Visual Art Analysis

Categories: Art

Visual Art Analysis University of Phoenix Stacey Pierce July 19, 2010 "Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a second before waking up" By Salvador Dali, 1994, 51? 40. 5 cm, oil on canvas Thyssen-bornemisza collection. “A typical dream with a long theme, the consequences of a sudden accident that causes the awakening” –Salvador Dali. The Style the artist has used is Surrealism. , Salvador created this piece in such a way that the picture looks exaggerated and real. The painting shows highlights, shadows and shapes of a realistic pieces, and shows intently exaggerated color.

The Title of the piece tells the viewer that this painting is based about a dream and then its dramatic awakening, which obviously shows through the painting as there are main focal points that put line this “dream” which concludes to the title.

This art work was painted using oils on canvas using a brush. The texture is smooth and the shadow and highlights are immaculate. (Otero, 2010) This art work does not have a political view, but rather gives the viewer the perception of what the painting is through the title of the painting.

Salvador uses symbols in the piece to represent the intentional focus of the dream, the symbols being the little pomegranate, the gun, the tigers, the fish and the big pomegranate.

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This art work shows brilliant and vibrant colours. Some colors being exaggerated to the fact that the color being used in the piece is not entirely true, for example, true colors of the tigers are done in a vibrant yellow which are false from the color of real tigers.

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The colors that Salvador uses give the piece depth, the colors used, gives way to the main focal points.

These focal points are brightened, drawing the viewer's attention toward the focal points and then toward the rest of the painting. Oranges, yellows, blues and grays are harmonious in nature. This creates a sense of rhythm as these colors often follow in the groups of warm and cool colors. The warm colors create the main focal point of the picture. Light is used through the elephant; the elephant is the lightest object in the painting. This could perhaps symbolize purity and goodness, showing that the elephant is the opposite of the tigers and gun.

Lights are also used through out the painting itself as the colors are light shades. In this circumstance, this could represent the “new morning” or the “awakening of the dream”. Light creates the movement in this piece; it makes the picture flow evenly. The light also creates a sense of depth because of the highlights and shadows. The artist uses space well. The painting draws attention to the focal points by subtle detail in the background, such as the floating island and the rock coming out of the water.

This in its own way creates balance and space in the picture making things extremely even which compliments the color. To add to this balance the artist used natural three dimensional shapes which add a realistic feel to the painting. Line is used to create a sense of movement. Line also creates depth into this piece. It is line that creates visual using the horizon and the line of objects. The elephant’s legs are also a form of line which drags the viewer’s attention down to the main focal point.

The artist uses very soft thin lines. These lines create the depth in the detail of the art work. An example of this would be the big pomegranate and the floating island. Shape also plays a role in this art piece. Salvador uses a natural shape in his objects giving the surreal painting a realistic depth that suits the theme. He uses smooth curved lines in his shapes that are often accented with color. An example of this would be the water droplets just above the slab of rock.

This piece does not show geometric shape in a full range however, it does contain a few; one being the moon that is not completely visible but creates and gives the painting a solid and heavy feel in that area which thus balances out the detail in the pomegranate. The main focal point of the painting is what draws the attention of the viewer. The main focal point being the woman, the gun, the tigers, the fish and of course, the pomegranate. It draws my attention to the painting because of the bright warm colors used, because they are centered in the middle of the painting and because it is a bright and interesting painting to view.

With the whole surrealism of the gun coming from a tiger then another tiger, and so on. It is surreal to me that everything can come from the pomegranate. I wonder where Salvador Dali got the idea to paint this. When viewing this painting, my imagination runs wild with anticipation. What will happen next when the woman wakes up? What are the scenarios going to be? Is the dream going to disappear when the woman wakes up, or will the dream become reality? This piece is not emotional.

This piece raises many questions; I continue to wonder how it began and how will it finish. The painting did provide clues as to the beginning and the finish. It begins from the small pomegranate and finishes at the gun, or the “awakening”. (Dali, 1949) References Otero, Anna (2010), Center for Dalinian Studies, retrieved on July 19, 2010 from http://www. salvador-dali. org/media/upload//pdf//TigresENG16Feb2010_noticies_en_home_119. pdf Dali, Ana Maria (1949), Salvador Dali, Biography, retrieved on July 19, 2010, from www. leninimports. com/salvador_dali_bio. html

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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