The Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin on Marriage and Relationships

Benjamin Franklin, a prominent figure in American history known for his wit and wisdom, once penned a letter to a friend, offering advice on matters of the heart and relationships. In his message, Franklin advises his friend that marriage is not only a solution for sexual desires but also an undisputable source of solid happiness. He has suspicions that his friend may not follow his guidance and recommends choosing older mistresses over younger ones. In this essay, we will delve into Franklin's insights and explore the eight valuable reasons he presents to support his argument.

We will also analyze the psychological and socio-economic aspects of marriage that Franklin highlights, as well as the benefits of older mistresses. Franklin's wisdom, as reflected in this letter, serves as a timeless guide to understanding the complexities of human relationships.

The Advantages of Marriage

Franklin commences his essay by presenting the advantages of marriage, asserting, "I know of no medicine fit to diminish the violent inclinations you mention...

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Marriage is the proper remedy. It is the most natural state of man and, therefore, the state in which you are most likely to find solid happiness."

From a masculine perspective, Franklin suggests that one of the primary advantages of marriage is its ability to pacify the desires of the flesh. His friend, the recipient of the letter, appeared to be seeking a situation that would provide both a sexual partner and happiness without commitment. Based on Franklin's words, it becomes clear that he believed marriage to be the ideal solution for his friend's desires.

The Completeness of Marriage

In his letter, Franklin advises his friend to consider marriage because he believes that "It is the man and woman together that make the complete human being." Franklin's endorsement of marriage is rooted in both psychological and socio-economic reasons.

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He asserts that married life is more balanced than a single life, contending that "A single man has not nearly the value he would have in that state of union. He is an incomplete animal, resembling the odd half of a pair of scissors."

Franklin implies that family life provides a sense of calm and fulfillment to individuals. It is a natural arrangement in which people can organize their productive strength to maximize benefits. While Franklin acknowledges that being together makes individuals more likely to succeed in the world, he is primarily referring to material success.

For women, Franklin suggests that their true worth can only shine in a marriage. Throughout his letter, Franklin continues to provide compelling reasons to persuade the recipient to consider marriage as the path to happiness and fulfillment.

Choosing Older Mistresses

Recognizing that his friend may be hesitant to commit to marriage, Franklin offers an alternative solution to satisfy his desires, suggesting that "you should prefer old women to young ones." He presents several reasons to support his case, emphasizing the advantages of older mistresses.

Franklin's first reason is that older women possess more knowledge of the world, and their minds are enriched with observations. Their conversation is not only more stimulating but also longer-lasting. Franklin alludes to the intelligence of older women, explaining that knowledge accumulates with age. They have experienced more love stories and adventures, which equips them with a better understanding of men's needs and desires.

Furthermore, Franklin contends that debates with older women are rich and interesting, as they draw from a wealth of experiences. Older women have lived longer and have valuable insights to share.

Franklin also argues that older women compensate for the diminution of their beauty with an augmentation of utility. As women age, they tend to focus less on their appearance and more on meaningful endeavors. This shift results in improved service and a more mature understanding of their roles in relationships.

Franklin even delves into the physical aspects of choosing an older mistress, asserting that "in every animal that walks upright, the deficiency of the fluids that fill the muscles appears first in the highest part." He suggests that physical appearance matters less with age, and the pleasures of corporal enjoyment with an older woman are at least equal, if not superior, to those with younger counterparts.

Additionally, Franklin highlights the advantage of not having to worry about the possibility of pregnancy when involved with an older woman. This reduces the risks associated with unintended pregnancies and simplifies the dynamics of the relationship.

Franklin concludes his argument in favor of older mistresses by emphasizing their discretion and prudence in conducting affairs, which contributes to a safer and more discreet relationship, preserving one's reputation.


In conclusion, Benjamin Franklin's letter to his friend offers valuable insights into the nature of marriage and relationships. He argues that marriage is not only a remedy for sexual desires but also the key to solid happiness. Franklin underscores the completeness and balance that marriage brings to one's life, both psychologically and socio-economically.

Furthermore, Franklin provides compelling reasons for choosing older mistresses, emphasizing their intelligence, life experiences, and their ability to offer fulfilling relationships. He assures his friend that physical pleasures can be equally satisfying with older partners and that the absence of pregnancy concerns adds to the advantages of such relationships.

While Franklin's advice may seem unconventional, it reflects his wisdom and pragmatism in addressing the complexities of human relationships. His letter serves as a timeless guide, offering a unique perspective on the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment through marriage and partnerships.

Updated: Nov 10, 2023
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The Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin on Marriage and Relationships essay
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