A Discussion on Whether Mobile Phones Help or Hinder the Learning Experience

The 21st century is the generation of technology. It is time when everybody in this world uses though a small piece of it. There are computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. and, approximately, all people in this world own a mobile phone at least. Using it every day, every hour, every minute became usual thing for everybody, especially for school-aged teenagers. It seems that mobile phones are turning into an addiction to young people. Which is why a lot of schools complain about this problem.

The purpose of this essay is to prove that phones hinder learning experience and social life of students.

First of all, mobile phones have a great influence on students' learning, motivation, productivity and collaboration. Smartphones have exactly the same apps and programs, which computers and laptops contain. That is why, it is convenient to children to bring them to school and use in a class. However, inappropriate using of this kind of technology in school may cause distractions, reduce productivity and inequality.

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For instance, teenagers from high-economy class could own better phones, while others from low one might not have an opportunity to buy expensive phone. This small problem can reduce inequality between peers.

Research shows that 40% of teens say they would not live without their phones and 46% mentioned that it is the key to their social lives (Jared Keengwe 2012). In addition parents claim their offspring to keep their smartphones with theirselves, for an emergency situation. If something happen to them, they will immediately call their parents.

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It is convenient for parents to control their children.

Nonetheless, keeping their phones all time could make this kind of issue called cyberbullying and sexting. Many students found that taking nude photo of their classmates is funny. They would take those shame photos and send them simultaneously to a lot of other students, which cause cyberbullying or spam. It was indicated in 2010, that incidents with cyberbullying and sexting led to teenagers to make suicides in US (Jared Keengwe 2012).

Young teachers think that digital technologies, especially phones, contain useful functions, such as camera, microphone and Internet. Those things are advantageous in language lessons, like English, German, etc. For example, students could record their selves and work on their pronunciation or search in the Internet for some interesting articles. But an alternative theory is that the same functions in the phones can cause a problem called cheating. Children may capture using camera the answers of exams and text to each other, plagiarize some information from the Internet and search for the answers of examination in the web. Which is why, their grades will not show their knowledge. In a contrary, they will indicate how teenagers can use their phones during the exam.

As a final point, this essay showed that mobile phones hinder learning experience in education. Despite the fact that this digital technology has a lot of benefits, such as usage of phones to learn language or useful applications and functions, which are helpful in the lessons, drawbacks outweigh advantages. Mobile phone is dangerous tool in a hand of teenager. Teens can use smartphones in an inappropriate way, like sexting, cyberbullying or cheating. That is why, banning of them in the schools will be best solution to students in their study and school life.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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A Discussion on Whether Mobile Phones Help or Hinder the Learning Experience. (2023, Apr 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-discussion-on-whether-mobile-phones-help-or-hinder-the-learning-experience-essay

A Discussion on Whether Mobile Phones Help or Hinder the Learning Experience essay
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