Why I want to study Business

Whilst studying in South Africa, I was given the opportunity to work with my father whilst he set up his business. This priceless experience gave me the opportunity to have an insight in a new career path, one that would empower me to make my own business, possibly commencing to a business plan which will help transform people's lives for the good. As a student, I was able to pick up the Afrikaans language adding to my fluency in Somali and English, this has allowed me to interact with both colleagues and customers to ensure that I was working at an optimum level.

I firmly believe that languages are a vital tool for the modern trader in a world-wide marketplace. This insightful experience has consolidated my curiosity for innovation and entrepreneurship thus, leading me to a career as an entrepreneur.

I believe that Business, Economics and Finance are all captivating subjects and my interest in the study of business has influenced me to research it further.

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With regards to Business, the reasoning behind my choice is the perplexing and captivating nature of the subject. I especially appreciate the way business so fittingly mixes in with regular issues. Since taking the subject at A-Level my enthusiasm has increased and matured and I am able to look at different firms systematically and make recommendations regarding possible enhancements. Both Economics and Finance has allowed me to enhance my practical and problem-solving skills which will help prove useful whilst studying Business.

I am currently in the process of developing a clothing line with my classmate, we believe that with courage, determination, creativity and team work we will be able to create a unique clothing line.

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Outside of my education I was elected school counsellor in year 9 and elected Head Boy in year 11. I understood that both these roles will require determination, communication, teamworking and also leadership skills which I believe I possess. Along this magnificent journey as both school counsellor and Head boy I was able to pick up some skills such as time management whilst prioritising my duty and school work.

I have also learned about the practical application of Business and Finance whilst on a paid Internship at Santander. My role was to work as a Customer Service Advisor, which has allowed me to develop many skills which will establish useful whilst working as an entrepreneur. Working with a team of five others has allowed me to advance my team working skills and communication skills which will allow me to communicate and cooperatively work with employees in the future. After the completion of my Internship, I had the opportunity to present my reflections regarding my experience and how what I learnt could be implemented in reality. I presented this in front of an audience at Santander's Headquarters; this allowed me to gain public speaking skills which could prove beneficial to presenting ideas in the Business course.

I was successfully chosen to take part in two competitive programmes; the Career Academy and Think investment 20/20. Both these programmes will allow me to have a further insight in the work life and will expand my business and finance knowledge. The career academy has increased my networking skills and has matched me with a mentor who works as a business director in the UK's second largest media company The Wavemaker. He has helped me by providing guidance and support in a number of ways and situations, including academically.

Studying Business as an undergraduate will equip me for a career path in entrepreneurship and will also help me to develop the tools to undertake postgraduate study and research. Upon graduation, I intend to undertake further studies in entrepreneurship, as I enjoy learning about this fascinating subject. I appreciate that this journey will not be easy as I will encounter lots of obstacles but nevertheless, I am positive that I will succeed as I open the doors my parents wish they had.

Updated: Dec 21, 2021
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Why I want to study Business. (2019, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-i-want-to-study-business-essay

Why I want to study Business essay
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