Why Parenting Styles Matter When Raising Children?

Parenting styles are a good effective raising method and it is applied in most families. It affects children from positive and negative sides. According to the article, author thinks that Chinese parents have a better style. There has been increased interest and debate over the past decade about the critical importance and effect of different parenting styles on the academic performance of a child, self-confidence, emotional development, actions, and abilities to cope with the challenges of life.

In the "Why Are Chinese Mothers Superior" article? ' Amy Chua, published in the Wall Street Journal on January 8, 2011, is informative and insightful as it explores and discusses the cultural preferences of Eastern parents against Western ones.

It is the world's well-known article that sparked heated discussion across the world. Despite our squeamishness about cultural stereotypes, there are tons of studies out there that show marked and quantifiable differences when it comes to parenting between Chinese and Westerners. For instance, the fact is that Chinese parents can do things that seem unimaginable to Westerners even legally incapable of action Chinese mothers can say "Hey fatty lose some weight" to their daughters (Amy Chua, 2011).

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Western parents, on the other hand, have to tiptoe around the issue, talk about "health" and never mention the f-word, and their children still end up in eating disorders and negative self-image therapy. Nearly 70 percent of Western mothers in one survey of 50 Western American mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers said either that "stressing academic achievement is not good for children" or that "parents need to cultivate the idea that learning is enjoyable." On the other hand, about 0 percent of the parents in the East felt the same way.

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Instead, the vast majority of Chinese mothers said they believed that their children could be the best students, that academic achievement reflects successful parenting, and if children did not excel at school, this means that parents were not doing their job. It is known that the book is not called "Why Chinese mothers are superior". The Wall Street Journal made up that title for their article. Anyone who continues to use this title did not try to read the book.

Amy Chua mentions in this article that children raised by Chinese mothers often seem to be more successful in life than Western mothers raised. In this case, the author introduces that parent values are the main cause of the difference; whereby strict environment and strong children's education, adapted by Chinese parents, help to control children's progress. The author uses a case involving 50 Western mothers and 48 U.S.-based Chinese mothers. The results of the study showed that Chinese mothers believed that academic success is directly related to good parenting. Chua also notes that, unlike Western mothers who prefer sports, Chinese parents tend to give more time to educate their children. Even though Chua's article is more biased against the American people and receives many negative feedbacks, her strong arguments clearly define that the Chinese parenting style dwells on the western one.

An author, however, cannot claim that as a result of one parenting can be better than the other because each one has a positive impact on their children in some way (Hanah Chao, 2011). Consequently, in her argument, the author left this unaddressed. The article also places more than a necessary emphasis on Chinese as a single parenting group, recognizing other ethnicities such as Korean as Chinese people. That is why it makes this article more racist against the American people and thus promotes the definition of prejudice.

To sum up, the comparisons help the readers think about the good and bad aspects of these two parenting styles, and the best way for their children. Chua may or may not explain adequately why Chinese mothers are superior, but she conveys a unique, idea of parenting against the average Western parents. Using the rhetorical triangle and personal anecdotes thoroughly, Chua begins to use emotional appeals and provide convincing statistics and evidence. Eventually, she convinces readers that the "Chinese" style of parenting is the best way for kids to succeed in the future.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Why Parenting Styles Matter When Raising Children?. (2020, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-parenting-styles-matter-when-raising-children-essay

Why Parenting Styles Matter When Raising Children? essay
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