Walter Cunningham: A Portrait of Integrity in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Categories: To Kill A Mockingbird

Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" unfolds within the backdrop of racial tension, moral dilemmas, and societal injustice in the American South. Amidst the intricacies of its narrative, a character who epitomizes the values of humility, integrity, and the struggle for moral rectitude emerges: Walter Cunningham. Although Walter's role may initially seem minor, his presence serves as a compelling exploration of character and virtue in the face of adversity.

Walter Cunningham hails from a humble, hardworking family in Maycomb County, one of the poorest in the town.

His family's financial struggles are emblematic of the economic disparities prevalent in the Jim Crow South. The Cunninghams are so destitute that they cannot afford to pay back small loans, even to the school. This backdrop of poverty and hardship sets the stage for Walter's character development and the moral choices he faces.

One of the first instances in which Walter Cunningham comes to the forefront of the narrative is during Scout's first day of school.

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On that fateful day, the young Walter is subjected to humiliation by the teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, when he is unable to pay for lunch. Calpurnia, the Finch family's housekeeper, invites Walter to the Finch home for lunch. This simple act of kindness illustrates the stark difference in socio-economic status between the Cunninghams and the more affluent families of Maycomb. Despite their financial struggles, the Cunninghams maintain their dignity and pride.

Walter's character also exemplifies the values of honesty and integrity. During a visit to the Finch household, Walter joins Atticus and Scout for dinner.

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As the meal progresses, he is offered molasses to pour over his food, and to Scout's surprise, he pours it generously over his plate. Calpurnia intervenes to educate Scout on Walter's circumstances, explaining that he may not have seen molasses in a long time. This encounter serves as a lesson in empathy, highlighting the importance of understanding the circumstances of others before passing judgment.

Furthermore, Walter Cunningham plays a pivotal role in the trial of Tom Robinson, the black man wrongly accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch, Tom's defense attorney, calls Walter to the witness stand. It is during this moment that Walter's integrity shines brightly. Despite intense pressure from the prosecution, Walter refuses to lie about his own father, Mr. Cunningham. When Atticus addresses him as "Mr. Cunningham," acknowledging his dignity and worth as a human being, it is a moment of profound significance. Walter's refusal to perjure himself underscores his commitment to truth and honor, even in the face of community pressure to convict an innocent man.

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Walter Cunningham serves as a stark contrast to the overt racism and moral hypocrisy that pervade Maycomb. His character embodies the idea that true goodness and decency can be found in the most unlikely places. Despite his family's poverty and the harsh socio-economic divisions of the time, Walter remains steadfast in his principles and integrity.

The portrayal of Walter Cunningham in "To Kill a Mockingbird" reminds readers that virtue and morality can transcend social status and external circumstances. In a town where prejudice and injustice are deeply ingrained, Walter's character stands as a testament to the enduring human capacity for empathy, honesty, and compassion. His humble presence in the novel serves as a reminder that it is not wealth or social standing that defines a person's worth, but the content of their character and the choices they make in the face of adversity.

Updated: Oct 10, 2023
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Walter Cunningham: A Portrait of Integrity in "To Kill a Mockingbird". (2023, Oct 10). Retrieved from

Walter Cunningham: A Portrait of Integrity in "To Kill a Mockingbird" essay
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