An Analysis of End Homework Now

In "End Homework Now", Effta Kralovec and John Buell, two educators, use credible sources, acknowledge the counter-argument, and use periodic sentence structure to question the value of homework and how it has affected family life as well as economic status. They claim that educators should stop squeezing homework in students' home lives and question the actual benefits of homework. Karlove and Buell's purpose is to examine the useless value of homework and how it doesn't have any useful benefits, but has affected family life.

Kralovec and Buell appeal to educators who see a positive insight in homework. One of the effective ways the authors argue their point is by using credible sources. Instead of just stating their facts and argument, they paraphrased from multiple works to argue their side effectively. They have sources that back up their statement so they aren't arguing blindly and can refer back to statistics and research when someone counter-argues their points.

An example of this is when Mishel, Bernstein, and Schmitt talked about how "African American middle-income families log and average of 4,278 hours per year, almost 500 hours per year more than white families." They mentioned the rise of parents working and the increase in their working hours and how homework has taken away time from parents who have few hours a day to spare with their children and pass on values their cultural practices to their children.

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This method convinces the reader that their information is accurate and it is not solely based on opinion or unreliable facts.

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Another way the authors argue their point is by acknowledging the counterargument.

Kralovec and Buell mentioned some points educators and parents argued and may argue. By persuading the reader that their argument is valid, they correct some myths that people have on homework and correct them by mentioning research and statistics to diminish these myths. A myth that was brought up in the paper and is a most widely accepted fact today is “homework increases academic achievement.” ( However, Kralovec and Buell argue that “according to Piaget ..... asking children to perform tasks before they are developmentally ready proves counterproductive to development” and ask the audience whether homework falls into this category and where does the evidence about homework being effective lies. The essay began with a very effective technique, periodic sentence structure, and is aimed to catch the attention of the audience. The following phrases, “parents say that teachers require it.

Teachers say that parents demand more of it. Politicians call for grading parents on their ability to help with it...,” are phrases that a reader may not understand at first, but will eventually understand when they reach the end and learn what the author is going to talk about. This builds suspense and makes the audience more interested in reading the essay or story. The readers may become interested in reading what the authors have to say about the issue and try to understand what they are arguing. The authors used many techniques to effectively argue and get their points across. They tried to examine the issue: whether homework has value or is it just a useless activity that is performed by students everyday and has no benefits. Through their use of credible sources, acknowledgement of the counter-argument, and periodic sentence structure, Kralovec and Buell question the value of homework and how it has affected family life as well as economic status.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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An Analysis of End Homework Now. (2022, Oct 26). Retrieved from

An Analysis of End Homework Now essay
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