What is the real relationship between food,fitness and weight?

Categories: FoodHumanRelationship

Every living being needs some essential elements to stay alive. Among those elements the priority of food it apex. We humans need food to stay alive, to keep us fit and to do our day to day activities without any delay and problems. Now the question comes that what are the real relationship between food, fitness and weight. The perfect answer to the question would be a relationship that has mutual dependency among each other. Food keep us fit, helps to maintain a steady weight but does so keeping a delicate balance.Food-Fitness Relationship: To understand the relationship between food and fitness we could date back to early human era.

Back then, human beings were hunter-gatherer and in order to keep them alive they had a never ending search and hunt for food, which meant they had to keep them fit, which again meant that they need to eat healthy. The balance was so delicate that if the relationship between food and fitness did not work out the penalty was death.

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Now in modern times such is not the case, now the relationship between the two is more of a mutual understanding like for like if you eat healthy you stay fit. Now the part of the challenge for humans is sticking to a healthy diet and having a victory over diseases like blood sugar, heart disease, obesity, diabetes etc. The drama is such that in order to have a sustained energy level throughout the day and to have a greater mental clarity, we need to control the food we eat and avoid stuffs that contain high sugar.

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In order to improve our mood we need to stop consuming caffeine (the stuff found in coffee and tea). For having to live a better lifestyle we also need to have a daily routine of exercise even if it is small. The benefits of all this is ever lasting and research show that persons having a healthy diet are found to be more fit and have a greater life expectancy. Food-Weight Relationship: According to World Health Organization (WHO) about 650-670 million peoples were obese in the year 2016. This leads to another fact that around 35-40 % of adults over the age of 18 were either overweight or obese. The number has doubled since the early 1970s and is projected to increase in the coming decade. Such is the case that more peoples are dying of overweight than underweight. So it is very clear that the balance of food and weight is very delicate. We should help ourselves and the community to eat healthy for a proper and steady weight gain because the fundamental causes of obesity are eating energy dense foods that are high in fat and not following a regular routine of exercise. We don't need rocket science to understand the more calories we eat and drink the more impact it has on our weight. Consume more and burn less, weight goes up. Consume less and burn more, our health is impacted. There are some specific type of food that helps us keep healthy like eating a meaningful amount of carbs and citrus fruits, having a small quantity of nuts and drinking a healthy dose of milk and milk related dairy products and drinking sufficient quantity of water. Avoiding stuffs like sugared beverages, carbonated drinks, alcohols have a positive impact on us for a long run.Weight-Fitness Relationship: Eating healthy and doing exercise regularly helps us keep fit. Eating right amount and right diet helps us maintain our weight, so it is very clear to say that weight and fitness are in a symbiotic relationship. One effects other. Accordingly there is an instrument called a BMI (Body Mass Index) that helps us in tracking the measures of body fat in humans. It is one way to see if a person is in a healthy weight. If BMI is below 18.5 the person is underweight. If BMI is between 18.5 till 24.9 the person is healthy and if BMI is over 30 the person is overweight. BMI is a very important tool for persons like athletes, film stars, adventure seekers etc. as they really need to have a perfect balance between weight and fitness. Fitness and Weight are so important that un-healthy people that are either overweight or underweight tend to have a 20-30% less life span. Committing to a healthy lifestyle should be of utmost importance for us as an individual. The benefits won't happen overnight but over a period of time the advantages will be overwhelming. So it is clear to say that fitness effects weight and weight effects fitness. In the end it is very clear, that food-fitness-weight are dependent on each other on such an extent that if any one of the three lags behind or moves away from the course it drags the other two with it. We need to know that in modern times it is very easy to eat unhealthy which in turn leans to staying unfit and leads to obesity; but it is also not very hard to eat healthy by including organic diets and avoiding unnecessary stuffs, doing a bit of exercise regularly in order to stay fit and avoiding unwanted stuffs like trans-fats rich foods found especially on junk foods to keep a balanced weight. If one succeeds to keep the delicate balance between food, fitness and weight in right order he is found to live a long, happy and cheerful life. What's more than living a life with good health? There should be no doubt now why it is said that food keep us fit, helps to maintain a steady weight but does so keeping a delicate balance.

Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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What is the real relationship between food,fitness and weight?. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-is-the-real-relationship-between-foodfitness-and-weight-essay

What is the real relationship between food,fitness and weight? essay
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