in the world (Stoller, 2017). More than half of the mobile phones purchased worldwide are Apple and Samsung (Vergara, 2012).This essay will compare and contrast between Apple and Samsung smartphones.

As modes of communication, both Samsung and Apple, have some similarities.

Both help people to communicate by voice calls, video calls, and text messages. In addition, they have web surfing, camera, specific operating system, global positioning system and have option to download a bunch of applications like instagram, facebook, snapchat, whatsapp and lots more.. Just as Apple phones are trending smartphones, Samsung too. These phones have touch interface and boot to a home screen.

Nevertheless, these two mobile phones have more significant differences.

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Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California whereas, Samsung Group is a South Korean multinational company headquartered in Seoul. Samsung exists longer than Apple. Both phones differ in operating system. Samsung is android based phone and all apps here can be purchased on Google play store. On the other hand, Apple is iOS based and it has its own Apple app store to buy apps. In other words, Apple phones have their own control on play store, on the contrary of Samsung.

Moreover, Apple phones have lack of freedom to connectivity.

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It is not possible to transfer files over bluetooth from an Apple phone to another smartphone. In contrast, it can be transfer easily by Samsung phones. Android based Samsung phones have features to transfer files to other phones by Bluetooth or other file sharing applications like xender.

Whereas Samsung has open source operating system, Apple has closed source but with open source components. Samsung is android based phone and Android operating system has open source code, people can use that to create custom applications. On the other hand, Apple has almost closed operating system and there is no real possibility to create new operating system from it.

Furthermore, in case of storage capacity, Samsung have upper hand because storage of Samsung phones can be expandable by MicroSD card but it is not possible for Apple. Apple phones do not come with a MicroSD card expansion slot. For example latest Samsung Note9 has maximum 512 GB (Gigabyte) storage which can expand to 1TB (Terabyte) by MicroSD card. On the other side, latest iPhone XS Max has 512GB internal storage and it cannot be expand more than it (Krigsman, 2018).

Turning to physical size of both phones, Samsung phones have larger screen as compare to Apple. Almost, Galaxy S series all phones have larger screen than iPhones (Krigsman, 2018). However, selection of small or large screen phone is personal; it depends on various factors like eyesight, hand size and portability.

According to new data reported by Bloomberg, Apple's iPhone X, iPhone8 and iPhone8 plus have slower internet speed .In contrast, Samsung phones have faster internet speed (Gurman & King, 2018). According to

Unlike the Apple phones, most of the Samsung phones are quite cheaper. iPhones are very expensive than android based smartphones, because Apple phones did not compromise with quality. Integration of choice of material for hardware and excellent software quality make them costlier than Samsung phones.

In most of Samsung phones, battery life is more than iPhones .In battery life tests of iPhone X and Galaxy S9 Plus; Samsung was superior to iPhone (Owen, 2018). It is safe to say Galaxy S9 Plus is better than iPhone in terms of battery life. In the global market of smartphones sale, Samsung is beating to Apple ( Mourdoukoutas, 2018). As per news report published by Newzoo in June 2018, Samsung was the most popular smartphone and Samsung only has 27% market share. On the other hand, Apple had 24% market share which was second numbered worldwide. In the past Apple was the largest manufacture of smartphones company, but in the recent years, Samsung has overtaken the market in terms of number of units sold.

Staff of Apple is very caring about their users. They usually provide the online information to their customers or aware them about the repairs. Unlike Apple, Samsung staff is not like that. Customers have to call, email or visit to stores for the repairs or other issues.

These phones have disputes regarding the designs or functionality of smartphones since 2011.For infringing the actual property of apple, Samsung has been ordered to pay Apple hundreds of millions of dollars(Cass, 2015).. Samsung has lost in the court, against the Apple.

For Samsung phones universal chargers can be used. Most of Samsung phones use micro USB chargers, which are also come with other android based phones. iPhones usable only on their own charger. In case of emergency or when your apple charger goes bad, Apple phone can never be charge over other charger. You have to buy new apple charge. So apple phones are not economical.

To conclude, I would like to assert that there are number of differences and similarities between these two giants of the technology. Samsung has overtaken the smartphones industry in recent years. Both of these smartphones are serving the people by giving their extra ordinary features and have their own pros and cons. Best qualities of both phones can never be ignored. In my opinion, these companies should follow the intellectual legal rights; so that any dispute or loss can be avoided. Mobile phones companies are coming out with their great phones constantly and these companies are working under constant competition, which is very good for consumers to have excellent quality mobile phones and development of the nation.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Apple and Samsung. (2019, Dec 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/apple-and-samsung-essay

Apple and Samsung essay
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