What life will be in 2050?

Categories: Change In Life

In 2050, our life will be a lot different from nowadays in many aspects. The environment, transportation, education and people’s lifestyles will also change to a new level. There are some reasons to be optimistic about life then. Along with development of scientific advances, people will have more means of transport. Solar- powered, wind- powered cars which are much more environment-friendly will be produced and used. Travelling to other planets will be more available for everyone.

In addition, everyone can afford to study in 2050. And with the help of technologies, we don’t need to go to school anymore.

Just stay at home and you can learn everything with online teachers. The schedule will be more optional for you to choose as long as it suits your time and your purposes. However, there also some reasons to worry about life in the year 2050. The more modern the technologies will be the much polluted environment we have.

As I suppose, the future environment will have much pollution.

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Nevertheless, future scientists will pay more attention to this aspect so I think it will be improved soon. Because of technologies, people will be much passive than at present.

There will be robots helping people in many aspects of their lives. People won’t need to do housework or cook for meals because robots do them all. Because we can study at home so people will use computers almost every day, which make they become much lazier and easier to be fat. There will have a lot of changes in our life in the next 37 years.

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Whether it a better or worse life depends on what we will do to it and how they can influence our life.

Example 2. Essay about life in 2050

The world in which I live in the year 2050 is only marginally different than the one we lived in fifty years ago. Communication technology at this point is really the only thing that has advanced in great leaps.

In 2050, there are no more wires used in communication. No phone lines, no cables. Everyone has a satellite transmitter in their homes that can be used to transmit live video/audio feeds to anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. This also means that the Internet is no longer dependant on modems, as we knew them at the turn of the century.

Video imagers that allow people to communicate while seeing who you are speeking to have replaced the phones of the twentieth century. All banking, shopping and personal business can now be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This is probably the single most amazing thing about this time. Companies like FedEx, and UPS have become shipping giants of this time, with millions of employees and tens of thousands of offices all over the world. These companies are what make living in 2050 so unique. With more people spending less time going out to shop, shipping companies like these are the only way millions of people can survive.

Back in the early 1980's, I remember watching a movie called Aliens. I remember this well because there was a scene in the movie when Ripley, the main character, used a card inserted into a videophone that allowed her to see who she was talking to. At the time I was amazed at the special effects in this movie. Now of course all we need do is to speak the name and city of the person we want to talk to so that the communication computer can hear it and we are connected instantly.

We no longer have to worry about garbled communications, or language barriers with the latest translator technology. Sure, the translators sound kind of boxy and computerize, but in time I think that even these bugs will be worked out. All in all, 2050 is an exciting time, and new things will be discovered every day. There is word that communication mega giant AT&T is developing a chip that can be implanted in the skull that would make videophones obsolete in a few years. They say that all you have to do is think about calling someone and, boom, you are connected. Well, I guess only time will tell. For sure, seventy years ago, these things were probably considered outlandish ideas, but amazingly, life seems to imitate Sci-Fi. I mean, look at what the old Star Trek series did for Cell Phones.

Updated: Jan 30, 2023
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What life will be in 2050?. (2016, May 31). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-life-will-be-in-2050-essay

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