Why Sports Should Be Made Compulsory in School?

Nowadays, sports are very important as education itself. Deputy Prime of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin suggested that the education policy need to be revised in order to give importance to sports. This is to ensure that the students are able to excel in academics as well as in sports. Unfortunately, most students care less toward sports which in turn will lead to the cause of indiscipline in school. Nonetheless, sports should be made compulsory in schools at all cost. First and foremost, sports can help to develop not just physically but mentally as well.

Sports consist of various types of vigorous activities ranging from the traditional like jogging to new modern favorites such as skateboarding. All of these activities are able to remove unwanted toxins from the body through increasing the circulation of blood, boosting metabolism and so on (Robert S. Griffin, 2010). With a healthy body, come with a healthy mind as well. When students engage in sports actively, they are able to develop a sense of increased alertness (Kyra Nova, 2008).

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This, in return can stimulate the brain and help students in their studies. Besides that, sports can cultivate the importance of cooperativeness among students. Nonis (2005) stated that children will be more ready when they learn the importance of cooperating with their friends. This can help to overcome their shyness and be extravert to their surrounding, which is essential for their future. Hence, in order to emphasize the importance of cooperativeness, students should be motivated to participate in team sports (Stern, Bradley, Prince & Stroh, 2003).

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Furthermore, having sports compulsory can increase the possibility of getting college sponsorship. It is very difficult for some students who come from the lower income families to continue their education due to low financial problem. However, students who participate in sports can give them a chance to further their studies through scholarships sponsored by few of well known college. Though, not every is into sports and not sports-minded (Robert S. Griffin, 2010). Nonetheless, sports are indeed, can help those who are needed to be able to afford their education. In a nutshell, sports should be made compulsory in school. Without sports, students will become unhealthy, introvert, individualistic and so on. In addition, discipline problems will arise among students when there is no focus on sports in school. Therefore, sports are necessary for development and the better future of student

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Why Sports Should Be Made Compulsory in School?. (2016, Apr 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-sports-should-be-made-compulsory-in-school-essay

Why Sports Should Be Made Compulsory in School? essay
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