In this article, I will discuss the basic claims and key supporting arguments of the article. I will also identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the overall argument.

The early church and Christian movement rapidly began to grow from the day of Pentecost. The spread of the gospel was quick especially in areas like Syria, Persia, Egypt, across North Africa, north and west of Asia Minor; and parts of Europe. At the time the emperor Constantine I ascended to the throne approximately 6 million Christian were evenly spread - they represented one-tenth of the population which further represented 40 percent per decade of growth.

What made the early church grow rapidly; first, the church grew in its early centuries because it was attractive and had spiritual power.

Secondly, people were attracted because of their distinctive behavior of Christians who had the question - posing ways of addressing common problems in society. Christians were also concerned about burying individuals with dignity hence they provided free burial services for all members.

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Thirdly, they had an extraordinary sense of local authority yet they (Christians) led a common life like as resident aliens. Last but not least, they were inclusive because they insisted that be it a poor or a rich person they should be buried in a dignified manner.

The above statements; highlights a list of things that attracted pagans to Christianity. In spite of all the challenges and disincentives' persecution, people were still drawn to churches in which there were spiritual power, question-posing behavior and a condition of catholicity with a community.

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What was it that formed Christians and Christian communities? Two community forming realities stand out and come into our minds and these are; catechesis and worship. When it came to learning and assemblies, a set of rules had to be put in place and be followed. For example, outsiders could not come into a Christian Eucharist unless he or she had been baptized. But the second-century believers were not baptized until they had gone through a lengthy process of catechesis which usually it would take 3-5 years; there were exceptions though, if the candidate shows keen interest and perseveres wells then he would be baptized. In this instance, time was not a factor anymore but the candidate's conduct. This also would depend on how he or she treats the less privileged and the weak e.g. widows, sick, orphaned and vulnerable children.

To the centrally, one may begin to wonder why much emphasis upon catechesis. This was so because the New Testament baptism used to be taken immediately after accepting Jesus Christ as your life and savior (Acts 2:41, 8:31; 10:47; 16:33). This so because people knew the word of God early and continually heard or listened to the word of God being preached in streets, workplaces, and face to face.

As observed from above, "the church's evangelism and mission were inconceivable without the church's life of worship. They assembled in worship glorified God, the actions also edified Christians. Who formed by worship live the question-posing life of God in the world? For instance, the offering of goods and money which believers gave during the worship services replenished the church's common fund and restricted wealth with the community."

The strengths in the methods used in evangelism (to spread the gospel) in the first century were extraordinary in nature because they possessed spiritual powers from God which could be used to drive out demons and even to pray and heal the sick. The weaknesses of the methods were on deacons who would monitor the inflow of people in the church; then they would only allow people they knew and blocking all those they did not know. Worship was also done in private or secretly.

As of today, what can really help us in evangelism is to engage our non-Christian brothers and sisters in various church-related projects before inviting them to the church such as renovations, benevolence, evangelism, picnics, etc. after engaging them, we can begin our Christian discipleship slowly. If handled properly, they will even begin asking questions about Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

In conclusion, it is always important to learn from the different methods used in the first and all successive centuries on evangelism. This will help us to identify methods that will be helpful to us so we can employ contemporary methods of evangelism.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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ANCIENT FAITH FOR THE CHURCH. (2019, Dec 01). Retrieved from

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