Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

The 21st century has seen the advent of amazing technological advances, one of which is of the mobile phone. Nowadays, a mobile phone consists of camera, MP3 player, alarm clock,…., or in another way, a mobile phone is a combination of more than 10 items of our daily lives. And so a mobile is a basic need and everybody has it. We can all see clearly the advantages of a mobile phone, but not everybody recognizes the down side of having one.

As mentioned and well – acknowledged by everyone, convenience is an advantage of mobile phone.

With a mobile phone, we are able to have instant contact with whomever we want, whenever we want, and also because it is a multi-functional device beside communication use, even more accurate for the new generations of smart phone. At present, a smart phone can access the internet using 3G or Wi-fi. Therefore, it is not just a phone, but a mini computer. Besides the obvious advantage, another comes to mind, and that is texting helping people to overcome shyness and awkwardness.

Being late for a meeting, apologizing, telling loved things to someone,… are all quite uncomfortable situations and speech can make things even worse.

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But text gets rid of those moments and replace it with a clean, logical and clear message. Furthermore, teenagers find mobile phones being an expression of their identity because they are beyond the control of parents. A mobile phone makes our lives quite easier, right? Not quite. As you can see, scientists have claimed that mobile phone produces a small amount of radiation waves, resulting to brain cancer, so long usage can be harmful to health.

And in terms of health, there have been a great deal of traffic accidents caused by texting and calling while driving.

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So firstly a mobile phone can affect our health and probably our lives. Secondly, mobile phones can be great distraction at work and school. The internet, the games on smart phones, the endless number of applications, those are temptations, creating lack of concentration for people working and studying, which is an activity being definitely less exciting by comparison. In addition, mobile phones are sometimes disturbance in our lives due to the wrong-number phone calls, draft messages, prank calls,…. .

These are very annoying and can lead to discomfort, especially if these are being made at night. Then there are environmental issues involved with mobile phone usages. According to a survey, people on average use their phone 11 to 18 months, a short period of time. And when those old phones become trash, and with the need of phones at present, which is a lot, it can lead to pollution due to hardware of mobile phones being hard to dispose of.

In conclusion, we use mobile phones on a daily basis for theirs obvious advantages, but we also need to be aware of the not so obvious or simply ignored disadvantages. On account of the mass demand of mobile phones, we need to know both sides of them in order to make the best out of a wonderful device.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones. (2016, May 31). Retrieved from

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones essay
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